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March 29th, 1939

Dear Miss Crane:

  I wrote Mr. Boyden yesterday both complimenting him on the catalogue and, at the same time, calling his attention to the fact that certain of the reproductions were not properly lined up. However, I meant this as constructive criticism for the future.

  At the same time, I forwarded him the additional list of patrons to be printed and inserted loosely in the catalogue, as well as copy from the Public Education Association relative to their organization, likewise to be printed on a supplementary sheet and inserted loosely in the catalogue. I have asked him to proof-read up there so as to save time and send the finished work down to me as soon as possible.

  Regarding the bill for the work that you have done for us, I want this broken down in the following fashion:

2000 invitations and envelopes
2600 invitations
2500 envelopes
 100 additional envelopes and invitations

1000 preview cards
 100 additional preview cards

1200 catalogues
     stock, press work and composition
1200 additional patrons list

1500 Public Education Association forms

  I would ask you to please bear in mind that the last estimate we got from you was based on a figure of 48 pages of text, and in reality the final catalogue contains 36 pages of text and, therefore, would ask you to please make us the proper allowance for this.
