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October 20th, 1938

My dear Mr. Edwards:

Upon my return to Paris from the 14th of July week-end, I tried to get in touch with you but, unfortunately, you had just left. I had been detained two days by an accident to my car, and I am very disappointed not to have had the chance to see you or speak to you again after your visit to our galleries in Paris.

I will be in New York for the winter and as I trust that you are coming to New York from time to time, I am looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you again here.

Do drop me a line to let me know when you are coming, and should I go to Cincinnati, I will, of course, not fail to let you know. There is a possibility of my going there later in the winter.

Hoping these lines find you in good health,

Kindly believe me

Sincerely yours,

(René Seligmann)

E. W. Edwards, Esq.
2567 Observatory Road
Cincinnati, Ohio


I believe Theodore Rousseau is a friend of yours. I saw him the day before I sailed & he was fine.

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