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Miss Ruth Bancroft Law
[[?]] Greatest Lady Aviator in the World, Engaged at the Enormous Salary of $1000.00 Per Day

[[?]] Two Flights Regardless of Weather Every Afternoon
[[?]] [Staying?] in the Air not less than 30 Minutes


Miss Ruth Law's Aeroplane Wrecked Yesterday

In the upper picture is shown the machine after it had been carried by the strong wind against a garage at Rocky Point when a flight was attempted.-- Below Miss Law appears standing by the demolished apparatus the planes of which were badly torn by the collision.-- Miss Law was not injured.


Photo of Ruth Law's damaged plane


Ruth Law with her demolished plane


Miss Law in Night Flight
Remains in Air Half Hour, Setting New World's Record.

Ruth Law established last night a new world's record for women aviators by making a night ascent. Her object was to determine the nature of atmospheric conditions and the availability of the aeroplane for night scouting in time of war. She said she found the atmosphere more favorable to aviation at night because, being heavier, it gave the planes better support and the engines ran more smoothly.

Miss Law went up from the aviation field at Oakwood Heights at 10:30 and remained aloft half an hour. She circles the field three times, sailed westward over the Kill van Kull and then to the south, making a wide detour over the Lower Bay, and then back to the field. Most of the time she was 2,500 feet high, but said she did not find it uncomfortably cold.

There were few people at the field to see the flight. When she had reached two thousand feet the machine could not be seen, and only the chugging of the motor was faintly audible. Miss Law said that she could see objects on the ground quite plainly, except when she was over the water, when she could not even make out the twin lights at Atlantic Highlands.

The aviator was enthusiastic about the scouting possibilities of the aeroplane and said that if war was declared against Mexico she would offer her services as a scout aviator to the govern- 


Woman Aviator to Fly
Ruth Bancroft Law to Make Flights at Rocky Point Memorial Day

An exhibition of spiral flying will be given by Ruth Bancroft Law, the well known aviatrix,  at Rocky Point ball grounds on Memorial Day, and the two following days. She will fly in an specially constructed biplane, which has been thoroughly overhauled and put in condition fo rthe [[for the]] flights. Ruth Law, or Mrs. Charles A. Oliver, as she is known in private life, has made a number of exhibition flights in Rhode Island and is familiar with the air currents and pockets of this section. She plans to make two ascensions each afternoon on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and advertises that the weather will not interfere with her flights. Her exhibitions will consist principally of fancy flying, including spiral work, for which her machine has been especially constructed. Ruth Law has just returned from Dayton, Fla., where she has been making flights during the winter. At Rocky Point she declares she will stay in the air at least 30 minutes each flight.

Shore dinners will be served Decoration Day as well as Saturday and Sunday. A large addition has been made to the dinning hall this year, increasing the seating capacity to 2500. The catering is in the hands of Charles A. Lyons, under whose management the of Field's Point clam dinners were for many years prepared and served.

One of the most interesting of the new attractions at the Point this year is a carousel, which has four rows of jumping horses operated by special machinery. The organ on this new building is a curiosity, a product of German ingenuity which reproduces the effect of a 60-piece band. 

The Forest Casino opens with a vaudeville bill which includes many acts well worth seeing. The pictures shown are new, bright and interesting as usual.

Lamb's Silver Cornet Band has been engaged for the season and will give afternoon and evening concerts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The Midway has assumed already the aspect of midseason gaiety. All the old favorite amusements, games and shows are in evidence and several new attractions are held in reserve and will be announced later.

Thompson's Scenic Railway, which proved to be one of the busiest places on the grounds last season, is again open offering its almost two miles ride of which the patrons of Rocky Point seem never to tire.


Miss Ruth Law
One of the World's Greatest Lady Aviators to Fly at Rocky Point Tomorrow.


Miss Ruth Law to Fly at Rocky Point

Mrs. Charles Oliver, known to the country as Miss Ruth Law (this was Mrs. Oliver's maiden name), the famous woman aviator will be seen at Rocky Point, on May 30 and 31 and June 1, having been engaged by Manager R. A. Harrington so that Rhode Island people may see her wonderful work as an air woman.

The first flight daily will consist of the Aviator and aeroplane rising to an altitude of at least 1000 to 10,000 feet or more and remaining in the air for at least 30 minutes or longer. The second flight daily will give all spectators a clear demonstration of the real practicability of the modern aeroplane while in the air-- flying anywhhere from 5 to 30 miles across country and will be of at least 10 minutes duration or longer. Miss Law has made hundreds of flights, in many instances carrying passengers, without having met with a single accident.

Her highest flight with a passenger, she says, was 300 feet. This with a male passenger. This will be a grand [[?]] for the people of Providence to see this remarkable woman.


Miss Ruth B. Law
Photo by American Press Association


Miss Ruth Law, American [[?]]

How would you like to be a real bird-woman and fly thousands of feet into the skies? Miss Ruth Bancroft Law, the American birdgirl who is now flying in Jacksonville at Moncrief park in an effort to break her altitude record, declares it is the greatest sport in the world, especially for women. And dignifies, too she says.

Further than that Miss Law says it will only be a matter of a few years until all women will be piloting their own aeroplanes quite as skillfully as they are driving their motor cars today. But why try to tell the story, when the daring little aviatrice tells it so much better. Here it is, just as related to a Star reporter this morning, following her successful flight yesterday afternoon. It is about how she got into the game.

"Any woman with sufficient self confidence and a cool head can learn to fly and I don't doubt but that in a few years women will be piloting their own aeroplanes quite as skillfully as they are driving their motor cars today," said Miss Law.

"While visiting friends last summer at Marblehead, Massachusetts I daily witnessed the flights of a hydro-aeroplane skimming over the blue water of the bay like some beautiful bird and it seemed to me than, that flying through the air must be the most wonderful thing yet accomplished and my mind was at once made up that I would become an aviatrice.

"My mother and friends endeavored to persuade me not to enter upon what they considered so dangerous a profession but in the end I gained their consent and set out for The Wright Co., at Dayton Ohio where I was destined to receive a great disappointment when Mr. Orville Wright told me that in his opinion it was impossible for any woman to learn to fly for women were entirely unfitted for the nervous strain and that women in general had no mechanical ability and he would have to refuse my request to enter their school.

Won License at Marblehead.

"This refusal only strengthened my determination to win and I returned to Marblehead, where I entered the Burgess school and won my pilots license after three weeks' training which is considered a very short time even for men.

"With this evidence of my ability, I once more went to Dayton and presented the facts to Mr. Wright, upon which although still skeptical, he consented to sell me one of their standard machines with many cautions to be careful.

"driving an aeroplane is more a matter of personality than of sex,


Above: Ruth Law and her plane.