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Having such an experience of yours dramatized on a network radio program reaching so many thousands of listeners will, I am sure, react to your benefit and that of the cause for which you are working. It is the most valuable kind of publicity obtainable, since it holds a person's interest far more than just a speech. It will create tremendous interest in you personally as well as the Chinese Red Cross. 

Will you please also let me know where I may reach you by letter in New York?
With appreciation for the cooperation you have shown thus far, and looking forwards to a happy completion of the appearance of the program, I am,

very sincerely,

Kay Proctor
Kay Proctor
Acting for the Gardner Adv. Co.

P.S. It is necessary that the agency have the material for the program at least three weeks in advance. It is also necessary that they have at least that much time in scheduling your appearance.