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John L. Anderson · 285 Madison Avenue · New York City · New York

                                           March 21, 1938

Mr. René Seligmann,
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.,
3 East 51 Street,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Seligmann:
Mrs. Erickson, who is spending the winter in Arizona, has sent me your letter to her dated March 11th in which you request the loan of the Raeburn portrait which is in her collection.

Unfortunately Mrs. Erickson's pictures are tied up in Mr. Erickson's Estate and for that reason she is not in a position to lend them for exhibitions.

She has asked me to tell you that she is sorry she is unable to comply with your request.

Sincerely yours,
[[signature]] John L. Anderson [[\signature]]