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JOHN N. WHEELER, President
HENRY M. SNEVILY, General Manager

North American Newspaper Alliance, Inc.
247 West 43rd Street
New York 18, N. Y.

Nanewsal {New York   London

CHickering 4-1691

February 7, 1945

Dear Miss Lee,
So far, the marriage story which used your quotations and name has appeared in the following papers:
Toledo, Ohio, Sunday Times--Feb. 4, 1945--p.5
Louisville, Ky., Times--Tues., Jan 30, 1945--p.10
Philadelphia, Pa., Evening Bulletin--Tues., Jan. 30, 1945--
Youngstown, Ohio, Vindicator--Sat., Jan. 27, 1945
Scanton, Pa., Times--Mon., Jan. 29, 1945

This list may help you although I believe you said you subscribed to a clipping service. 

Very truly yours, 
Florence Feiler 
(Miss) Florence Feiler