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FAF 80 Page 1 Reel 1 of 2
Thurs Oct 9 
Finnish Americans
Sound Tech: Steve Green
Logger: Anne Scheinberg
Alex Hietala - fdl - backup vcl
Larry Saukko -  button accordion, vcl
John Berquist - mln backup vc

1. Kulkurin Valssi mln, fdl, Larry acc & vcl (incompletely taped
2. Tula Tullallaa - as above
3. Discussion - Larry & John 
4. Maelman Matti (schottische) Larry - lead vcl, John & Alex chorus vcls. instrs as above
5. Karjalen pojat (polka) instr.
6. Lapsuuden Toverille (waltz) instrs, Larry, vcl
7. Sauna Laula instrs, Larry vcl
8. Kottilias Kuuliais Tanssit 
Third Generation
Wesley Santa - Piano acc
Jeanne Santa Doty - fdl
Greg Santa - gtr
Leonard Saari - Bjo, mln
9. Bekaikanen (schottishe) gtr, fdl, acc, Bjo
10. Vaarit Saunitsa instrs as above Greg, Jeanne vcl
11. "3-button accordion polka" as above
12. Dybassun syniinen (?) Leonard mln, others gtr, fdl, acc Greg vcl
13. Costume discussion
14. Sinolai [[?]] (waltz) Leonard bjp, fdl, acc, gtr. (incomplete)