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Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft - Unione di Banche Svizzere - Union Bank of Switzerland

Aadorf, Aarau, Ascona, Baden, Bâle, Berne, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chiasso, Couvet, Flawil, Fleurier, Frauenfeld, Genève, Lausanne, Lichtensteig, Liestal
Locarno, Lucerne, Lugano, Montreux, Rapperswil, Rorschach, Römerhof-Zurich 7, Rüti (Zurich), St-Gall, Vevey, Wil, Winterthur, Wohlen, Zurich

Rudolf J. Ernst, Manager

           Mr. Germain Seligman
           Jacques Seligmann & Co.,Inc.
           5 East 57th Street
           New York 22

Basle, April 22nd, 1947

Dear Germain, 
          Your recent letter gave me great pleasure and I thank you for the interesting and delightful news about you and your wife. I am pleased to hear that you both expect to come to Switzerland and stay for a visit of a few weeks in this country. 

           You have asked me for information about hotels and the appropriate ressorts where you would find heat and water and mountains, elements which are abundantly available but not exactly all together. There are three choices:

  a) the hot lake ressorts in Southern Switzerland or on 
     the lake of Geneva, 

  b) the mountain ressorts: 
         Zermatt, Mürren, St. Moritz, Arosa, 

  c) intermediate mountain ressorts:
         Klosters, Villars, Crans/Montana (Golf), Flims. 

I would suggest that you stay first at Locarno/Ascona or Montreux from where you could make numerous excursions to the nearby mountains by rail or car and at the same time enjoy the beaches and the sun. Before leaving, you could take a last week in the mountains at a higher altitude which for health and regeneration of your system is well becoming. At the same time you would enjoy the grandeur, the beauty and the alpine sun and be able to take short walks on nicely situated trails leading from a comfortable hotel to various special points in the glacier world. Following the names of a choice of hotels:

   ad a)  1. Ascona:            Hotel Ascona
             Locarno:             "   Reber

          2. Montreux:            "   Continental

   ad b)     St. Moritz:          "   Post
             Pontresina:          "   Kronenhof
             Zermatt-Riffelalp:   "   Riffelalp
             Mürren:            Grand Hotel & Kurhaus
             Arosa:             Post Hotel