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Reel 3 of


Finnish-Americans -> 10/9/80 

Sound Tech Steve Green/ Mike Rivers

Joyce Davis - 41 string Kantele

Reel 3 of

Logger Anne Scheinberg [[arrow pointing at Scheinberg]] / Gloria Throne

1. Music + discussion.
Yandemunen - Copperboat - stopped out of wearines but left kantele for people
my kantele will sound even more sweetly in heaven than it does on earth - message of final song - composed by Kantele player

1:56 Introduction of Marvin Salo   Wilderness Traditions: Skis & Snowshoes
by [[strikethrough[[ Jussi T [[/strikethrough]] JOHN BERQUIST
-winter mode of travel - skiis - summer - feet  explains why people servived [survived] - had to be tough to make it - Uncle said [[?]] you must learn or you will decease [[?]] Estonian have flat bottom - grove comes up & produces more friction - Swedish have round groove - Finnish skiirs have square groove - concoction to rub on Skiis so you could walk up & ski down - making ski traits therefore snowshoes - originated maybe by Indians - you'd be on your trpg run - do trail maintenance on way - 12 min. to go to school 12 1/2 miles - set traps - churn butter in evening - bartering system - blacksmith, butcher, horse trainer, animal health advisor, in their neighborhood - 1916 mining companies had strike - people got blackballed - can't get back into mines after strike - they started farming - new homesteads - pooled Feb. 24 - Mattimbibz Matthews Day - families [check] Food louder 2/3 for people 1/3 for livestock - next Sun. go to church by sled or horses - neighbors, potluck dinner - meu [men] talked about food supply - transaction wd [would] take place - wife's grandfather owned mills run by Stan

Traditional method = be a pack rat - pick birch bark at a certain season Saamali moss - insulated birch bark baskets. Birch bark pets, brown side towards the flame - velaments - birch sugar. like sugar maples - birch sugar. Below bark. brown layer - make tea (like sassafras) (birch beer?) Root utensils - snarly root won't crack or twist for utensils. Sane switches from birch - stimulate skin with switches
Snowshoes 1. Travelling shoe. - long 2. Pack shoe - light, could be carried = used for expeditions. Not for crossing a rwei [river]. longest + largest shoe 3. Trapper shoe - black ash - rawhide - spar varnich  [varnish] + linseed oil - Black ash + birch. Frames = young sapline - on the woodpile - thunder, lightening train on it to keep the bend in. Book on how to make snowshoes - Hugh Bishop - collaborator.
SI - FP - 1980 - RR - 112
2:30 - Reel 4 sound tech - Steve Green logger - Gloria Throne

squaw-binding - explaining
cross country ski poles - date to 200 BC accdg to some. shafts - balsom yellow willow deerhorn tips - rawhide belt lacing - decoratative leather getting deer to give you free ride -

[[Drawing in lower right corner - ski pole with parts labeled. top of pole = leather, crosshatched with two lines off it, pole = balsa, bottom - yellow willow, circle, tip = deerhorn]]