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January 6, 1905.

Mr. F. W. Hodge,
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C.

Mr dear Hodge:-

Have just returned from the Philadelphia meeting, i.e., I have reached the Museum on Tuesday and have been wading through my mail matter.

I received the Anthropological books and have turned them over to Mr. Hyde. He thinks that he can relieve me of this part of the work, which will be a wonderful help in view of the fact that I have a great deal of writing before me if I am to accomplish what I have planned for this winter.

I was very sorry that you were not able to attend the Philadelphia meeting, Mr. Hyde and I counted on seeing you there. The first thing we did on reaching the City was to endeavor to locate you.  There were many things that we wanted to talk about but these can be left until another occasion, when we can see you in New York, or else drop in upon you in Washington.

I have just received the Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Bureau, and want to ask if you can possibly obtain a separate of Fewkes paper on the Hopi Katcinas? I spoke to Fewkes about this at the meeting in Philadelphia, but he is so busy preparing for his Mexican trip, I fear he will forget it,