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Serbians Capture Monastir; Berlin Admits Evacuat

|This is an early mail edition and not for cir-culation in the City of Chicago after 2 a. m.|

Character Quality Enterprise Accuracy
Chicago Examiner
An American Paper For The American People


Vol. XIV., NO 286. - A. M. --- Monday. --- Chicago. November 20, 1916. --- Monday. 
Registered U.S Patent Office.  PRICE ONE CENT    In Chicago and suburbs   ET

French and Serbs Together Enter City in Triumph One Year After Evacuation; Entente Al-lies Advance Elsewhere.
Grunishte Surrounded in Gen-eral Advance; Hill 1378 Cap-tured and Gains Made in the Direction of Holeven.
BERLIN, Nov. 19 - The capture of Monastir by the allies was of-ficially admitted in to-night's of-ficial statement, which says:
  The enemy succeeded in making progress on height 1,212 northeast of Cage.  German and Bulgarian troops have taken a position north of Monastir.  Monastir is thus abandoned.
LONDON. Nov. 19 - Monastir has fallen to the allies.  
To the strains of the Serbian na-tional hymn the remnant of King peter's army at 8 o'clock this morn-ing madched through the shell-rid-dled gates of the Macedonian city, whence a year ago they fled in panic and hunger before the great Teuton-Bulgarian steam roller.
At the head of the victorious troops rode Crown Prince Alexander, reju-venator of the Little Balkan king-dom's soldiers, and side by side with them marched French regiments with whom aid the first great step toward the reconquest of Serbia was accom-plished. 
Here and there in the long line of the triumphant march a row of Mus-covite "Tchakos" towered above the helmets of the steel. Their owners were members of the Russian contingent which also co-operated in the eneir-clement [[?]] of the great Bulgarian stronghold. A few minutes after the first battalions had entered, the Ser-bian colors - red, blue and white - once more fluttered from the mas-tops on Monastir's government and municipal buildings.
The entry was peculiarly timely, for to-day is the anniversary of the capture of the city by the Serbs four years ago.

Francis Joseph Works Despite Slight Fever
VIENNA, Nov. 19- The royal physicians issued the follo-ing bulletin regarding the health of Emperor Francis Joseph:
   The Emperor this morn-ing had a slight tempera-ture, resembling fever; his catarrh is unchanged. The action of his heart is good; respiration calm.
Despite his sickness the Em-peror devoted all of yesterday to his work. He held several au-diences.

Monarch to Elevate Heir on 68th Anniversary of Ascension to Throne.
Staff Correspondent of International News Service.
BERLIN (Via Sayville wireless),
Nov. 19. - Amid the shock of battle in which Austria-Hungary is defending her own fronteirs and carrying the war into hostile countries, comes the news of sixty-eighth anniversary of the throne ascension of Emperor Francis Joseph, on December 2, which will be made the occasion of a procla-mation of historic importance for the Hapsburg monarchy. 
It is announced from Vienna that the venerable monarch will proclaim the extension of the soveriegn right to Archduke Carl Franz Joseph, which virtually gives the latter the rank of co-regent.
Francis Joseph is now in his eigh-ty-sixth year. For ten days past he has been mildly indisposed, due to a stubborn catarrhal affection, not-withstanding which the Emperor as-sidiously carried on his laborious dally routine.
In voluntarily resigning his pre-rogatives to the youthful heir of the dual throne, Francis Joseph is emu-lating the example of the great Maria Theresa, who, while still in the pos-

Wentworth Avenue Merchant Shot When Police Surprise Trio Hauling $3,000 in Clothing From Store. 
Two Companions, Unhurt, Es-cape; Suspects Later [[?]] Arrested; Dead Man of Good Repute.
Forest Park police ended a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde career for An-gello Gammato, grocer at 2216 Went-worth avenue, early Sunday morning by shooting him down as he hauled $3,000 worth of stolen merchandise away from a store at 7337 West Mad-ison street. 
Gammato and two companions, loading the wearing apparel upon the wagon he used for grocery deliveries by day, were fired upon by Police-man Herman Errgang. Cammato fell dead, but his companions escaped unhurt.
Upon word from Forest Park po-lice, detectives from the Twenty-sec-ond Street Station went to the Gm-mato store. They took inot custody Annodeo Gaeci, 259 Alexander place, who appeared to open the shop at Mrs. Gammato's request.
Through information from the wife they also found Bernardo Lacceso and Vinceno Coppo at 259 Alexander place, who went out with Gammato to do a "moving job" Saturday night, according to the wife. They denied implication in the robbery attempt. The police are convinced that Lac-ceso was one of the Gammato's compan-ions. They are seeking Antone Bac-carelli as the other. Also three load-ed revolvers found under the wagon seat convinced them that the men constituted a desperate band.
Leo Rrronson, owner of the Forest Park Style Shop, where the men were making their haul, said there had been many such burglaries in sub-urban towns.
 "Although there is nothing startling about Lacceso and Baccarelli being mixed up in work of this sort. It is different with Gammato," said De-tective Sergeant Camillo of the Twenty-second Street Stallion. "Gam-mato has always been looked upon as a respectable, hard-working mer-chant."
A hospital diet kitchen where uni-formed nurses serve invalid food-

Notorious Frog Club at 3400 South State Street and Ga-rage Yield Many Prisoners.
Captains Meagher and Healy of Stanton Avenue and Cottage Grove Station Head Details.
Saturday night and early Sunday morning raids nettled the police of the Stanton Avenue Stations 119 prisoners from gambling houses, hotels and disor-derly resorts. The raids created much excitement and cells were overcrowd-ed until bondsmen got busy.
Captains Thomas Meagher and Stephan K. Healy, who directed the crusade, declared they will launch others week or every day if neces-sary until their precincts are cleaned up.
The notorious Frog Club at 3400 South State street, run by a negro, Sidney Dago, was one of the places raided. They detectives who forced their way in at the front door made quicker progress than those sent to the back. The negro dice players crowded the windows on the second floor rear. and many escaped by jumping before they were held back by police revolvers. 
A spirited crap game in the Cos-mopolitan garage, 3346 Indiana ave-nue, among chauffeurs for the rich was also raided and the gamblers ar-rested. The police said it was an impromptu game and that no blame attached to the owner of the place.
The other places raided and the number of persons arrested in each follow:
   Star hotel, 2901 South State street; thirteen men and twelve women.
   Court Hotel, 206 East Twenty-third street: six men and six women.
   Mrs. Lillie Lewis, 2220 South Dearborn street; six men and six women.
   Mrs. Lena Tyler, 2945 South Wa-bash avenue; four men and four women.
   Ada day, 3730 Prairie avenue; four men and four women.
   Ruby Armstrong, 2943 South Wa-bash avenue; four men and four women.
   Cigar store, 2223 Cottage Grove avenue; six men.

Most of the prisoners were released on bonds a short time after their ar-[[page cropped]]

Germany Admits Sinking of Liner Arabia by U-Boat
Admiralty Declares Vessel Was Armed and Passengers' Lives "Frivolously Risked."
BY INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE BERLIN (Wireless via Sayville), Nov. 19.-The German admiralty to-day admitted for the first time the torpedoing by a German submarine of the Peninsula and Oriental liner Arabia. The following statement was issued:
The German admiralty on November 15 reported that a German submarine eighty miles west of [[page cropped]]]

Wealthy Broker Found Unconscious in the Street, Dies

Firemen Rescue 5 Women Trapped in Hotel Quarters

Photo by International.
MISS RUTH LAW, aviatrix, photographed behind the wheel of her Curtiss "baby biplane" in Grant Park yesterday just before the start of her record-breaking flight to Binghamton, N. Y.

38 MIN
Resumes Journey
and Covers 783
hamton, N. Y.,
ness Overtakes
120 Miles Per
Start in Chicago
Mile Gale; Mec
She Takes PLac
on Final Stret

The towns Miss L
the time she was o
distance from Chic
Pine, Ind.......
Dune Park, Ind....
Chesterton, Ind....
Otis, Ind......
Dunham, Ind.....
Rolling Prairie, Ind.....61
South Bend, Ind......85
Miehawaka, Ind.....89
Elkhart, Ind.......101
Goshen, Ind........107
Ligonier, Ind......133
Waterloo, Ind......155
Butler, Ind........163
Bryan, Ohio........180
Archbold, Ohio.....193
Wauseon, Ohio......202
Lime City, Ohio....244
Vermilion, Ohio....308
Carson, Ohio.......
Jamestown, N. Y
Hornell, N. Y...
Owego, N. Y....
Binghampton, N.
 *Eastern time
Ruth Bancroft Law
man Law,the parach
terday won decognit

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