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November 22, 1905.

Mr. H.H.Harrison,
52 Broadway, New York.
My dear Harrison:-
I have looked into the matter on the pottery from South America and find that it is found in quantities in certain parts of Colombia.  It is a rather crudely made pottery but its charm lies in the decorative embelishments. These are in the form of animals in demi-relief and some of the specimens noted have animil forms such ao the frog, tiger, armadillo, etc. The ware is naturally dark in color and the outer surfaces have a high polish.
The collection referred to came from a burying place in the northwestern part of Columbia. There were no ruins of house groups. The pottery being buried with the bodies in large sand mounds. These mounds are thirty miles West of Supia in the Department of Cauca. This town may be fo found on the map. To those who know the country the names of Guinchia and Papyal would be a help in locating the place as it is situated between these towns. I sincerely hope that you can obtain further information on this subject from some of your friends who