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Oct 19, 1963.

Dearest Mom & Uncle,

How was your trip back? I received your post card a few days ago. Hope you had a safe trip. How long did you stop in Hawaii and Tokyo? Did you have fun in Honolulu? How's Hong Kong & the water situation? How's everyone? I hope Grandpa is fine. Is Ah Chai all right? Have you seen the dogs? Give my love to all our relatives & friends. In case you see Priscilla tell her to write, and same for my other friends.

I miss you folks very much. Hope all's well at home. Have you been playing very much golf? Is it still hot in H.K.? Take care. 

Today's Saturday and I'm at Berkeley, Ivy's friend's house now. Ivy, I, & Maddie are staying at Margaret Wu's for the weekend. We gave Maddie, Ivy's sister, a surprise party last night. We had a lot of fun. There were about 20 people & we all (including Ivy's mother) went to playland afterwards. Didn't get back until 1 a.m. Did some homework afterwards. Finally went to bed at 3. 

We're having lunch now so I've to stop. Remember to send the [[strikethrough]] drief [[strikethrough]] dried beef packs & my clothes.