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February 5th 1923
Mrs. Sidney Ehrman,
2970 Broadway
San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Mrs. Ehrman,-
For a time I had the hope that, before sailing back to France, I would be able to go to San Francisco. Unfortunately, it has not been possible as I have been kept busy in New York and I will be sailing in a short time without having fulfilled this desire.
I am eagerly looking forward to seeing you in Paris very soon as really, as I told you before, you seem to have a great liking and understanding of works of art.
I have just heard from our place in Paris that they have purchased some ve very interesting Gothic pieces; among them are several beautiful Gothic tapestries and, if by the time you come to Paris you have not bought the things you were looking for, which I hope, and if the tapestries are still in our stock, I may be able to tempt you, the more so that lately we have been able to buy directly in private families at very low prices.
May I insist again upon our address in Paris, Ancien Palais Sagan, 57 rue Saint-Dominique, as there are other firms by the same name with which we are not connected.
Will you kindly remember me to Mr. Ehrman, and believe me, 
Yours sincerely,