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At the Controls of an old Curtiss "pusher" plane, in which Miss Law made a distance record in 1916. She flew 512 miles from Chicago to Hornell, N. Y. Pilots then had no elaborate instruments, sat perched out in front to fly "by the seat of the plants."


"Modern Planes are very safe," Ruth Law observes as she inspects a big new ship. Miss Law quit flying in 1922 when it became relatively safe, has since devoted herself to gold and housewifery. She wed Charles A. Oliver four years before she flew.


Ruth Law was the first piolet to lift a man from a racing automobile into a plane. She carried the first airmail in the Philippines in 1919 and during the World War made a cross-country flight to encourage the sale of Liberty bonds. She made some of the first night flights and won a medal from the state of Alabama for making 15 consecutive loops. Once she flew upside down above Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., at 90 miles an hour, and she was the first woman to receive a commercial pilot's license.


1 Better looking hair! The time-tested Wildroot Hair Tonic formula plus pure vegetable oil that relieves dry scalp. Keeps hair neatly groomed without that slicked-down look. Mild pleasing scent fades away after using.
2 Removes ugly dandruff! Will your scalp stand the fingernail test? Use Wildroot with Oil every morning. Massage half a minute. See how its cleansing action removes dandruff, relieves itching, leaves scalp cool, clean, and refreshed.
3 Helps check premature baldness! By removing the dandruff crust which acts as a covering for seborrhoic eczema, the common scalp infection blamed for 70 to 80% of early hair loss. Get Wildroot Hair Tonic with Oil today! For generous trial bottle, send 10 cents coin or stamps to Wildroot, Dept. A-3, Buffalo, N.Y., or Fort Erie, Ont.
Important- Wildroot with Oil does not replace regular Wildroot Hair Tonic, used by millions who like a non-oily tonic. At drug counters and barbers everywhere.


Wildroot Hair Tonic With Oil
Canadian Lands Seized and Sold for Taxes
$27 buys small island
$67 buys 50 acres, travelled road
$108 buys 20 acres lake front
$171 buys half mile river front
$256 buys 87 acres lake front
Our 21st Annual List, just issued in the form of a 20-page booklet, describes the above and many other choice properties offered at Tax Sale prices. The amount quoted is the full price asked, perfect title, not mortgage. Beautifully situated hunting and fishing camps where there is real sport; summer cottage sites heavily wooded acreages. Now is the time to invest in Canadas minerals, forests and farms. Small monthly payments if desired. Don't delay. WRITE TODAY for FREE BOOKLET with full explanation.
Tax Sale Service 
Room 645
72 Queen St. W.,
Toronto, Canada


Now lift off corns
and relieve pain quickly
just put a few drops of Freezone on that aching corn and you'll make the wonderful discovery many thousands have made. Pain is quickly relieved. And soon the corn gets so loose you can lift it right off with your fingers. You'll agree that it's a quick, easy way to relieve pain and remove hard and soft corns, even corns between the toes. And druggist will sell you a bottle of Freezone for a dew cents. Tyr it.


Page 61-Look-April 12, 1938