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August 28, 1941.
Mr. C. Chia–I Cheng,
c/o United China Relief,
1790 Broadway,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:

The plans that we have for Miss Lee Ya-ching at the present time is to have her come to Hamilton, Ontario to the Cub Aircraft Incorporation. The General Manager is making it possible for us to have a Piper Cub which will be flown to Toronto with the Good-Will Tour of some forty other American Flyers.

It is proposed that the Friends of China tie in with the proposed flight which will be flown to Toronto on September 11th. We are raising funds by raffling this Light Type of Plane. Other sources will be tapped by various means, one sufficient interest has been arroused by the publicity in the need forfunds to aid China in her effort.

It is proposed that Toronto be used a s the key city in which a plan of publicity be put in operation which could later be followed by other cities with any necessary changes or adaptations to local conditions.

(a) A letter from the Premier of this Province, Mr. Hepburn, will be extended to all American Light Type Owners to participate in the Mass Flight to Toronto Island Airport to add Chinese Relief Fund.

(b) Invitations to leading citizens to attend the Reception Banquet on September 11th will be extended. Guest Flyers to be present. Speeches by prominent men on the aims and needs for China. The meeting will also be attended by his worship the Mayor. 

(c) Chinese Pageant at Sunnyside Amusement Park at the Lake Front in which a Chinese Program of Entertainment will be put on. Sale of Draw tickets and other money raising schemes to be developed at this time.

1. Continued publicity until the final plans are completed.
2. Folder answering the question "Why Should I Donate Money to Help China's War Effort?
3. Co–operation by all Chinese Business people in distribution literature and sale of tickets.
4. Co–operation of churches with Chinese Mission Societies for the same purpose.