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March 11th, 1938

Dear Mrs. Erickson:

The purpose of these lines is to inform you of a very important loan exhibition of the works of Sir Henry Raeburn which we are organizing here in the galleries from March 28th to April 16th for the benefit of the ADOPT A FAMILY COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE POOR, of which you will find some of the sponsors on the attached sheet.

In this connection, we are writing to you on behalf of the Committee of this worthy charity to ask if you will not consider lending us your Raeburn portrait.

The exhibition promises to be one of the outstanding events of the season, as we have already been assured of some very important paintings from different parts of the country, and feel that your Raeburn would form a distinguished addition to the ensemble. If you so desired, we would exhibit your picture anonymously, as some of the lenders prefer this.

It is planned to charge an admission to the public during the exhibition, all proceeds to go to the A. I. C. P. and further, in view of the charitable nature of this enterprise, we are asking the lenders to kindly insure their own pictures, both in transit and while on exhibit here in the galleries. In many cases this is no extra burden, as the owners already have all risk policies which would automatically cover their pictures under these conditions. I would ask you to be kind enough to confirm this to me in writing, and at the same time, I am enclosing herewith a blank for cataloging and other purposes. I should be duly grateful if you would fill this out and return it to me at your earliest convenience, together with two (2) good, glossy prints of your painting to be used for the catalogue and publicity purposes.

We should like to have all the paintings here in the galleries by March 22nd, so as to allow ample time for hanging and arranging the exhibition.

I do hope that we may look forward to the pleasure of a favorable reply, and thanking you in advance for your kind consideration and generosity in this matter,

Believe me to be

Yours very sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

Mrs. A. W. Erickson
110 East 35th Street
New York, New York