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Monday, May 18, 1936
If you find any errors in the Citizen-News, you will confer a favor by calling the Managing Editor, Hollywood 1234.

Forecast for Hollywood and vicinity: Fair tonight and tomorrow with considerable cloudiness; seasonable temperature and humidity with little change; gentle to moderate southeast to southwest wind. Hollywood temperatures: at noon today, 77; minimum last 24 hours, 57; maximum yesterday, 73.

Temperatures taken at 8:00 a. m., today are given out by the United States Weather Bureau as follows:
Boston ------- 70  
Chicago ------ 64  
Denver ------- 48  
Des Moines --- 60  
El Paso ------ 72
Helena ------- 40
Kansas City -- 64
Minneapolis -- 58
New Orleans -- 72
New York ----- 68
Phoenix ------ 70
Pittsburgh --- 64
Salt Lake City 42
San Francisco- 54
Seattle ------ 52
Tampa -------- 72

ROAMIN 'ROUND in Hollywood 
  Comes now your biennial moving day, if your habits are like this writer's ... if you'd spent half as much of your energy getting ready as you did over groaning about the work attached to moving, it would have simplified matters ... never mind, it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be ... it went something like this: the arrival of your mother to "help" you (she does all the work, but modestly takes little credit for it while you moan and tell the neighbors you hope you won't have to do this again for 10 years) ... her insistence that you throw away some of that junk you've been harboring ... your protest that you recently cleaned out a lot of it and wish to retain the rest ... her adamant command to root out at least half of it and her comment that you are just like your Great Grandmother Day, who, however, saved her things 89 years, in contrast to your thir- well, never mind.
  The gratifying regret of some of your neighbors to see you depart ... the hope that they'll want you to come back and see them once in a while ... the eventual completion of your packing and your hope that your new fellow tenants in the Fleur de Lis Apts. won't see that ancient trunk that conveniently holds so many of your household goods ... they'd have your number right away ... if they were to see the wardrobe trunk, it wouldn't matter so much, what with those carefully preserved labels that prove you'd enjoyed ocean travel ... your realization that your mother had the opportunity for a chat with the apartment house manager, Mrs. Myrtle Slaughter ... your apprehension lest she told Mrs. S. some of the cute things you said when you were a baby .... your pleasant recollections of your stay in the little house on Hudson Ave., where the owner, Mrs. R. Copeland, was so agreeable to you ... your joy that Mrs. Stella Anderson, who is so nice, is to occupy it ... the coming of the transfer man, Fred White, who is always so amiable about doing extra moving of furniture from this spot to that ... his arrival at the apartment house with the stuff ... his diplomatic admiring of the view from your window ... his kindness in fixing your radio ... his modest price for the work and his comment, when you tell him it's not enough, that you can't pay any more than anyone else, and that most persons squawk the other way about it ... your admiration of his strength, after he has gone and you try to move a trunk.
  Your delight that so many of your friends live in this neighborhood--Dorothy Studebaker at the Canterbury; John Morley and also Thelma Erickson at La Leyenda ... Virginia Hammond near us, too ... that Andersen's Tea Room is nearby and Fredrick's Market and the dime store (what fun you'll have, hanging around there) and - if the need should arise, you can patronize a furniture store, bank, men's clothing stores, half a dozen of which can be found in the vicinity ... the promise of all your friends that they'll be around for the housewarming ... your uneasy concern lest they all come at once ... you don't want to get thrown out of the place right away ... the discovery that you don't know where your mother packed everything and your decision that you don't give a hang [[?]] anyhow -you're too tired to unpack ... your annoyance that your radio still squeaks ... it must be the tubes after all ... the boys in your new neighborhood, who play the harmonlea, quarrel, laugh, practice snapping a whip, and shout and slam doors ... your reflection that it makes it all seem more home-like ... darn it ... your enjoyment of the huge pepper tree outside your window ... the equal enthusiasm of the birds that whoop it up day and night ... your resolve to be as good a tenant as Mrs. Slaughter is a manager - which is very good indeed ... the comfort of your bed as you settle down with a sigh of thankfulness ... this really is a very nice place ... remember when Catharine Sibley used to live here? ... wonder where you packed your gloves? ... oh, dear, you forgot to give your change of address to the newspaper circulation department and to the postman ... wonder what else you forgot? ... wonder if ... if - z-z-z-z-z.

Club Federation To Open Parley Tomorrow
  Federated clubwomen of the Los Angeles District will attend sessions of the Western Federation Convention, which will open tomorrow at the Biltmore Hotel and continue through Thursday. "Conservation and Development of Our American Civilization" will be the theme of the program, with Mrs. Seth T. Arkills, of Globe, Ariz., president of the Western Federation, presiding.
Mrs. Francis Eugene Payne is arranging a reception tomorrow evening, when the five county presidents and the Los Angeles District Board will act as hostesses. Dr. Rufus B. Von Kleinsmid will speak at the banquet Wednesday night. Thursday the delegates will visit places of interest in the vicinity.
  Mrs. Will Lee Austin, president of Los Angeles District, is general chairman of the convention.

Youth Departs
West Virginian, Favored By Hollywood Fortune, Heeds Home Lure
  Bob McClung, 16, was a lucky boy.
  A year ago he ran away from his home in Prudence, W. Va., and came to Hollywood.
  Unlike hundreds of other ambitious youngsters, this harmonica-playing West Virginian, with a native flair for comedic acting, found that fortune smiled upon him in the city of broken dreams.
  Not long ago he was given a $100-a-week contract at M-G-M. He was put in training and instead of attending a public school he studied at the studio's private classes.
  But there was adventure in the heart of this 16-year-old. And the far-stretching open road and the green hills of West Virginia beckoned him away from the gilded portals of Hollywood.
  That was the report of his manager, Bob Brandies, who told police that his protégé had run away from his hotel at 6075 Franklin Ave. Saturday and was believed heading back to his native state with three other boys in an old automobile.
  Police in neighboring states were asked to be on the watch for the missing juvenile actor.

Higher Water Rates Rapped
  Proposed increases in water rates were termed "unnecessary, unjust and altogether indefensible" by the Municipal League today in a protest directed to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.
  Anthony Pratt, league secretary, credited the water board with "an apparent willingness to violate established public policy and fundamental principles" by appropriating its revenues "to assist the Mayor and Council in nullifying the tax limiting provisions of the city character."
  The contemplated increase, it was claimed, is predicated upon the water bureau's plan to assume obligations of more than $1,225,000 which are "both legal and moral obligations of the general city government."
  The league believes the water board should conserve the revenues of the water bureau and use them solely for its purposes.

Rite Planned for Veteran Trouper
  Hollywood friends of Milla Davenport, veteran stage and screen actress, who resided at 2150 Eleanor St., and widow of Harry Davenport, stage actor, prepared today for funeral services of the well-known trouper, who died last night at the Hollywood Hospital, of illness contracted through overwork in films.
  Her death ended what had been hailed as an auspicious return to popularity as a character actress.
  Mrs. Davenport was a headliner in vaudeville and prominent in burlesque for 15 years, and appeared with her husband in many tours of the country before going into films 25 years ago.
  In her stage and screen work she portrayed prominent roles in Mary Pickford's "Daddy Long-Legs"; in "Rip Van Winkle," with Joseph Jefferson; "Sins of the Fathers," and "The Wedding Night."
  Mrs. Davenport was born in Sicily and educated in Switzerland.
  Pierce Bros., morticians, are in charge of the funeral arrangements.

Rainbow Luncheon of Mission Group Nears
  The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church of Hollywood will hold its annual Rainbow Luncheon and Mite Box Opening at the church tomorrow at 12 m. Judge Robert Scott will speak. A musical program will be provided by Naomi Myrick, contralto; Helen Smith, soprano, and the Chapman College Cardinalettes.
  At 6:15 p. m. at the church, a Wesleyan Service Guild dinner will be held.

Vilma Aknay to Seek New Vienna Career
  Vilma Aknay, actress, today was aboard the North German steamship Elbe bound for Europe to try to begin anew her stage career in Vienna. The only cameras she appeared before in Hollywood were those of newspapers interested in the sensational trial in which she was involved with Ernest Vajda, Hungarian playwright who became a Hollywood contract film writer.

Brighter Days Told Guaranty Unit Assembly
900 Liquidating Company Stockholders Hear of Improvement

  Financial and legal factors confronting the Guaranty Liquidating Corp. showed unexpected improvement during the past year, although the payment of a dividend is still uncertain, approximately 900 stockholders were told this morning during an annual meeting in the Hollywood Playhouse.
  In a report prepared by Jay F. Demers, president, and which was read by Harold E. Murphy, vice president, because Mr. Demers is ill, it was reported that the corporation is "in its best shape and that its future prospects are brighter than at any time since the unfortunate disaster of 1930."
  "To give you a better idea of the terrific problem confronting us, who were unfortunately defrauded and robbed by Gilbert H. Beesemyer, let it be remembered that in 1932 when this corporation was formed there were depositors and legitimate interest holders in the Guaranty Building and Loan Assn. to the extent of $20,000,000," the Demers report said. "The 1931 appraisal of the assets showed that only about 25 per cent of the amount on deposit was left to satisfy all these claims."
Big Reduction In Loss
  The net loss from operations, exclusive of assets during the past year, has been reduced from approximately $66,000 for the year ending March 31, 1935, to about $5000 for the year ending March 31, 1936. During 1936, about $70,000 in taxes were paid to avoid $10,000 in penalties.
  "There are many considerations which cannot be overlooked with respect to paying a dividend," Mr. Demers' report disclosed. "We have felt that we should never reduce our available cash reserve below $50,000. There are one or two considerations of an extremely delicate nature which I do not deem it wise to discuss openly and publicly but which make it inadvisable to sell all of the liquid or readily salable assets."
Wendt Presides
  The meeting was conducted by Alvin W. Wendt, attorney and a director. A motion picture, prepared by Mr. Murphy, showed a number of the important Guaranty holdings, including the Brown Derby restaurant leasehold in Beverly Hills, the Tiverton Apartments, 709 S. Mariposa Ave.; Elmer oil wells, Venice; Beesemyer ranch, Santa Susanna; Hollywood Playhouse, Mascot Studios, North Hollywood; El Dorado-Rand gold mining properties in Nevada, the Quaker City mine and the Guaranty Bldg.
  Directors and other officials introduced were Col. John Carmody, William C. Beal, Charles Goldring, C. H. Hunter, Oscar Nelson, John C. Rhode, Mrs. Glorian Smith, A. Ronald Button and Maj. Julian Boyd. Harrison Crawford represented the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
  Edwin L. Camp, vice president and general manager, reported excellent prospects for developing oil and gold properties, particularly 61 parcels recently acquired at El Segundo, near a successful oil field, and other oil lands near El Monte and Ventura. The El Dorado-Rand mine, he said, had started the operation of a mill over the week-end and should "show a certain amount of gold in a few days to prove it."
Legal Status Told
  George W. Fenimore, a director and attorney for the corporation, reported on the concern's legal status and Arthur Anderson, accounting firm head, read a financial report prepared by his organization.
  A count of stockholders present or represented by proxies indicated a lack of 50,000 qualified electors to hold an election of new officers.

Bowl Concerts Season Ticket Drive Started
  The Southern California Symphony Assn. today officially launched its season ticket sale for the 15th season of Symphonies under the Stars which will open July 7 in Hollywood Bowl.
  Direction of the ticket sale is under the supervision of Mrs. Leiland Atherton Irish, general chairman and manager of the concerts. Committees of more than 300 Southland women prominent in the civic, social and music life are participating in the drive.
  Concerts this season will be given every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights for eight weeks. Ernest Ansermet, noted Swiss-French conductor, will open the season and remain for two weeks. He will be followed by Eugene Goossens for two weeks and Otto Klemperer for three closing weeks. The director for the fifth week has not been selected.
  Negotiations now are being completed for the engagement of at least eight well known instrumental and vocal soloists, ballets, and other features. 

Three Held as Dog Disappears
  A woman and two men were held today by deputy sheriffs in connection with the theft of a valuable dog last night from the Columbia chemical laboratory at 7106 Santa Monica Blvd.
  An hour after a rock had been hurled through the laboratory's glass door and the dog, an Irish setter, belonging to Albert Schwartz, head of the company, disappeared, deputy sheriffs traced a license number of a car seen near the plant to a Glendale address. There they found the dog and took into custody Hallie Williams, 32, Gerald W. Lackey, 19, and Kenneth C. Cole, 25, on suspicion of burglary.
  Another burglar suspect, Lloyd Orman, 1144 W. 52nd St., was held after he was reported caught attempting to escape from the home of Mrs. F. H. N. Wheaton, 2954 W. Eighth St., where a fountain pen and religious medal were stolen.
  Suitcases and travelling bags, containing clothing valued at more than $300, were stolen from the car of Eva J. McDonlald, in an apartment house garage at 8225 Fountain Ave.

Injuries Said Incurred In Fall Kill Contractor
  John F. Otis, 34, of 2848 W. Ninth St., a contractor, was dead today of injuries said to have been incurred Saturday in a fall from a second floor fire escape at his home. Relatives said Mr. Otis had been ill for a week.

Current Events
Where to go
What to do


  Technocracy, Inc., Section 11834, Regional Division No. 3, 8 p. m., 68[folded and illegible]8 Sunset Blvd.; class.
  Townsend Clubs: Youth club, 7:30 p. m., 5420 Sierra Vista Ave.; organization meeting. West Hollywood No. 6, 7:30 p. m., 626 N. Almont Ave.; William A. Hunnax and Roderick Hydenfelt, speakers. No. 17, 7:30 p. m., Thomas Starr King Junior High School; Marvin Edelman, speaker; Townsend Sextette.
  National Union for Social Justice, Vire St. School unit, 8 p. m., 955 Vire St.; Daniel G. Marshall, speaker, "Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods Before Me."
  Prof. Herbert C. Alexander to address members of the American Friendship Group, 6:30 p. m., 309 W. Fourth St.
  Central Hollywood Democratic Forum, 8 p. m., 6840 Hollywood Blvd.; talks by Leila Castberg on "The Human Side of Government" and Mrs. Kate D. Schlueter on "Women in Politics." Louis Kaminsky, chairman.
  "The Eclipses," subject of May lectures, Griffith Observatory. Weekday demonstrations, 11 a. m., 3 p. m., 8 p. m. Sunday lectures, 2:30 p. m., 3:30 p. m.

  St. Victor's School Carnival, 10 a. m., all day, 8630 Holloway Dr.; dinner from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m.
  Townsend Clubs: No. 26, 6:30 p. m., 1203 N. Alexandria St. North Wilshire No. 56, 7:30 p. m., Santa Monica Ave. School; Heman H. Smith, speaker; program. No. 99, 7:45 p. m., 831 S. La Brea Ave.; Marvin Edleman, speaker. No. 111, 7:30 p. m., 1700 Vineyard Ave.; Dr. Sheldon Shepard, speaker. No. 120, 7:30 p. m., Hobart Blvd. and Second St.; Paul Gardner, speaker.
  Circles of Beverly Vista Community Church Council, picnic, Fern Dell, Griffith Park.
  Omaha Luncheon Club, luncheon and card party, noon, 233 N. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills.
  "Romeo and Juliet," concluding a series of lectures on the works of Shakespeare by Eric Mayne, 7:30 p. m., Los Angeles Public Library.
  Cheremoya Democratic Club, 8 p. m., school, corner Beachwood Dr. and Franklin Ave.; Councilman Parley P. Christensen to speak, "How I Love to Hate War."
  Mass meeting for Tradex, "The Commodity Dollar," 8 p. m., 938 S. Figueroa St.
  Municipal League Forum, noon, 530 S. Hill St.; Elizabeth McManus, executive director, Emergency Peace campaign, to speak on "Removing the Causes of War."
  Lecture, "The Story of America's Cultural Heritage from Europe," by Genevieve Robinson, 8 p. m., Fairfax Adult Evening High School.
  Southern California Woman's Press Club, shop talk meeting, 2 p. m., Friday Morning Club; "Short Story - 1937 Model - What Will It Be?" by Hinda Teague Hill; "The Editor's Uneasy Chair" by Stella Brockway.
  Card party, 8 p. m., Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, bridge, 500, bunco, prizes, refreshments; auspices of the Altar Society; public.

Four of Aviation's 'Early Birds' Roosting Hereabouts

Old times in aviation were recalled today by four Early Birds, members of a pioneer pilots' club, residing in Hollywood and environs. At top is a French Bleriot monoplane, one of the first heavier-than-air ships to fly over New York, which CLARENCE O. PREST, at the wheel, purchased in 1915 and part of which now is in the Exposition Park Museum. Below is RUTH LAW in the Curtiss Model E pusher biplane which she flew on a non-stop record flight in 1916.

Quartet of Daring Fliers, Living Here, Have Done Much for Sky History
  Four "early birds" of aviation are roosting in Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
  The Early Birds, a national organization of pioneer pilots who blazed sky trails over America and whose deeds and daring, whether heralded or unsung, have contributed to the advancement or aeronautics, began flying in or before 1916.
  In this area are:
  RUTH LAW, 613 N. Bedford Dr., Beverly Hills, who was the fourth American woman pilot to be licensed and the first aviatrix to loop the loop.
  CLARENCE O. PREST, 7932 Fountain Ave., the first civilian to fly to Alaska.
  EDWIN C. PARSONS, Hollywood Athletic Club, who flew for Pancho Villa and who was credited by the French government with bringing down eight enemy planes while fighting under the tri-color during the World War.
  EDWARD A. BELLANDE, 570 N. Rossmore Ave., veteran airmail pilot, who has had nearly 14,000 hours in the clouds.
Soloed Near Boston
  On Aug. 1, 1912, Miss Law, in private life Mrs. Charles Oliver, made her maiden solo flight at Boston in one of the first airplanes manufactured by the Wright brothers. She had applied for admission to the Wright aviation school, but was refused on the theory that, if the woman's place was not in the home, it at least wasn't in the air.
  The following November she was granted License No. 188 by the Aero Club of America. The first woman to be licensed was Harriett Quimby.
  Miss Law piloted her plane through a loop-the-loop at Daytona Beach in 1915 and the following year at Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., she ascended to an altitude of 11,200 feet, a record for women. In 1916 also Miss Law made a 590-mile nonstop flight from Chicago to Hornell, N. Y., then a record for both men and women. She averaged 102 miles an hour.
  During the World War Miss Law sought to enlist in the aviation corps, but Secretary of War Newton D. Baker balked at the innovation in military regulations, although she was allowed to wear the service uniform for recruiting. Miss Law flew for 10 years, wearing out two airplanes, without a crackup and gave up her aerial career because of her husband's health.
Prest Wins Palm
Civilian flying won a palm when Mr. Prest in 1921 flew from Los Angeles to Ketchikan, Alaska, although he was forced to turn and make a landing at Prince Rupert, B. C., because of stormy weather. His plane was blown away in a gale.
  The next year the intrepid flyer winged his way from Buffalo, N. Y., to Eagle in the Yukon district, only to lose his ship again in a forced landing and to struggle for three days through snow to safety.
  As a boy in Los Angeles Mr. Prest spent much time watching the daring young men in the flying machines at Dominguez Field and in 1911 he soloed for the first time. Then began a career of parachute jumping and stunt flying which took him on barnstorming exhibitions and to county fairs throughout the western states. Prior to 1916 he set unofficially a then altitude record of 18,100 feet.
  On May 28, 1930, Mr. Prest established a world speed record of 100.79 miles per hour for class C, or light planes, at San Bernadino.
(Turn to Page 16, Columns 5 and 6)

Funeral Held
Final Tributes Offered to Edwards Davis, Retired Character Actor
  Funeral services were held today, in Pierce Bros.' Chapel, for Edward Davis, 65, retired Hollywood character actor, who died Saturday night in his home at 1933 N. Alexandria Ave., of pneumonia. Cremation was to follow the services.
  Mr. Davis came to Hollywood 16 years ago, after having served as president of the National Vaudeville Artists' Assn., and the Green Room Club, in New York.
  He was a founder and first president of the 233 Club of Hollywood, Masonic organization.
  Thirty years ago, Mr. Davis was a preacher in Oakland and created a stir in the Bay Region when he resigned his pulpit to go on the stage.
  He was born in Santa Clara and was the author of many plays and sketches, and a book, "Lovers of Life," which was written after illness caused his retirement from film work, in which he had filled many character roles.
  Mr. Davis is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elvina Davis, and two brothers, Charles and Gideon Davis.

Garden Party Will Feature Arts Festival

  Hollywood today prepared to play an important part in an event of the Southern California Festival of the Allied Arts tomorrow, when a benefit garden party will be held at 3 p. m. in the gardens of the Byron J. Badham home at 351 N. June St.
  Mrs. Carolyn Strong will be chairman of a candy committee, assisted by a group from the Marlborough School for Girls. Others on the committee are Mmes. Burdette Chapman, William Barnhart, Arthur Crooke and the Misses Betty Norton and Arline Greenwood.
Noted Guests Expected
  Mrs. William Dellamore is general chairman of the event and guests who are expected to attend include Rosa Ponselle, prima donna soprano of the Metropolitan Opera House and featured soloist of the General Motors Sunset Symphony to be given at the Hollywood Bowl Sunday; Marion Talley, Frank Forest, Margaret Matzenauer, Victor Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Guest, Dr. Nikolai Sokoloff of Washington, D. C., head of the Federal Music Project, and his associate, Ruth Haller Ottaway.
  Colorful entertainment provided by winners in the various divisions of the Southern California Festival of the Allied Arts is expected to make this one of the season's most distinctive functions, sponsored by the festival's prizes and awards committee.
Special Treats
  Planned as special treats on the program will be a modern dance by Fern Dawson, a Japanese number executed by Auko and Yoka Magara, and a Spanish fire dance and Moorish selection by Miss Eloisa. Also appearing will be Mary Tock, winning coloratura soprano; Petra Santa Cruz, strolling Spanish singer, and Virginia Cushman, trumpeter, of Santa Barbara.
  Mrs. Edwards H. Anthony is in charge of the tea service. She will be assisted by:
  Mmes. Elizabeth Fraser Lloyd, George Ralphs, A. Brockway, Beulah Shoulte, Ralph Pilcher, Arthur Foster, Alec Pattersen, George Murray, Walter Pomeroy, Theodore Stassforth, Guy Van Buskirk, George A. Sharp, Clarence Noerenberg, Wilford Moench, Charles Haas, Arthur Hastings, Donald Pomeroy and Misses Louise Hathaway, Mary Foster, Harriet Foster, Arlene Washburn, Carroll Hastings, Marion Kempel and Mary Clark.

Friends Mourn Arthur Bennett

  Arthur C. Bennett, 69, Hollywood pioneer builder, was mourned today as arrangements were made for funeral services to be held tomorrow at 3 p. m. in the Little Church of the Flowers. The Forest Lawn Mortuary will be in charge. Cremation will follow the services.
  Mr. Bennettt, a native of Zanesville, Ohio, died Saturday in a local rest home. He had lived here since 1903, coming to Hollywood and settling at Santa Monica Blvd. and Wilcox Ave., when the section was known as Colegrove. He purchased a lemon grove there and engaged in the building business. His home was at 6451 Santa Monica Blvd.
  The son of Russell Bigelow Bennett, famous fighting chaplain of the Civil War, Mr. Bennett married Flora Bargar in Newport, Ohio, in 1892 and moved to Oakland, Calif., from Ohio in 1898. Mrs. Bennett and two daughters, Mrs. Beatrice L. Peskett, of Roscoe, a city playground director, and Mrs. Sidney J. Wheeler, of Newhall, survive. There also are three grandchildren, Donald Peskett and Alvreta and Beverly Wheeler, and Mr. Bennett's sister, Mrs. Carrie Williams, of Columbus, Ohio.

Actress-Art Student, Actor-Writer to Wed
  Nina Crocker, M-G-M contract actress and art student at the Chouinard School, and Jack Donovan, actor and writer, today were making plans for their marriage in "the immediate future." Mr. Donovan is a graduate of St. Louis University and the University of Southern California.

New Pension Plan to Be Weighed at Church
  Plans for the formation of a women's council to request larger state and Federal contributions to social security pensions will be mapped at 7:30 p. m. today when the Rev. Ethel Duncan discusses the Parents' Twin Pension Plan at her church 925 S. Flower St.

New Democratic Club Due for Organization
  An organization meeting and election for a new Democratic club in Hollywood will be held at 8 p. m. today at 5402 Hollywood Blvd.


No Immediate Advent Sighted For Television
Academy Research Council Reports on Development of New Devices

  The motion picture industry is "psychologically prepared for practical television, but the commercial advent at an estimated cost of hundreds of millions of dollars probably will not be until 1938 and then will be limited to home entertainment in cities, say the film scientists.
  That information was contained today in the report of the Research Council of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on the development of the new visional transmission.
  The council sees no immediate likelihood of television in the theater, declaring in its report:
  "Barring revolutionary inventions, there is as yet no promise of the enlargement of the field of television to theater screen size nor of an extension of the possible service area to rural districts in this country."
Film Circles Interested
  The conclusions of the film technicians aroused deep interest throughout the motion picture industry which has kept its eyes trained on the progress of television.
  The report is not sanguine over commercial use of television before the next two years.
  "Before there is any possibility of nation-wide exploitation, hundreds of millions of dollars must be expended for numerous transmitting stations of limited range, connecting cables of new design and receivers," the report read. "There is a possibility of such a development starting in 1937, or more probably in 1938. It should be noted that its scope, as far as we can prevision it, is limited to home entertainment purposes in urban areas."
  Television has reached a point in its laboratory development where a "small picture (about six or eight inches) with moderate entertainment value, can be transmitted, but with far more complicated equipment than motion picture recording and sound broadcasting require."
Experiment Planned
  The report noted that a transmitting station in the tower of the Empire State Bldg, in New York is expected to start experimental service this fall, with 150 receivers in the hands of selected observers.
  "Even upon a quantity basis it is difficult to see how the cost of the present design could be reduced below $300,: the council's scientific committee said.
  The report concludes with the observation that "there appears to be no danger that television will burst unexpectedly on an unprepared motion picture industry," and draws a contrast between the disorganization into which the business was plunged by the sudden development of sound.
  The committee which made the report to the industry to headed by Carl Dreher.

California-at-Sunset Color Film Scheduled
  California at sunset will be glorified in the first of a series of six travelog colored short subjects to be filmed and produced by Harvey Collins, studio cameraman, he announced today. Production of the sunset film will be started within two weeks.
  Mr. Collins, a cameraman and p Hollywood for the last 13 years, has developed all the research and experimental work on a new camera soon by H. L. Gumbiner at the Synero Sound Studio.

Women's Ensemble to Appear Before Chorus
  On request of members of the Hollywood Community Chorus, the program for the weekly meeting tomorrow will be presented by the ensemble of the Woman's Club of Hollywood.  Meryl Regnier, president of the chorus, will direct the program, which will be presented by the Harmonizers' Trio with Alice White, concert pianist, as guest artist.  Accompanists will be Lutie Burke and Adeline Gait.

  William E. Elliott, 54, of 1453 11th St., flower shop manager, and his brother, John F. Elliott, 45, of 2012 11th St., Santa Monica, were dead today as the result of ptomaine poisoning said to have been caused by eating mussels.

[[image]] Oh So! says FRANK WATANABE by ED HOLDEN

I thinking those airship are the covered wagon of the sky alright.  I wondering what Christmas Columbia would utter if he could look see that ship?  Maybe he would be feeling pretty fifteen cents.  When Columbia come seeking to discover America -a Dove come flying at him containing piece of green leaf on he chin.  Then Columbia knowing he were near land.  And all of sudden happy joy and peace set in on that boat.  I hoping the spirit of the Dove shall greeting The Hinderburg each time it visiting America.
Thank you please.

Transcription Notes:
This newspaper is arranged in columns.