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December 1,1905.

Mr. Frederick Landsberg,
43 Johnson Street,
Victoria, B. C.

My dear Mr. Landsberg:-
As the Christmas season approaches I am reminded that there are little remindirs to be bought for some of my good friends. In thinking of appropriate gifts the thought came to me that you might be able to assist me in procuring a few gifts for Mr. Heye. You know the class of material that he likes and can therefore let me know whether you have anything that would do for this purpose. Mr. Heye is so thoroughly interested in the material from your region tsat I am desirous of surprising him with some good old evidences of the northwest coast handiwork. Can you not let me know at once of something that would fill the bill. I assure you it would be greatly appreciated. 

Sincerely yours,
Geo. H. Pepper.