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Newport Hegira Feature of Salt Excursions. 
The Providence, Fall River and Newport Steamboat Company dispatched two steamers to Newport every morning for five days last week and three steamers on Friday, invariably with big passenger lists. Besides this, several organizations with large parties chartered steamers of the company and landed at the City-by-the-Sea.  Now that the season is half gone, it is safe to say that the 1913 will establish a new record for steamboat travel to Newport and Block Island. 
On Friday steamer Warwick, after a month of continuous carrying of week-day charter parties, was availible for a matinee and moonlight Newport trip and took a large company, but this fact did not prevent the Mount Hope and Squantum from taking large numbers on their morning sailings. 
The battleships at Newport and the whales off Block Island have been on exhibition during the week. The battleships will be in port to-day and will prove a big factor in the day's travel, as their departure early this week is expected. The whales, however, are reported to have no pressing engagement elsewhere, and the steamboat officials predict that the big fish will continue their summer manoeuvres in Block Island sound for a few days more. IF any are sceptical as to the company's ability to hold the whale to a contract to "positively appear," the fulfillment of the announcement made a week ago in the Sunday Journal is pointed to. Hundreds of Providence people will take a chance on seeing the big fish this week, anyway. 
If the capacious decks of the Mount Hope should not readily hold all comers to-morrow morning, a second steamer will be at the Dyer street wharf ready to receive passengers. However, it is a good plan to go to the boat early, for it will conduce to everybody's comfort in the passing over the gangplanks, where the Government's men count every man, woman and child to prevent excessive crowds. 
The low-fare excursions to Newport on steamer Squantum will continue this week, at least until and including Wednesday. 

Four Flights to End Her Engagement There To-day.
Ruth law, who has been making daily flights at Newport Beach for the past two weeks, will close her long engagement by making four flights to-day. Miss Law has been successful in her Newport flights, having flown more than 5 times at Newport without an accident or mishap of any kind; a remarkable record considering that she has had not only the unusual difficulties of flying to contend with, but has had to combat the strong air currents from the ocean as well. Many residents and visitors of Newport have taken advantage of Miss Law's offer to take up passengers
Miss Law attributes her success in flying in great measure to her machine, a Wright biplane very much lighter than the usual type of car and constructed especially for her use. One unusual feature of her machine is that she can get into the air with a start of but 50 feet. Miss Law's machine has become a familiar sight in Newport and the many who have watched her flying will be sorry to hear her last flight announced. But there are many other standard attractions at Newport Beach to make the ocean resort a mecca for pleasure seekers. 
The large lunch pavilion is an innovation found in but few popular resorts in the world. Tables are here for the use of picnic and basket parties where the people can spread their repasts and enjoy them while listening to the music of the large orchestral organ. No charges are made for the use of the pavilion and the management to set the tables in order after they have been used. 
Of course the bathing beach is and always will be the chief attraction of Newport Beach. Few places on the Eastern coast have such a large, sandy and safe beach where clean salt ocean bathing may be enjoyed without fear of a treacherous undertow.
The shore dinners at the dining hall are directly under the management of the Newport Beach Association, and all of the supplies are subject to the inspection.