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December 4th., 1924.
Mrs. Sidney Ehrman,
2970 Broadway.
San Fransisco. California.
Dear Mrs. Ehrman:

It was a great disappointment indeed, not to have seen you in Paris this summer. Most probably you have spent this year in California and did not come over to Europe. I hope that you and all your dear ones are enjoying good health. 

I have just arrived in New York to spend a few weeks, as usual. Upon my arrival here I am glad to say that I have found conditions extremely different from last year. People are a great deal more cheerful and hopeful, and willing to spend money for fine things, and I am wondering whether it will be my pleasure of seeing you soon in New York, with Mr. Ehrman.

You will be surprised and interested also, to hear how very hard and difficult it has become to find first quality works of art of the early period, and, of course, in rather good condition. We have had almost no auctions in Paris, and also very few in London. One of them in Paris was the sale of the Testard collection. Mr. Testard, who died some time ago was an old Parisian collector and owned some very fine Italian Majolecas that brought high prices. I was fortunate enough to secure several of them, which, in the meantime, I have sold again.

I would so much like to go to San Francisco and take advantage of that trip to call on you, but this journey that I have been planning to take for the past three years, I believe I will have to postpone again, as the purchasing end is the important part of our business, and, therefore I must return to Paris probably some time in January.