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Corner Columbia and Ramsey Streets
Indian Blankets
Indian Baskets
Books and Magazines
Goldfield, Nevada, ---- 190

quail, with their pretty top-knots, wind down the trail to the spring. While the playful cottontails and the fleet footed "John" rabbit furnish the lands to the Queen's taste. It got so hot out here on the desert that I hiked over the mountains with my burro, "El Sabio," and spent the summer from June to September in the aforesaid Paradise. Then back I came to do the assessment work on my claims and locate more. Then I got married, and here I am. Guess I'll stay. So much for Barnes. I am enclosing some photos of a very handsome piece of prehistoric pottery, owned in [[?]] by a gentleman with the "fever," and bought by him at Maucoz, Colorado. It is a perfect piece and the photos are full size. I have tried to match the colorings, but you know the print paper tones it down a little, still they are nearly correct. The material is the same as the [[Lagunas?[] use in their pottery - the grey cliff rock, ground in [[metates?]]. The curious part of the bowl is the bottom which as the photo shows is perforated - seemingly used as a strainer of some kind. The gentleman, of course, tried to find out where it came from, but the people around there simply knew of mounds existing there, but could not enlighten him as to just where this particular piece came from. He washed all the earth stain from it with acid and brought out the colors beautifully and