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To Miss Lee Ya Ching   
From [[blank line]]                  
Date [[blank line]] 
Subject Immediate Events (Continued)


Monday August 17 12:30 Noon- Be the main Speaker for the LUNCHEON of the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs at PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS at Plymouth Rock House. This meeting will open the UCR Drive in Plymouth. The contact is Mr. G. V. Buttner, Buttner Company, Plymouth. This is in the territory of Mr. Cornelius Baker. This will be an important meeting.

I have wired Mr. Buttner thus, "Lee Yaching arriving Plymouth ten-forty Monday morning. Can meet ladies in afternoon. Leaving Plymouth Tuesday morning seven thirty-five."

The train times from Boston are:

Leave Boston [[strikethrough]] North Station [[/strikethrough]] by New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad 9:30 A.M. Arrive Plymouth, Massachusetts 10:40 A.M.

Note: Please check in Boston which station this train Leaves from. I think it is South Station.

Leaving Plymouth, you can leave at 7:35 A.M.
Arrive Boston 8:48 A.M. South Station.
Leave Boston 9:40 A.M. North Station
Arrive Portland 11:45 A.M. This is by the Boston and Maine Railroad.

(I know that you have these time-tables but just put this down on the same paper as the other items.)

Will it be convenient for you to pay this fare as you go and then turn in your expense account? If not let me know early so I can get an advance for you here.