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As passed by Board of Directors June, 1946

Preliminary Basic Budget

For "Relief Wings"

One Foreign Airplane Operation in China

|Airplane purchase (Used Beechcraft)||$7,000||   |
|Testing in the United States||1,000||   |
|Crating and Freighting||5,000||   |
|Gas - 360 hrs. x $1 x (220 H.P. x .05 - 11 gals/hr.-3600 gals.)||3,600||   |
|Oil $2 gal. x 360 hrs. x||400||   |
|Maintenance Overhauls||500||   |
|Contigencies||1,000||   |
|Pilot Salary||3,600||   |
|Mechanic Salary||2,400||   |
|Pilot, Mechanic and Field Operator Transportation Round Trip $500 one way||3,000||   |
|Maps, Visaes||100||   |
|Cables||200||   |
|Telephone, Stamps, etc, in China $50 month||600||$30,800|

United States General Overhead

|Book-keeper-Stenographer - $80 x 12||960||   ||   |
|Office Rental $40 x 12 (and electricity)||500||   ||   |
|Telephone $25.x 12||300||   ||   |
|Stamps||200||   ||   |
|Stationary||50||   ||   |
|Printing||60||2,070||   |
|Organization Expenses ;||   ||   ||   |
|Furniture||300||   ||   |
|Incorporation||200||   ||   |
|Salary & Stenog, Tel. & Stamps - 5 months||2,000||2,500||   |
|Ruth Nichols - Salary||   ||5,200||   |
|Publicity Director of Fund Raising Organization||   ||5,000||   |
|Airplane Purchase||   ||7,000||   |
|Airplane Operation||   ||3,200||   |
|Airplane Insurance||   ||1,500||   |
|Airplane Testing||   ||300||$57,570|

European Airplane Operations
|Purchase of 2 airplanes||$17,155||   ||   |
|Operation & Foreign Adm. Costs for 2 units||26.300||   ||   |
|   ||   ||$43,455.||   |
|4 air relief units using medium to small single motored used planes||   ||   ||100,000.|
|4 air relief units using 3 used but specially equipped multi-motred airplanes & 1 single motored for a total of $80,000 - oper. costs approx. $63,000 - U. S. gen. overhead including domestic relief division with similar twin-motored airplane usage - $57,000.||   ||   ||$200,000.|