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December 2nd, 1939

My dear Mr. Edwards:

When I had the pleasure of seeing you in New York, you were kind enough to tell me how much you liked our Renoir, "Apple Seller". You also told me that when both you Mr. Siple liked a picture, it was, generally, as good as acquired by the Museum.

Not having heard from Mr. Siple since then, I took the liberty of writing him a little note today, copy of which I am sending you herewith.

I should very much appreciate it if you would be good enough to advise me in this matter, and I do not hesitate to write you as your attitude towards me has been so very kind and friendly.

Thanking you for your interest,
Believe me to be
Sincerely yours,
(René Seligmann)

E.W. Edwards, Esq.
Fourth and Walnut Streets
Cincinnati, Ohio