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November 2nd., 1925.

Mrs. Sidney Ehrman,
2970 Broadway,
San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Mrs. Ehrman:

I have often thought of you and Mr. Ehrman and suppose you did not come over to Europe since the day I had the pleasure of seeing you over there.

I cannot tell you how anxious I am to be able to do what I hope may be possible in the very near future - to see your marvelous tapestry in place, in your home, and I suppose you are still as fond of it as ever.

I have just arrived in this country and will be here until the early part of December, when I will have to go back to Paris for some important business. Later on, in February, or March, I would like to return and take a trip to California and be able to see you there.

In any case, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you and Mr. Ehrman, and if you could send me a little note telling me that you are both enjoying good health, I would be very much obliged to you.

Asking you to kindly remember me to Mr. Ehrman,

Believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,