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Feb. 10, 1962.
Dearest Mom & Uncle,
It was so nice to hear your voices again. You don't know how excited I was when one of the girls told me I had a long distance call from [[strikethrough]] yo [[/strikethrough]] Hong Kong. I knew 
[[strikethrough]] unn [[/strikethrough]] immediately that it was you. 
My cough is gone now. Sister gave me some Vicks' cough syrup which was good. I mean it did a lot of good for me. Please don't worry about me. Sister took very good care of me when I was sick.
Sister Marion was very happy when she heard that you were coming over. She knows that I miss you. 
I'm so glad that you enjoyed Mr. & Mrs. Crawford's company. I met Mrs. Crawford on the day she left. She came to the school to pick up Cindy. She asked me to go to the pier to see her off but unfortunately, I didn't have time. By the way, Mrs. Ca Young wrote. Her address is :
- Mrs. Ca Young
1220 C Hoover St,
Menlo Parks
Calif. , U.S.A 
She is Mrs. Crawford's mother.
She said that she talked to a lady who handles most of the [[strikethrough]] apartments [[/strikethrough]] rentals for Belmont and the lady said there would be no problems. The company with whom the lady works would get an apartment for you. Mrs. Young suggested that you should 
write to the lady. Her address is :- 
This is the address of the
lady who handles the 
rentals     -------> [[pointing at name and address below]]
Marquerite Lye,
Portano Realty,
1056 El Camino
Belmont, Calif.

The plan for you is wonderful. I shall be able to see you every weekend then.
Remember when you were here I asked you to take a dress back to Hong Kong to alter? It's the white sheath. Is it ready now? Please bring it with you when you come. I don't

Transcription Notes:
Was not sure how to incorporate the part where the second address was listed with a side note and arrow.