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LONG TIME BETWEEN RIDES - Ruth Law (right), famed aviatrix of 30 years ago, took her second airplane ride in 25 years this week when she left Oakland for the Detroit meeting of the National Association of Aeronautics. Major Ernie Smith, Trans World Airline executive, introduces Miss Law to Hostess Fabby Kaleta. Miss Law made aviation history in 1916 when she flew solo from Chicago to New York in 5 hours and 40 minutes. She now lives in Oakland. [[handwritten correction San Marino]]

Virus Diseases Tested For Control of Cancer

Associated Press Science Writer

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 19 (AP) - Can virus diseases be trained to  tamed to kill cancer?

This intriguing possibility is being studied at St. Louis University School of Medicine. It may lead to new weapons to combat cancer, or better understanding of how cancers get started and grow.

The research plans were described in an enterview with Dr. Henry Pinkerton, head of the department of pathology.

Viruses are tiny disease agents that live and reproduce only inside the kind of cells they attack. There are hundreds of viruses which can be modified or tamed in many ways, such as growing them in an unfavorable environment. And there are good reasons for looking at them as possible warriors against cancer cells.

One is virus experiments already done. Researches at the Sloan-Kettering Institute in New York gave the virus of Russian encephalitis to mice with cancer. They virus went to the cancer tissue. The mice died, of encephalitis. But the cancer was completely destroyed. When cancer was transplanted into rats, the encephalitis virus destroyed the cancer without hurting the rats.

A modified rabies virus, given to mice in St. Louis, didn't have any immediate effect on cancer in the mice. But these tumors, transplanted later into other mice, tended to die out. They were the kind of cancer that usually can be transplanted time after time, in a long series of animals.

The studies here will seek new ways to using viruses to get at cancer cells. One question will be whether there are toxins or poisons produced by viruses that could destroy cancer cells.



by Mrs. Kathryn Walker, 3332 W. Potomac Ave., Chicago, Illinois
[[image]] 155 LBS BEFORE
[[image]] 120 LBS AFTER
"When I started using Kyron, I weighted 155 pounds. Now I've lost 35 pounds. I feel so much younger and gayer. My husband can't get over the change in me."
Results and Records Available for Your Inspection
If you'd like to regain that youthful girlish figure, see what happens with the 7-Day Kyron Plan. Try it just 7 days. If results don't delight you, your money is refunded. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED SAFE. The Kyron plan does not require you to swallow dangerous reducing drugs. It enables you to cut down your food without causing vitamin and mineral deficiency. Kyron Tablets, containing important nutrients, help overcome such deficiency. The Kyron food regimen enables you to eat many foods often falsely labeled as fattening. It is this food regimen that helps bring about reduction in weight.
Lose Up to 7 Lbs. First Week!
MAKE THIS 7-DAY TEST without risking a penny! Get a package of Kyron Tablets from you druggist. Eat these condensed food tablets for 7 days-and follow directions as explained in package. Diet enclosed in package. Check your weight before and after using Kyron. If you are not 100% delighted with results, return the empty package to your druggist, and he will return your money. Make this test today. Ask your druggist or department store for Kyron-the condensed food tablet. Save money-buy the large economy size.
Get KYRON today
FREE: Doctor's weight chart-
seven stores in San Francisco

The Sign of service

Electric Wiring, Fixtures, Repairs
1809 Fillmore Street WA 1-6000

Corn Crop Estimate

DES MOINES (AP) - The 1951 U. S. corn crop is estimated at 3.3 billion bushels. Production in 1950 was 3.1 billion.


Jobs Open
At Soledad
State Prison

The new medium security prison at Soledad has been opened and the State needs 93 guards to staff the prison.

Applications for the jobs, which pay from $268 to $325 a month, may be made at any State Personnel Board office.

There are also openings for women college graduates interested in working with juvenile delinquents, the State announcement said.

The U. S. Civil Service Commission has announced that it has openings for fishery aides at salaries from $2450 to $3100 a year in Arizona, California and Nevada, and for aircraft workers, with pay rates ranging from $1.56 to $2.18 an hour, at McClellan Air Force Base, near Sacramento.

Another list of job openings was issued by the Contra Costa Civil Service Commission, county Hall of Records, Martinez.

The jobs are: Hospital attendant, $215 to $259; staff nurse, $271 to $326; senior engineering aide, $297 to $357; civil engineering assistant, $374 to $449; engineering aide, $247 to $297; intermediate stenographer clerk, $247 to $297, and branch librarian, $297 to $357.

Economy Cuts 
Cut Complaints

MT. VERNON, Inn. (AP) - Economy cuts in Mr. Vernon city payrolls resulted recently in elimination of tin can and rubbish collections, and an offer to citizens to use the city dump free.

Moreover, chances of complaining were cut. Citizens were advised that there would be no one to answer the street and alley department telephone, except for tow hours a day.

Win Friends, Popularity With
Little Tricks of Everyday Talk

A publisher in Chicago reports there is a simple technique of everyday conversation which can pay you real dividends in both social and business advancement and works like magic to give you  added poise, self confidence and greater popularity. The details of this method are described in a fascinating booklet, "Adventures in Conversation," sent free on request.

According to this publisher, many people do not realize how much they could influence others simply by what they say and how they say it. Whether in business, at social functions, or even in casual conversations with new acquaintances, there are way in which you can make a good impression every time you talk.

To acquaint more readers of this paper with the easy-to-follow rules for developing skill in everyday conversations, the publishers have printed full details of their interesting self-training method in a 24-page booklet which will be mailed free to anyone who requests it. The address is: Dept. 0000, Conversation Studies, 835 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Ill. A penny postcard will do. - Adv.

Animal Crackers
[[cartoon image]]
Dist. by HAYDEN-KENNEDY Syndicate, Inc.
"Trapped! Can't get outa this racket!"

Freeway Meeting

Members of the Tri-County Freeway Committee, representing San Francisco, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties, will discuss Bayshore freeway financing with State Senator Randolph Collier, chairman of the Senate Highway Committee, at the offices of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce at 10 a. m. tomorrow.


Add to tonight's shopping-savings with a Seafood dinner. Prompt service, popular prices.

Full-course Lunches ... 85₵
Open Daily and Sundays


fish grotto
123 powell st.

This Week's Auction Events
Featured Home Furnishings

The emphasis is on home furnishings in this week's Bay Area auctions.

Today, tomorrow and Wednesday, two estates of furniture and other items will go on the block at 1244 Sutter street at 1 p. m. each day. Fred R. Butterfield is the auctioneer.

At 11 a. m. today, Phil Karp will auction off furniture, cribs, mattresses, stoves and rugs at 1742 Geary street.

At 7:30 p. m. daily through Thursday furnishings from three homes will go on the block at 1930 Lakeshore avenue, Oakland. H. Reich and Elliott Schubb are the auctioneers.

Furnishings from two Peninsula e states, including oil paintings and ten-piece dining room sets, will go under the hammer of Earl Tait and Bob Christiansen at 7:30 p. m. today, tomorrow and Wednesday. The auction will be held at 1301 Howard avenue, Burlingame.

Spinet pianos, French commodes, desks, dinette sets, rugs, stoves and other furnishings will be auctioned off at 540 Golden Gate avenue at 11 a. m. tomorrow. Joseph Harband is the auctioneer.

A completely equipped bar, booths, tables, chairs, cash registers, dishware, refrigeration and kitchen equipment of the Miami Club will be auctioned off at the cvlub, 1614 San Pablo avenue, El Cerrito, at 10:30 a. m. Thursday. H. Ross and M. Dove are the auctioneers.

Fire House Dedication

A new Sunset district fire house will be dedicated at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. Built at a cost of $260,000, the station is located on 32nd avenue between Ortega and Pacheco. Mayor Elmer E. Robinson and Fire Department officials will participate in the dedication.

$11.70 PLUS TAX thrifty AIR COACH
Call GArfield 1-4002; Oakland-East Bay, call Operator for Enterprise 1-0710; or see your authorized travel agent.


San Francisco Chronicle
MONDAY, AUG. 20, 1951


U. N., Land Values

NEW YORK (AP) - The city of New York, which spent $25,000,000 helping the United Nations get established in its new Manhattan headquarters, reports that land valuations in the vicinity of the building have risen nearly $60,000,000 in about five years.

of Executive Caliber

Man of proven top-flight volume will soon be selected for a key position heading established San Francisco territory.

This man must have: previous large tire company training; experience in marketing and merchandising; thorough experience in selling tires and camelback for manufacturing. A record as district manager or assistant western sales manager is preferred. Age 35-40.

The man who qualifies will start at attractive salary with unusual opportunity for promotion in successful company now expanding.

All details as to present connection will be kept confidential when so requested. Initial application accepted only by mail, attention Mr. Johnson.

Oliver Tire & Rubber Co.
65th and Vallejo
Oakland 8, Calif.


Time to Continue Their


School time is musical time ... Your child's musical education is as important for all-around living as school subjects. Provide your child with one of life's richest treasures - an understanding and appreciation of music - through playing the piano.

$5.00 Per Month and up

Ask About Our
$125.00 trade-in allowance on your old upright regardless of age on a 
New Wurlitzer or Kimball Spinet

Cline Piano Company
Since 1889
Open Tonite
San Francisco
17th & Misson
UN 1-2932
12th & Webster
GL 1-9765
Also Sacramento, Modesto, Fresno

Here's Proof: 
1. Road Test a Mercury for proof of Performance!

Why do you hear so many owners praising Mercury? Stop by our showroom and take one our for a drive. You'll find out in a hurry. For here's a car that handles life a feather, rides like velvet.

Test the whisper-hustle of its engine on the steepest hill. Check its road-gripping balance on the sharpest curve. Discover its relaxing magic in the heaviest traffic. We know you'll go for Mercury. For it's a value-packed performer that makes driving a pleasure-mile after mile, year after year.
Don't miss the big television hit, "TOAST OF THE TOWN," with Ed Sullivan, Sunday Evening, 9 to 10 P. M. Station KPIX, Channel 5.

and Proof Again!

Make the 2-Way Test

2. Budget Test a Mercury for proof of Value!

Does it have a down-to-earth first price? Mercury's price tag you can understand. It gives you a great bit dollar's worth for every dollar invested.

Will you be sure of good gasoline mileage? Mercury has time and again proved its more-mile-per-gallon by winning officially sponsored economy tests.

Is it famous for long life? It is indeed! 92% of all Mercury's ever built for use in this country are still on the road, according to official registration figures.

Will upkeep stay low? You'll save money year after year. That's because Mercury's famous stamina keeps repair bills at a rock-bottom low.

Will trade-in value stay high? Mercurys keep their value; used car market reports consistently prove it.

Does it represent solid value? Mercury owners say YES! So will you when you get the rest of the story. Drop in today and see why it's Mercury for "the buy of your life!"

World's Largest Lincoln-Mercury Dealer
1155 Van Ness at Post

Standard equipment, accessories, and trim illustrated are subject to change without notice.

For "the drive of your life!" Mercury makes available a tripe choice in transmission. Merc-O-Matic Drive, the new simpler, smoother, more efficient automatic transmission - or thrifty Touch-O-Matic Overdrive are optional at extra cost. There's also silent-ease standard transmission.

4249 Geary Boulevard