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Hubbell - 3.

ceremony that we witnessed in Albuquerque.  The participants are old friends of yours so the account will, I hope, be of interest to you. I am also sending a separate of my publication concerning some of the finds made in Pueblo Lonito. You will see some of the mosaic work similar to that on the shell that you have. I hope that you will care to let me photograph your mosaic shell some time in the near future. Perhaps you would be willing to send it on to the Museum and allow me to have a water color painting made of it. I should like to have it to add to my illustrations when I publish my final report on the Bonito investigations.

There are a number of things that I want to talk about but now that I have settled down I can write oftener and thereby keep in touch with you. I have two large turquoise pendants that I will send out later. Hope that you received the cards all right. They were sent to you by the printer during my absence. 

With kindest regards to Mrs. Hubbell and all the members of your family from both Mrs. Pepper and self and hoping to hear from you soon I beg to remain,

Very Sincerely yours,

Geo. H. Pepper