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                                    [[handwritten]] 537 

                                       October 4, 1905.

Mr. Francis E. Vaughan,
 West Haven, Conn.

Dear Sir:-

     Your favor of the [[?]]. ultimo lies before me and in replying to the same would say that I think I cin help you out.
     I shall be pleased to receive the specimens that you have for exchange and also the latter concerning the "Shell arrows". There is a gentleman in the city who is greatly interested in stone implements and I feel sure that he has some duplicates from the states mentioned by you in your letter. This gentleman is rearranging his collection at the present time and it will therefore be well to send you on your specimens at once so that I can confer with him and thereby endeavor to help you in your worthy undertaking.
     Kindly send the material to me, care of the museum, not forgetting to put in some of the shell points, and I shall do my best to endeavor to close up some of the gaps in your collection.
                      Respectfully yours,
                           George Pepper[[handwritten]]