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[[underline]] UNITED CHINA RELIEF - OFFICE MEMORANDUM  [[underline]]

To   Miss Lee Ya-ching  Date  September 10, 1943
From Edward M. Ballin
Subject:  Taunton, Mass.

Here are the tickets for the Taunton trip.  You will take the New Haven train leaving Grand Central Station at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 14th, arriving in Providence, Rhode Island, at 1:47 p.m.  You have seat 26 in Car 29.  Mr. Baker will meet you at this train and drive you to Taunton for the afternoon meeting.  Coming back you will take the train leaving Providence at 1:05 a.m., arriving at Pennsylvania Station in New York at 5:40 in the morning.  It will be necessary for you to get off the train upon arrival as it does not remain in the station but goes on to Washington.  You have Lower 10 in Car 179.

In the afternoon there will be a meeting of the Taunton Women's Club at which they expect 500 women.  This will be held at the U.S.O. Hall.  They ask for a talk of 45 minutes, but you can use your own judgment on this and also on the subject of your talk.  In the evening you will speak at a dinner meeting sponsored jointly by the 5 service clubs in Taunton.  They expect about 200 to be present.  You can give the same speech here as you will have given in the afternoon.  Since this is being put on by the United War and Community Chest, I think they would like you to tell something about China's relationship with the rest of the United Nations in the war and in the peace.  There will be no solicitation of funds at the afternoon meeting.  

Mr. Baker will arrange to have you driven to Providence in time to catch the 1:05 a.m. train after the evening meeting. 

Mr. G. Cornelius Baker
United War and Community Chest of Taunton
24 Crocker Building
Taunton Massachusetts

Telephone:  TAUNTON 405      



Miss Lee Ya-ching