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Mr. J. L. Hubbell,

not forgotten, nor can I ever forget, your kind treatment during the month that we were with you. It is without doubt, the brightest spot in my collecting career, and I sincerely hope that we may be able to accept your kind invitation to join you on the trip to the Snake Dance next summer.

I hope that you have been able to find a squaw who would undertake the work of preparing the small looms that I mapped out before leaving. I am very anxious to have these models at the earliest possible moment as my educational work hinges upon these preliminary steps in the history of the Navajo textile.

I have not forgotten the promise that I made while I was with you, i.e., concerning the little conveniences that I hope to place in your hands, and as soon as I can clear up my desk and get my work in hand, I shall have prints made of the blanket pictures, and send you a set mounted in the little envelopes, as I suggested.

Mrs. Pepper sends her best regards, and joins me in sending kindest remembrances to Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Tony, and all other friends.

Wishing you a happy and most prosperous of New Years, I beg to remain,

Sincerely yours,
