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December 19, 1905.

My dnar [[dear]] Barnes:-
Have just received your letter and hasten to reply for fear that, should I hold it over a day it would become swamped in the work that is accumulating. I am preparing for the American Association meeting in New Orleans and, as secretary of Section H. must keep in touch with the members and have a program reidy [[ready]] for the meetings. This is taking up quita [[quite]] a bit of my time. After the holidays I should have more time for general work.

The photos of the incurve bowl show a type that is found in the cliff houses of Colorado and Utah. We have several in the Museum and I know of two or thre [[three]] in private collections. They have not been studied to any extent and are simply known as "Sifter bowls" Should your friend care to part with the specimen I think I can find a buyer for it. Hoping to hear from you again and thanking you for the photos, I am, 
Sincerely yours