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F. W. PUTNAM, Peabody Professor
of American Archaeology and Ethnology,
Curator of the Museum

November 3, 1905

Dr. George H. Pepper,

Dear Mr. Pepper:- I am pleased to get your letter this morning and to hear a little of what you are doing.  I wish you would let me know what it would cost to have a set of the looms, etc., for the Peabody Museum.  If a small, I may be able to squeeze it out.  We would like very much to have a set.

You will, under the circumstances, excuse me for not answering the letter I found here on my return giving me the happy news that all is going well with Mrs. Pepper and the two little girls.  Mrs. Putnam joins me in hearty congratulations to you both.  Please remember me kindly to all.

Sincerely yours,
F. W. Putnam

P.S. I suppose Kroeber has written to you of the safe arrival of the pottery in California.  I had the pleasure of showing the collection to Mrs. Hearst and she expressed herself as much pleased with it.  Of course the special value of the collection is in the cards which I hope will come in due time.


Dear Mr. Pepper:- The Professor dictated a few letters this morning and requested me to sign them for him.  He is getting along as fast as we can expect, after such a dreadful attack.  He has wonderful powers of recuperation.  With my sincere congratulations to you and Mrs. Pepper on the happy event.
Cordially yours,  P.H.Mead