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San Francisco Bay Exposition, A California Non Profit Corporation, Sponsor for
Golden Gate International Exposition
1939 A Pageant of The Pacific 1939
Executive Offices
Five eighty-five Bush Street - Telephone GArfield 6900
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
2383 Virginia Street, Berkeley, California, January 21, 1939

Miss Lee Ya-Ching,
8170 Laurel View Drive, 
Hollywood, California.

My dear Ya-Ching:

I have your nice letter of the 12th and I am happy to know that you have done so well in the South.

In respect to the letters you wish me to send to the China Emergency Civilian Relief, I suggest that when you are ready that you send Mr. Burgess and Col. Roosevelt a night-letter telegram over my name, stating time of your arrival and the need for newspaper publicity. If you wish you can also refer to my last letter in this wise:

"As mentioned in my last letter to you, Miss Lee Ya-Ching, China's foremost aviatrix and refugee relief worker is flying to your city by airplane arriving ____ at ____ o'clock. Please see that the newspapers are notified of her arrival so that she many receive satisfactory publicity for her refugee relief project. She will call on you shortly after her arrival. Anything you can do for her will be sincerely appreciated. Best regards. 
Pardee Lowe"

You might also mention in the telegram that you are travelling with Miss Jacqueline Cochran. It will unquestionable increase the publicity value.

Your book on aviation interests me tremendously. And I await with eagerness the arrival of your outline so that I may learn what you are doing and have already done. 

I wish that circumstances permitted me to accept your kind offer to serve as your manager. Nothing would give me more pleasure and be of greater service to China. However, I have an interesting job already and I must also support my family. In case, something did come up to make it possible for me to accept your offer, I will wire you immediately. It will be advisable therefore for you to keep in constant communication with me.

The maps are not yet finished but we are hurrying along. If we get the four big ones finished before the Fair we will be doing well. At present we are working day and night. I showed Miguel and Rosa your letter and they enjoyed it tremendously. They send their love--and so do I. I don't know whether they will go to Hawaii after all. It looks like Mexico after they pay a flying visit to New York. I suspect in that event that they will see you. 
As ever,