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November 27, 1905.

Mr. H. Stadthagen,
79 Johnson Street,
Victoria, B. C.

My dear Mr. Stadthagen:-

You kind letter with the receipt of the Wells Fargo Express Company for the charges on returned material, lies before me.

Mr. Heye and I were indeed sorry that the material could not be retained but, being that it was sent on approval the only thing to do was to cover the cost of transportation and return [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] them. I thought that you would be able to have the consignment admitted free of duty and thereby decrease the amount of the bill which was rather high.

I am sending you herewith, a money order for $11.75 in payment of the express bill. Kindly acknowledge receipt of same to me as I have the records of this deal.

I sincerely hope that this little trouble will not cause you cease in your admirable work of keeping your patrons posted. Mr. Heye is anxious to hear of any old specimens that may come in.

Hoping to hear from you soon I am,
Sincerely yours
Geo. H. Pepper

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