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after she started.
Miss Law left Chicago Sunday morning at twenty-five minutes past eight o'clock (Eastern time). She flew without a stop to Hornell, 590 miles in five hours and forty-five minutes, landing there at ten minutes past two o'clock, with the first of her string of records to her credit-that for the longest continuous flight ever made in this country. The previous non-stop record was held by Mr. Carlstrom, who on November 3 flew from Chicago to Erie, Pa., a distance of 452, without landing.

Narrow Escape at Hornell. 
Incidentally Miss Law revealed upon her arrival here to-day that she had the narrowest kind of escape from injury or death landing at Hornell. Her gasolene had given out when she was about 2,000 feet in the air and she was compelled to select her landing place while volplaning with a "dead" engine. She glided through the air for more than two miles before she found a suitable landing place, and when she did pick one out, was able to make it only with the greatest difficulty.
"I missed coming down in the tree tops by the narrowest margin you can imagine," she said in discussing the incident to-day. "I had picked out a clearing and thought I could make it easily. As I neared the ground, however, it seemed that I was going to light in the trees. I was dropping lower and lower in the air every second and had no engine power to keep me up. As good luck would have it I cleared the trees and struck the ground easily and safely."
After luncheon at Hornell Miss Law took to the air again and flew to Binghamton, arriving at twenty-four minutes past four o'clock. Here darkness overtook her and she was compelled to stay for the night, with 680 miles to her credit for the day's flight.

On Way Early To-Day.
Bright and early to-day she was out superintending the overhauling of her machine, and at twenty-three minutes past seven she took to the air again. The engine at that time was working perfectly and she went into the air within less than fifty feet from her starting place.
In an effort to clear the low hanging mists, she set her elevating planes at a sharp angle and climbed for nearly 2,000 feet into the air before settling to a course. She flew at this height for many miles, but was at length forced to seek lower altitudes because the haze had grown so dense that she was unable to make out any of the topography and was in danger of getting lost.

Flies Low Here.
From Port Jervis to this city she flew very low, at times dropping down to within one hundred feet of the ground. She said upon her arrival that she tried to follow the Erie Railroad, but that she lost it several times on her way down from Binghampton. She was not sure of her exact course until she reached Port Jervis, although she kept the little compass which was attached to her footrest pointing to "south by fifty degrees east."
Besides the compass she had a little road map at her right hand and a barograph to guide her. As she passed over a town she would reach over and check it off on her road map.
Besides the low-hanging haze, Miss Law was troubled not a little on the last stretch of her trip by the wind which blew west by south, cutting her machine at a three-quarters gale. Incidentally she was compelled, on account of the gasolene shortage, to land "with the wind" when she reached the Island, a thing that very few aviators care to do. She said afterward, however, that his development had given her but very little concern. Her only misgivings had to do with the length of time the machine would stay up after the fuel gave out--whether it would keep above the water until she reached land.
The youthful flyer said that she had no mechanical trouble of any kind on her entire trip. 
"The engine worked beautifully all the way except when the gasolene gave out at  Hornell and here", she said. 
As a protection against the bitter cold of the high altitude, which she traversed for a good part of the way, Miss Law wore heavy woolen germents under her regulation leather aviation costume. She had a heavy woollen cap under her helmet. 
Miss Law had made few actual flights before undertaking the Chicago to New York trip, but said to-day that she never had any doubt of her ability to guide her machine safely between the two cities. Twenty-five miles was the longest distance the young aviator had covered before undertaking this trip. 

Leaves Binghamton. 
BINGHAMTON, N. Y., Monday-Ruth Bancroft Law, who eclipsed the distance record for continuous airplane flight, previously set by Victor Carlstrom, left this city at twenty minutes past seven o'clock this morning on the final stage of her flight from Chicago to New York. 
Although Miss Law, who is using a biplane of standard Curtiss manufacture, with 100 horse power engines, did not succeed in her effort to floy from Chicago to New York between sunrise and sun set, she expected to lower the actual flying time of Carlstrom, who also was forced recently to break his flight by two stops, by at least one hour. 
It was her hope, when she started to fly at least 125 miles an hour, for her engines were running like watches and the weather conditions almost ideal, although the wind seemed to give her some slight annoyance because it did not come directly from the west, as she had hoped.
She made the ideal start, the machine responding to the first revolutions of the engines and rising from the ground within fifty feet of the tsarting [[starting]] point. She rose rapidly and steadily, and during the first five minutes, at the end of which she disappeared over the hills to the east, she apparently had made about ten miles and had risen to a height of more than 2,500 feet. 
As she left this morning Miss Law said:-"Next time I am going out after a new world's record." 
At an early hour Miss Law began making preparations for the last stage of her interrupted flight to New York. Every mechanism was inspected, the cable tested, gasolene stored in the container and all the other preparations for the flight made. 

Ready Before Dawn. 
Long before day had dawned a throng of spectators had gathered near where the biplane was being put in readiness. Each succeeding hour witnessed a substantial increase in the number of spectators, and as the time drew near for the start of the aerial voyage there was a veritable jam of folk eager to view the start. 
Now and then could be heard the thrum of motor and the whirr of the propeller. Miss Law was taking no chances. She had made up her mind to overlook nothing, realizing that it was merely through lack of gasolene that she had been prevented from achieving a non-stop flight to New York. 
Miss Law showed no signs of weariness when she arose this morning. To withstand the hardship attendant upon a sustained flight she had prepared herself many weeks in advance. She had slept in a tent on the roof of the twenty story Morrison Hotel in Chicago and had taken a rigorous course of exercise. 

With fitting ceremony the cornerstone of the new building to be occupied jointly by the Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew associations of Borough Park, Fourteenth avenue and Fiftieth street, were laid in the presence of more than two thousand persons, including many public officials.
The stones were set in place by Justice Irving Lehman, of the Supreme Court, and Mrs. Lena Williamson, president of the Young Women's Hebrew Associations of this city. The stone was set in place by Justice Temple B'nai Jeshurun, of Manhattan, presided. The speakers included Justice Lehman, Marcus M. Marks, Borough President of Manhattan; Lewis H. Pounds, Borough President of Brooklyn; Magistrate Alexander Geismar, Joseph Barondess and Abraham Shiman, president of the Metropolitan League of Young Men's Hebrew Association.

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Form 1204
Day Message
Day Letter           Blue
Night Message        Nite
Night Letter         N L
If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a day message. Otherwise its character is indicated by the symbol appearing after the check.


Day Message
Day Letter          Blue
Night Message       Nite
Night Letter        N L
If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a day message. Otherwise its character is indicated by the symbol appearing after the check.
WX 26 W. 31st ST., N.Y.
77ONY G 10

James McCreery & Co.
5th Avenue
34th Street
On Tuesday and Wednesday

Remarkable Values
1/3 to 1/2 Less Than Regular Prices
A choice collection of Hand Bags, Envelope Purses and Vanity Purses, in the newest shapes and leathers, also Chiffon Velvets, plain or fancy Silk Moire, purchased at a very special discount from a leading manufacturer-

Suggesting Early Purchases for Gift Purposes
150 Pieces
regularly 4.50 to 5.00
Hand Bags and Envelope Purses of Matt or Pin Seal, Mocha, Vachette and fancy Calf leathers; also Hand Bags of Chiffon Velvet, plain or fancy silk Moire, many in two-tone effects.
100 Pieces
regularly 5.50 to 7.50
Hand Bags and Envelope Purses of Vachette, Morocco, Pin or bordered Seal leathers; also Hand Bags of plain or fancy Silk Moire and Chiffon Velvets. 
60 Pieces
regularly 7.50 to 10.00
Vanity Purses and Hand Bags of Mocha or Pin Seal leather; also Hand Bags of Chiffon Velvet, Silk Moire and combinations of Vachette and Velvet, a few Sterling Silver trimmed.

(Third Floor)
Pillow Slips,- Madeira hand-embroidered on Linen 2.00
Cases,- Madeira hand- [[cutoff]] 1.00
Slips over floss-filled Pink [[cutoff]] pillows. 75c
various kinds of lace, lace [[cutoff]] 85c to 1.45
-made of shirred cretonne [[cutoff]]; lined in plain colors; [[cutoff]] and pin cushion. 1.15
[[cutoff]] of Taffeta Silk, trimmed [[cutoff]] braid. 5.00
made of Silk, covered with [[cutoff]], trimmed with French 1.25
[[cutoff]] Trays,-made of Brocade, [[cutoff]] braid. 1.45
[[cutoff]] UNDERWEAR
styles, the soft, sheer, [[cutoff]] hand-embroidery [[cutoff]] hand made Under-[[cutoff]] them individually [[cutoff]] Nightgowns are fash-[[cutoff]] style, also with set-in [[cutoff]], Envelope Chemises [[cutoff]] many beautiful de-[[cutoff]] considerately priced.
1.95, 2.50, 2.95 to 5.95 [[cutoff]] .95c, 1.95, 2.95 to 4.95.....2.25, 2.95 and 3.95 [[cutoff]] 2.25, 2.95, 3.95 to 4.95

Attractively Priced
Taffeta and Silk Jersey Petticoats in every desirable new style, with tucked, shirred, scalloped, pleated or corded ruffles, in solid or changeable colors, also Black or White.
3.95, 4.95, 5.95 to 10.95
Dance Petticoats
Tailored or lace trimmed models, of White or Flesh Color Satin.
4.95, 6.95, 7.50 to 12.50
Extra Size Petticoats
Black Jersey Top Petticoats with Taffeta or Messaline flounces.
5.95, 6.95, 7.95 to 10.95
Extra Size Taffeta Petticoats in solid or changeable colors.  5.95, 6.95 and 7.95
Extra Size Colored Jersey Top Petticoats.
5.95, 6.95 and 7.95

At Special Prices
La Vida Corsets,-medium low bust model, with straight hip line; made of Pink or White Brocade; heavy webbing supporters attached.
3.95 regularly 6.00
Successo Corsets,-low top model, for slight or average figures, made of fancy Pink Coutil
2.45 regularly 4.00
Successo Corsets,-medium low bust model, for full or medium figures; made of Pink or White Brocade.
2.95 regularly 5.00

Clearance Prices
H & W Corset Waists for women and misses--broken lots and sizes. 
35c, 50c, 65c, 95c and 1.95
regularly 50c, 75c, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 to 5.00

Now in Progress-The Annual November Sale
Offering a most remarkable collection of rare pieces selected for their individual merit and charm.
Presenting an exceptional opportunity to admirers of these masterpieces of the Orient to secure beautiful Rugs for personal or gift purposes
At Very Material Savings