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November 14, 1906.

My dear Lummis:-

Have just received your letter in which you repeat the invitation to join the Southwest Society, Archaeological Institute of America. I want to thank you for the invitation and to assure you that it will be a pleasure to add my name to your splendid list as soon as I can see my way clear.

I have joined so many societies that it has come to a stand where I have had to call halt. It is rather more forcible at the present moment as Mrs. Pepper presented me with two little girls about six weeks ago. It made me the proudest man living but the accumulating expenses cause me to dig deep into my gold sacks; too deep in fact for a man who has been milking [[?]] a library. By the way I must complete my set of bound volumes of the Land of Sunshine and Out West. Have out up all the magazines and had the "Sources" and other rarities bound in separate volumes.

My heart and sympathies are with you in your care of the husky two-year-old. May it continue to grow in strength and usefulness.

Sincerely yours,

G. H. Pepper

Transcription Notes:
Should the smudged marks be noted on the transcription? The words seem to be faded from age.