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February 10, 1943

Mrs. Allan Forbes
70 Beacon Street
Boston Massachusetts

My dear Mrs. Forbes: 
[(?)] personal note of February 5th.

I regret to inform you that Miss Lee will be unable to accept your kind invitation for her [(?)] at your home on the night of the fifteenth.  She has an important appearance to make in New York City that night with Dr. McConaughy, President of United China Relief, and she will be leaving here on the 12:30 midnight train, arriving in Boston at 6:15 on the morning of the sixteenth.  we have been informed that this train remains in the South Station until 8:30 a. m., and Miss Lee will stay on the sleeper until that time.

Miss Lee will be staying in Boston overnight on February 16th, and if your invitation extends to that night she would certainly be delighted to stay at your home then.  In any event, Miss Lee is looking forward with much pleasure to see you and Mr. Forbes again.

Best wishes for a most successful affair on February 16th.  If there is anything further that I can do to assist you, please call upon me.

Very sincerely,

Elizabeth Jorzick
Speakers Bureau