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Ruth Law Here, Recalls Air Stunt of '17
Ruth Law, a name in aviation history, came to Washington yesterday—minus black satin bloomers, a pair of goggles and a plane.
But the thoughts of the famous aviatrix, third woman in the United States to win a flying license, did a tailspin to the old days—when her hair was titian instead of gray and her favorite spot was at the controls of a plane.
Here to attend Smithsonian Institution ceremonies marking official receipt of the Wright plane, Miss Law recalled her first visit to Washington—in 1917. In those days the onetime stunt pilot, now a handsome woman of 61, stirred the Capital to its finger tips when she guided a plane over the Pennsylvania ave, trolley track onto the Ellipse south of the White House. It was all done to spur the sale of Liberty bonds.
Her thoughts rested for a moment, too, on the far-off days when she prevailed on her husband to buy her a Wright airplane, making her the first woman to own one. She recalled that she once asked Orville Wright, one of the flying brothers, to teach her to fly. But he refused.
"He didn't think women could fly," she said. "At any rate, he didn't want to be responsible for teaching me."
Miss Law, who was stopping at Hotel Mayflower, confessed—almost shamefacedly—that she came to Washington from the West Coast by train.
But that, she hastened to explain, is not indicative of a loss of interest in flying. In fact, she said smiling, "I'm thinking about" taking to the air again, and not as a passenger.
[[cut off]] Mrs. Ethel Craddock, Doll House attendant. The dolls will be given to less fortunate youngsters at Christmas.

Air Show Scheduled At Kitty Hawk
Kitty Hawk, N. C., Dec. 16 ([[AP?]]).—The forty-fifth anniversary of the Wright brothers' first airplane flight will be observed here tomorrow with an impressive display of America's air might.
About 200 Navy and Marine planes will fly over the tall pylon which marks the spot where the Ohioans made their historic flight.
Principal speaker at the luncheon following the pylon ceremony will be Mark E. Andrews, Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

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