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Dear Mr. Erikson,

       Studying the primitive paintings, I came across an interesting item which I thought you would like to own. In the book by Salomon Reinach "Rèpertoire de Peintures", I find a reproduction and description of your large primitive painting, "The Legion of St. Augustine", which I sold you a number of years ago while I was associated with the Bachstitz Galleries.

       I thought you would like to possess a copy of this book for your library and permit me to present the enclosed to you with my best compliments.

       I am sincerely sorry not having had an opportunity of seeing you at all this Winter. I am leaving on Friday next for Europe.

       I hope you and Mrs. Erikson will have a very pleasant and agreeable Summer, and believe me to be, dear Mr. Erikson, with my kindest regards to you both,

                                        Yours faithfully,

                                        (R. H. Waegen)

A. W. Erikson, Esq.,
110 East 35th Street,
New York City.

April 26th, 1930.