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[[Cutoff - Forcast]] 
noon with highest
somewhat colder to-
 Tomorrow, mostly
t 45.
---40 8 a.m.-----40
---38 9 a.m.-----43
---37 10 a.m.-----48
[[Cutoff - Article]]


of les


[[End of Cutoff Sections]]

[[Table - Guide for Readers]]
Guide for Readers
Amusement_________ C-7|Obituary_______ A-12
Comics________ C-16-17|Radio__________ C-17
Crossword________ C-16|Society,Clubs___ B-3
Editorial________ A-10|Sports________ C-1-3
Editorial ArticlesA-11|Where to Go____ C-11
Lost and Found____ A-3|Woman's Page___ C-10
The Evening Star
Phone ST. 5000      WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1948-EIGHTY-TWO PAGES. [[Two lines of Smaller Font Stacked]] City Home Delivery. Daily And Sunday, $1.20 a Month. When 5/ Sundays, $1.30. Night Final Edition, $1.30 and $1.40 per Month[[/Small Font]] 5 CENTS

[[Article 1- Nephew of Wrights to Present Kitty Hawk to Museum Today]]
Nephew of Wrights to Present 
Kitty Hawk to Museum Today
Vinson and Barkley to Accept Plane;
Other Ceremonies to Be Held At Scene
By W. H. Shippen, jr.                   to be grouped beneath the "Kitty
Aviation Editor of The Star             Hawk," suspended from wires some
   The first Airplane to carry a        15 feet above the floor next to the 
man in flight was to be accepted        main entrance, and the "Spirit of
formally here today in behalf           St. Louis," Which Col. Lindbergh
of the American people.                 flew from New York to Paris in 1927
   The full-dress Ceremony was             Immediately after the ceremony,
scheduled as a belated but impres-      the "Kitty Hawk" will be on display
sive tribute to the tiny pusher bi-     to the general public in the United
plane which the Wright brothers         States for the first time. The plane
first flew at Kitty Hawk, N. C., 45     has been assigned a permanent place
years ago today.                        of honor as the "most treasured
   The venerable plane, more popu-      object of aviation history," just in
lary know as the "Kitty Hawk,"          front of the "Spirit of St. Louis,"
was to be presented to the United       for years one of the Smithsonian's
States by Milton Wright of Dayton,      most popular exhibits.
Ohio, a nephew of Wilbur and Or-        President Truman, Unable to at-
ville Wright. The presentation was      tend the acceptance, sent a personal
to be made in behalf of the estate      message to be read by Col. Robert
of Orville.                             B. Landry, his Air Force aide. Sir
   Acceptance was to be made by         Oliver Franks, the British Ambassa-
Chief Justice Vinson, Chancellor of     dor, was to discuss "Britain and the 
the Smithsonian Institution, and        Wright Brothers." The trim con-
Vice President-elect Barkley. The       dition of the care given the relic by
800 invited guest included not only     the English, after Orville Wright
top Government officials and avia-      sent it to london in 1928,
tion leaders, but many old-timers          The plane was returned to the
associated with the early days of       United States recently, when it was 
flight.                                 learned, after Orville Wright's death
   The ceremony was planned for         last January, that the inventor had
the North Hall of the National          left a request that it be given to the 
Museum's Arts and Industries            Smithsonian. Several years previ-
Building. Guest and officials were      (See KITTY HAWK, Page A-3.)

[[Article 2 - Arabs in Council Press Charge of Jewish Attack]]
Arabs in Council
Press Charge of
Jewish Attack
Syria Urges U. N. to
Take Up Egyptian
Complaint Now
By the Associated Press
Paris, Dec. 17.-Syria asked
the United Nations Security
Council today to take up imme-
diately an Egyptian compliant
that Jews attacked Egyptians
pocketed at Faluja yesterday.
  Faluja is a Negeb desert town
which the Egyptians held against
the Israeli October offensive.
  Syria, Britain and France all
Urged the Council to postpone ac-
tion on Israel's appliction for U. N.
membership. British and Syrian
spokesmen suggested it be postponed 
  Action on Application Fought.
  Alexander Parodi, French delegate,
dimmed prospects for immediate ac-
tion on the Israeli appliction by 
proposing that the Council wait an-
other month before voting, saying:
  "The admision of Israel cannot 
be considered from the legal [[cutoff]]
of view [[cutoff]]


[[Article 3 - Spy Investigators Hit Charge of Ruining Film]]
Spy Investigators
Hit Charge of 
Ruining Film
House Group Insists
Truman Is Wrong
On 'Red Herring'
By Robert K. Walsh
  Congressional spy searchers
aand administration leaders kept
up a running flight today with
disputes about amaged micro-
film evidence and charges of a
"red herring" investigation.
  The House Commitiee on Un-
American Activities apparently was 
headed for a tapering off until after 
Christmas holidays, but resumed 
firing when a Justice Department
official in New York asserted "a 
bungling, amateur investigator" for
the committee ruined a microfilm
roll obtained from Whittaker Cham-
bers, brewar Communist agent.
  The committee also flared up late 
yesterday after President Truman 
said at a news conference he has 
not changed his mind about the 
committee's inquiry. The President
did not use the expression "red
herring' ' again. But he declared he 
[[Cutoff]] made his position perfectly
[[Cutoff]]sed inci-

Transcription Notes:
The slash(/) in the section of small font is used to denote the end of the first Line and the start of the second line [[Cutoff]] at the beginning or end of a line means that one or more words was cut off. If there is no space following the letters which immediately follow are part of a word which was cutoff.