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Continued from Page 1. 
ing no doubt that she wished to be known as an aviator rather than an aviatrice. 
"When I left Binghamton," she went on, "the wind was blowing briskly, but it didn't do me any good. I soon found myself in a fog so thick that I couldn't make out where I was going. I had mapped out my course with the directions marked, but I had no instrument to indicate the drift the wind was imposing, and I couldn't see any landmarks. And I can down until I was just topping the hills. I kept as close to the ground as I could. In fact, it was like coasting up and down the hills. I picked up the Susquehanna River and followed it, for, you know, and aviator can see the water when noting else below is visible. 
"When I got to where the Susquehanna made a sharp turn south I steered due east and flew over the Delaware River, and I followed it until I cam to Port Jervis. Then I steered to the southeast, passing over Greenwood Lake. Then I went over the Ramapo Mountains, keeping close to the ground to see where i was going. Just where I hit the Hudson River I don't know; it must have been about Hastings or possibly near Haverstraw. 
"I flew low down over the Hudson. I felt the cold much more than yesterday, on account of the dampness. It was when I was off the upper end of manhattan that the engine began to cut out. I knew that meant the gasoline had got low. The missing became worse and I had to tip the machine suddenly and then straighten out again to get the gasoline to flow to the carburetors. Finally, I got sight of Governors Island and made the long sweep you saw because I was not depending on the missing engine, but was gliding so that I could align. I thought once that I was going to hit the brass band. And here I am!" 
Miss Law admitted that although her flight had gone as she planned it, in that she had set out to stop at Hornell, if necessary, she had hopes way down in her heart when she left Chicago, that she would be able to make a non-stop flight to New York on fifty-three gallons of gasoline - all her little machine could carry. 
"It is true that in still air that much gasoline would carry me only to about where Hornell is," she said, "But the weather man in Chicago - Mr. Mitchell - told me that I would have a 56-mile wind behind me all the way. If I had that wind, I would have made the flight to New York without stopping. I didn't have the wind because all the wind there was died out soon after I left Chicago. That's why I had to stop at Hornell." 
She added quickly that her chief concern now as to get a big machine that could carry enough gasoline so that she could make the Chicago-New York flight wind or no wind. 
"You see," she explained, "I did so much that big battle-plane I tried to get from Mr. Curtiss. I offered to buy it, but he wouldn't let me have it because he said the big machine was too much for a girl to handle. I trust he will change his mind or that I will get a big machine somehow. Right here, I want to say that there is nothing against my little aeroplane. It's not that its fault that it doesn't carry enough gasoline"
Miss Law said most of her flight yesterday was made at an altitude of about 1,000 feet, and that several times she reached 2,000 feet, but seldom higher than that. Her flight on Sunday, from Chicago to Binghamton, was made at an average height of 5,000 feet. 
What scant equipment the girl had for her remarkable feat was shown when her little machine was rolled alongside the one in which Victor Carlstrom made his Chicago to New York Flight. Carlstrom's machine was more than twice as wide, twice as high, its tanks carry 200 gallons of gasoline; the normal capacity of Miss Law's machine is 16 gallons. She had added a tank to bring the capacity to 33 gallons. 
"Anyway," she said, "this was only a vacation trip, and I have had lots of fun out of it."
Among the Army and Aero Club officials at Governors Island aviation field to welcome Miss Law were Major Hartmann, head of the army air service in the Department of the East; Evert Jansen Wendell, Henry Woodhouse, and Charles Jerome Edwards, members of the Board of Governors of the Aero Club; Augustus Post, and C. Douglas Wardrop, editor of The Aerial Age. Miss Law had a letter for Mr. Wardrop from A. W. Scott of Chicago, a letter for David Belasco from Binghamton, a letter for W.J. Bemish, Secretary of the Rotary Club of New York, sent by James G. Bronlow, Secretary of the Rotary Club of Binghamton and letters for other persons. 
"It is the greatest flight ever made in America," said Mr. Woodhouse, as he collected Miss Law's records of her flight. 
Aero Club of America's Issues Statement on Miss Law's Flight. 
Ruth Law's achievement as viewed by the Aero Club of America the governing body of aviation in this country, was outlined in a statement issued by the club last evening. It named her as the record holder for American non-stop cross-country flight as well as the holder of the world's record for women fliers and of the second best non-stop flight made by either man or woman here or abroad. The statement reviewing her flight said in part: 
"She left Chicago on Sunday morning at 8:25 A.M. Easter time cheered by the people who had gathered at Grant Park. Her aeroplane being sluggishly and battled with the varying wind currents which came across and over the buildings on the Lake front. There was at the time a southwest wind of about twenty-six miles an hours, which was soon died out, and there was almost no wind thereafter. 
"She had mapped her course and had her chart moutned on rollers in a case, the case being strapped to her belt and to the guard of her seat. She had gone ove the route with Lieutenant J. A. McAlser of the Hydrographic Survey Office of Chicago and had then traced the route herself on a chart noting on the chart the compass directions of her flight which direction she summarized on the cuff of her gauntlet. These notations read: 'Gary, 227 miles, S 88 degrees E; Port Clinton, 21 miles, S 60 degrees E; Huron, 44 1/2 miles. N 81 degrees E: Cleveland, 93 miles, N 63 degrees E; Erie, 83 1/2, S 84 degrees E; Olean, 44 miles, N 72 degrees E; Hornell, 48 miles, S 60 degrees E; Elmira, 45 miles, S 81 degrees E; Binghamton, 81 miles, S 42 degrees E; Port Jervis, 33 miles, S 50 degrees E; Suffern, 32 miles, South to New York." 
"Following her directions, she passed Cleveland flying at a height of about 6,000 feet and went on and passed Erie at a height of 3,000 feet. She soon passed Olean and flew to Horness where she landed at 2:10 P.M. having covered 
the distance of 590 miles breaking the American cross-country non-stop record made by Victor Carlstrom on Nov. 2 bettering Victor Carlstrom's non-stop distance record from Chicago to Erie by 138 miles." 
Preferring to Miss Law's equipment the Aero Club official statement said: 
"It was a surprise to everybody to find that aeroplane used to make the record breaking flight was the small loop-the-loop Certiss biplane with the propeller in the rear which she had rebuilt for herself on the old model last March for looping-the-loop exhibitions which she gave in number during the past season. She wanted this type, where the seat is in front without protection from the elements because she said it afforded a wider range of vision while flying. The machine was equipped with a 100-horsepower Curtiss motor and gasoline tanks holding fifty-three gallons." 
In a statement issued for the Aero Club's use Miss Law said: 
"I am going to enter in the transcontinental aeroplane contest which the Aero Club of America will hold next year. It is feasible in every way. The club is doing most practical work. Its plan to establish a chain of landing places from New York to Chicago and then across the country and its contest are going to popularize cross-country flying in America. There will soon be hundreds of people flying from Chicago to New York for business and pleasure." 
The only aviator who has flown further than Miss Law on a non-stop cross-country flight is Sub-Lieutenant A. Marchal of the French Army, who on June 20 and 21 last flew from Nancy, France to Chelm, Poland, a distance of 812.5 miles. This is 222.5 miles better than she did. 
Maj. Hartmann Finds in Miss Law's Flight a Preparedness Lesson. 
Major Carl F. Hartmann of the Signal Corps, the officer at present in charge of the army's aviation in the Department of the East said Ruth Law's accomplishment would be of great advantage of aviation in this country. The Major was one of the first to greet both Victor Carlstrom and Miss Law when they arrived out of the air from Chicago. 
"Above everything else," he said. 
"Miss Law's flight encourages the belief that American-made motors and American-built planes are the euqal of any in the world. She made her journey not only in an almost obsolete type of plane, but with a common stock motor. Her whole equipment could be obtained by anybody. She started her trip with little, if any, expensive preparation, and she came on just as one would if were in an automobile. 
"The big lesson of her flight, in my mind, is , therefore, the fact that such a cross-country flight is not a circus stunt performed only by a special expert with a special apparatus. Any aviator with an American aeroplane can make the rip as safely and as surely as a chauffeur in an automobile. 
"Now, in the army we used just the sort of aviation which Miss Law and, incidentally, Carlstrom have shown. A long, non-stop flight, either for observation or raiding. Miss Law has shown this can be done in an American machine with a common motor. Thus the army can be assured that American manufacturers can equip them with planes capable of competing with any foreign military machines in existence. 
"From what Miss Law has done, I should say that our army aviators could with the equipment they have meet any situation demanded of them in a war against any nation we might fight which did not already have an aero force. 
"Another element of the flight which I consider important will be in effect on the popular mind. In the army we do not want any special sort of men to become aviators-we want all sorts. Then we can pick out the best. Miss Law has shown that anybody who thinks he would like to fly need not hesitate because he believes himself unfit. All he needs to do is to have the nerve to fly." 
Of Miss Law's personality Major Hartmann said he thought her success was largely due to the fact that she combined nerve and intelligence. 


Aero Club Members Congratulate Her After Flight. 

A reception was tendered to Miss Law yesterday afternoon by officers and members of the Aero Club of America. 

Alan P. Hawley, President of the club, congratulated her upon her feat and said it came as a fitting climax to a year of substantial development in American aviation. Other speakers said that the $20,000 prize to be give by the club next year to the winner of its Transcontinental Aeroplane Contest was something Miss Law might well hope to win. 

Among those at the reception were Henry A. Wise Wood, Evert Jansen Wendell Edwards, Governors of the club; Augustuse Post, Professor David Todd, Glenn L. Martin, G. Douglass Wardrop, W. D. Judkins, Stuard McDonald, Victor Carlstrom, J. Guy Gilpatrie, John D. Cooper, A. Leo Stevens, W.s. Bonney, Ladislas d'Orcy, W. W. Niles, Farnum T. Fish, George I. Larabee, George H. Guy, Arthur Johns, Edward F. Searles, and Lyman H. Seeley. 


"Bud" Mars Pays Tribute to Miss Law's Nerve and Achievement. 

J. C. Mars, better known as "Bud" Mars, who made a trip around the world in 1911 giving flying exhibitions used at that time a machine of the same type in which Ruth Law made her record-breaking flight. 

"Only persons who have used that type of machine and know the exposure problem can appreciate what Mis Law has done," he said last night. "She is a most wonderful girl. An up-to-the-minute man aviator would say that her equipment was little more than junk. She knew it wasn't what she should have had, but when she couldn't get better, she had pluck enough to go ahead with what she had. 

"You will recall the flight of Blerlot across the English Channel in 1909. He had better equipment than Miss Law had for her flight. Eugene Fly started in 1919 to make the same flight she did; he had the same sort of machine, and got twelve miles out of Chicago. James Ward started against ' Cal" Rogers to fly across the country in 1911. After two weeks Ward got to Buffalo and gave it up. Both he and Fly said they couldn't stand the exposure of the unprotected Miss Law did stand just what they didn't. 

"She will surely make the Chhicago-New York non-stop flight. In fact, if she has the equipment, I don't believe there is anything in the way of flying she wouldn't attempt." 


Carlstrom Says He Never Dreamed a Woman Could Make the Flight. 

Characterizing Miss Law's record-breaking flight is the best individual performance by an American aviator. Victor Carlstrom pinned himself on record yesterday as one of her most ardent admirers. His opinion carries much weight in aviation circles, particularly when it is remembered that it was his cross-country record that Miss Law broke. 

"Any aviator would be proud to have made the flight she did," he said yesterday after hearig that she had landed at Governors Island, " and most of them would be willing to quit the cross-country game and retire on their reputations after doing it. 

"I know what it means to face the biting wind hour after hour in such a flight. I know that it takes endurance, strength, and nerve, and perhaps the most wonderful thing about Miss Law's record is that she had the physical ability to make it. I knew she'd stick to it as long as she was able, but I never learned that such a slight, little woman would stand the strain of flying half the distance she made. 

"Another extraordinary thing is that the old model aeroplane she flew stood up like it did for the entire distance. Flying such a machine is very wearying. Never for a moment could she rest and relax. Every minute she was in the air she had to have her hands on the controls. This alone shows that even inferior equipment driven by an experienced aviator with unlimited nerve will make a brilliant showing. 

"Of course, Miss Law took some chances. When she left Hornell she risked her life by skimming the tops of the trees on the hill over which she few. Few pilots would have taken such a chance, which meant death or serious injury if the machine was wrecked. However, taking chances is second nature in the Law family, as Miss Law's brother Rodman has so often shown.

"Her flight is the best performance to date in American aviation and mighty few European fliers have bettered it. Miss Law has shown us all the way and set a new mark at which I for one will be glad to shoot."