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November 17,1905.

Dear Mr.Pepper:

I have yours of 14th and thank you for the vouchers. I wonder why our notice in SCIENCE of October 7th came as a surprise. It was by no means ever settled that the Association would not meet in New Orleans and in fact protests against carrying out the original plan were never very strong. Your suggestion that Section H should meet at Ithaca with the Anthropological Association would involve a very grave precedent. Such permission could not be granted except by the Council in full meeting. I can see no good reason for abandoning the meeting of the section and think that we must hold it in New Orleans. I have recently returned from New Orleans and several persons belonging to the Folk-Lore Society and interested in anthropology spoke to me about the meeting of your section, notably Professor Alcée Fortier, of Tulane University. Even if the meeting should be a small one and carry almost no papers from northeastern anthropologists I feel sure that an interesting session could be brought about and I hope that you will endeavor to make up a good program. I think Professor MacCurdy's first duty is to this Association, of which he has always been a loyal supporter. We have received unofficial information that our application for a single fare rate to New Orleans will be granted.

Let me tell you that Ithaca is an awful place in midwinter - extremely cold, and the Cornell campus usually covered with about 4 feet of snow and winds blowing 75 or 100 miles an hour ranging across it, with the thermometer usually about 457 below zero! In New Orleans, on the contrary, roses are in bloom. I shall make this point to Miss Alice Fletcher, Mrs.Stevenson and other not very robust members of your section in this vicinity!

Yours very truly, 
L. O. Howard       ansd 11-20-05

An.Mus.Nat.Hist.,New York City

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