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Maze of International and Domestic Problems Await Solution and Mr. Wilson Faces Gravest Tasks, Probably, of His Career. 
WASHINGTON, Monday, When President Wilson sat at his desk in the White House execute offices to-day he plunged into one of the busiest day's work in the history of his administration. Such an array of domestic and international problems, in which he must take the lead in arriving at solutions, has seldom if ever confronted a President of the United States.
Leading in importance is the submarine war issue between this country and the Germanic Alliance. The reports, increasing daily in frequency, that the Kaiser's undersea fighters are violation the agreement made with this country, has caused the President to realize that the matter must be taken up at once. 
Little Delay Expected.
Indications that there will be little delay in this matter are seen in the statements issued from authoritative sources that the President, now that the election is past, will feel no embarrassment nor fear of misinterpretation, such as might have been the case before the verdict of the people, as reflected by the vote on November 7, had been [[dlivred?]] on the democratic administration.
Another international controversy is the eternal Mexican situation, which is drawing near a crisis, in the opinion of students of recent events. The President has insisted on ending the deadlock at which the negotiations of the joint commission have arrived, and demands that an agreement of some sort be reached. 
Railway Problem Lends.
The railway problem leads in importance among the domestic issues which call for the President's carnest attention. This is divided into two main branches-the fight on the eight-hour day principle and the investigation of the Congressional joint committee, opening to-day, in which the question of government ownership, not only of railways but of other public utilities, such as telegraphs, telephones, cable, wireless and the like, are to be discussed. 
All this aside from the programme of general legislation which President Wilson is anxious to have enacted by the president Congress before its term expires next March, and which requires study and preparation by him and his advisers. 

President Has No Idea of Seeking Peace Now
Rumors Heard in Vienna Declared To Be Baseless, Mr. Wilson Not Being Ready to Act Without Consent of Belligerents. 
[BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.] WASHINGTON, Monday. - It is assumed in official circles here that Austrian discussion of the prospect of a move in behalf of peace by President Wilson is based upon some unfounded rumor reaching Vienna or upon a misinterpretation of one of the President's speeches in the campaign advocating a world league for peace to make another such war as that now raging in Europe impossible.
The President, it is understood, has not changed his opinion that any action by him at the present stage of the European conflict would be ill-timed and futile unless the belligerent nations indicated that it would be welcome, and it is authoritatively stated that no immediate step is in contemplation. 

Tiny Mouse Starts Panic Among 21 Families
Fire Alarm Is Followed by Ambulance Call and Policemen-Two Women Faint and Many Receive Minor Injuries in Dash to Reach Street.
A mouse may be small, but one of them inspired one of the finest of Robert Burns' poems. We are also told that a grateful specimen of the species rescued a lion from the net which wass trangling him to death. But when a New  York house starts something, you can depend on it that something really worth while will happen. Here is what one did in Williamsburg:-
Caused two women to faint.
Drove out twenty-one panic-stricken families to the street.
Caused a fire alarm to be rung in.
Also and Ambulance call.
Responsible for many minor injuries, such as bruises and cuts suffered in the struggle to reach the street.
Blamed for innumerable cases of hysteria and semi-hysteria consequent on the excitement throughout a wide area in the neighborhood of Nos. 305-307 South Second street, Williamsburg, where the mouse appeared. 
The small animal poked his small nose and whiskers out from under the icebox in the kitchen of Mrs. Dora Rothman. Rosie, fourteen-year-old daughter of Mrs. Rothman, saw the intruder, screamed, leaped on a chair, screamed again and fell in a faint to the floor, being severely cut. Mrs. Rothman screamed and fainted too, being also injured.
Neighbors who heard the cries mistook them for "Fire!" and this was repeated all through the double tenement building. Tenants thronged the hallways in a desperate struggle to escape. 
The ever vigilant "bystander" was at his post and he ran for the nearest fire alarm box. Policemen ran up to the Rothman apartment and found the women unconscious on the floor. They were treated by Dr. Morrissey, of the Williamsburg Hospital, who responded to an ambulance call. 
The mouse, it is reported, is resting very comfortably, having retired into a hols with a piece of cheese rind which had fall from the kitchen table. 
13 Years at This Address MEANS Something REMEY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 313-317 8th Ar. (34th St.) Phone Col. 4684 All Modern Dances Quickly Taught One Hour Private Lessons, $1. 3-Lessons, $5.

Woman Aviator Races to New York on Last Lap of Record Flight
Expects to Make Faster Time Than Victor Carlstrom in His Recent Trip.
-On the last stretch of her record breaking flight from Chicago to New York city Miss Ruth Law passed over here at thirty-five minutes past eight o'clock to-day, she had covered the 127 miles from Binghamton, which place she left at twenty minutes past seven, in one hour and fifteen minutes. 
If she maintains the same rate of speed for the remaining eighty-eight miles between here and New York city she will land at Governor's Island in the time to break the Chicago-New York recors set by Victor Carlstrom by a good margin. She was flying steadily at a rate of more than 100 miles an hour. 
SUSUQEHANNA. Pa., Monday-Ruth Law, who left Binghamton at twenty minuted past seven o-clock this morning in her aeroplane on the last lap of her record breaking flight from Chicago to New York, passed over this place flying at the rate of one hundred miles an hour. She was flying at a great height as she passed.
BINGHAMTON, N. Y., Monday.-Ruth Bancroft Law, who eclipsed the distance record for continuous airplane flight, previously set by Victor Carlstrom, left this city at twenty minutes past seven o'clock this morning on the final stage of her flight from Chicago to New York.
It was her hope, when she stared, to fly at least 125 miles an hour, for her engines were running like watches and the weather condition almost ideal, although the wind seemed to give her some slight annoyance because it did not come directly from the west, as she had hoped. 
She made an ideal start, the machine responding to the first revolution of the engines and rising from the ground within fifty feet of the tsarting point. She rose rapidly and steadily, and during the first five minutes, at the end of which she disappeared over the hills to the east, she apparently had made about ten miles and had risen to a height of a more than 2,500 feet. 
Follows Railroad Line.
She said that she would follow the Erie Railroad until she came in sight of New York Bay, when she would circle off to the south and seek the usual landing place on the parade ground at Governor's Island.
Miss Law retired early Sunday night and was up at five o'clock this morning, had her breakfast at six and was at the field by a quarter of seven ready to make her flight. 
As she left this morning Miss Law said:-"Next time I am going out after a new world's record."
At an early hour Miss Law began making preparations for the last stage of her interrupted flight to New York. Every mechanism was inspected, the cable tested gasolene stored in the container and all the other preparations for the flight made. 
Ready Before Dawn.
Long before day had dawned a throng of spectators had gathered near where the biplane was being put in readiness. Each succeeding hour witnessed a substantial increase in the number of spectators, and as the time drew near for the start of the aerial voyage there was a veritable jam of folk eager to view the start.
Now and then could be heard the thrum of motor and the whirr of the propeller. Miss Law was taking no chances. She had made up her mind to overlook nothing, realizing that it was merely through lack of gasolene that she had been prevented from achieving a non-stop flight to New York. The reception accorded her here elated the little aviatrice. Congratulations were literally showered upon her. An entertainment was given in her honor by Samuel H. Dailey, a friend. Prominent residents of the city attended, and after it had ended Miss Law retired on the plea of "slight fatigue."
Miss Law showed no signs of weariness when she arose the morning. To withstand the hardship attendant upon a sustained flight she had prepared herself many weeks in advance. She had slept in a tent on the roof of the twenty story Morrison hotel in Chicago and had taken a rigorous course of exercise. 
Her First Long Flight
She had made few actual flights, however, before undertaken the trip from Chicago to New York. Those she did make were of comparatively little importance. Twenty-five miles was the maximum distance she had travelled in her biplane. 
Miss Law was modest about her achievement although there was no hiding the fact that she was delighted with the knowledge that she had beaten the non-stop record of Victor Carlstrom. 
Miss Law landed in Hornell seven minutes after two o'clock Sunday afternoon, after having been in the air five hours and forty minutes. It was more than an hour before she was able to get a supply of
(Continued on Page 3.)

Three Women Arrested in Dynamite Plot
ATLANTA, Ga., Monday.-Three young white women are under arrest to-day in connection with recent dynamiting of street cars. Seven men already are held and a special session of the Grand Jury has been called. The women arrested gave their names as Cora Caldwell, twenty-one years old; Cora Ridley, twenty-five, and Nora Ryan, twenty-four, all of Atlanta. They denied connection with the affair. The police charge they obtained dynamite for the men. 
Dynamiting of cars, which has gone on intermittently since the strike of motormen and conductors began September 30, has resulted in painful injuries to a number of persons. 

Features of Miss Ruth Law's Record Aviation Exploit
Flies without stop from Chicago to Hornell, N.Y., a distance of 590 miles, exceeding the highest previous American cross-country record, held by Victor Carlstrom, and which was 452 miles, from Chicago to Erie, Pa.
Incidentally sets a new world's record for continuous flight by a women pilot, held by Mlle. Dutrieux, when she won the Femina Cup in 1913 by flying 200 miles in competition in France.
Speed of first part of the journey averages 103 miles an hour, although using a two-year-old now obsolete type of Curtiss biplane, which experts thought incapable of making the trip. 
The aviatrice is only twenty-eight years old, and her longest previous cross-country flight was twenty-five miles. She would not have stopped at Hornell but for the necessity of replenishing her stock of gasolene. 

Help Wanted Situations Wanted
Advertisements are printed to-day on page 15.
Find the position you want in NEW YORK'S ONLY AFTERNOON [[?]]

Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. 

Prussian Forces Enter Wallachia, Where they Have Established Themselves Strongly After Fighting Way Through Deflies of Transylvanian Alps.
Unexpected Coup by Russians and Allied Successes at Monastir and on the Cerna May Relieve Pressure on the Roumanians. 
LONDON, Monday.-With the entrance of strong Austro-German forces into Wallachia where they have established themselves strongly after fighting their way through the defiles of the Transylvanian Alps, the position of the Roumanians has grown most precarious and is admittedly causing grave concern. Allied successes in Macedonia, which have restored Monastir to the Serbians, are of too recent occurrence to influence the situation in Roumania. 
German reports of the Kaiser's military successes against the Roumanians state that Roumanian resistance, which had been growing stiffer, has been broken and that Roumanian strategy has failed. Of the smaller nations engaged in the great struggle Roumania at the present moment is the hardest pressed. 
How serious this is is revealed in the Berlin and Vienna announcements that the Austrians and Prussian troops now have reached the Danube-Craiova railway, attaining a point from which they are able to threaten the flank of the Roumanian forces south of the Vulcan pass. 
It is considered probable here that the Roumanian army already is in retreat to save itself from catastrophe. Bucharest, says the Daily Chronicle, is not directly menaced as yet, but the enemy has gained possession of an excellent base from which to direct operations against the capital. 
"The Germans' success, if true, is very serious," the Chronicle admits. "It means that the German attempt to cut off the southwest projection of Roumanian army at Orsova is precarious, and it will be lucky if it extricates itself without a catastrophe."
The Daily Mail, admitting that the Roumanian line is in great peril, says:-
"The enemy claims to have attained his first objective, namely an advance to the Roumanian plain. His new position endangers the Roumanian flank and may cause a rapid retirement. This news is grave as the presence of the enemy on the railway would compel the retreat of a large part of the Roumanian line."
What seems to spell disaster to Roumanian arms may yet be averted, however, although the press to is preparing the public for news of further reverses in that region. There is possibility of an unexpected coup on the part of the Russians in Roumania, and Allied successes at Monastir and on the Cerna are likely to relieve the pressure on the Roumanians against whom the Prussians are apparently determined to wage as relentless a war of national extinction as they did against Serbia in the interests of their Bulgarian allies.
Late reports of the allied triumph at Monastir indicate that the blow dealt there to the Prussian and Bulgarian forces may prove a crushing one. The enemy, it is stated, is not only in retreat along the road to Prilep, the only path of escape left open to them, but is in wild disorder. On the heels of the retreating foe is the cavalry of the Allies, harassing the enemy at every step. It is believed that a great quantity of war  booty was taken at Monastir, although the Bulgar-Prussian garrison there sought to destroy its stores before evacuating the city, a Salonica despatch starting that heavy explosions occurred in the city and large fires were observed there before the allied troops swept into possession. 
The capture of Monastir is particularly of value because of its moral effect upon the Bulgarians, but it also gives the Salonica army military advantages of consequence. Ochrida, only a little more than a score of miles away towards the west, is expected to fall into the hands of the Allies now with little delay. This will give the Allies control of a large extent of territory and assure the safety of their communications with the Italian forces now in Albania. 
Austrian troops in Albania are now threatened as a result of the successful prosecution of GGeneral Sarrail's offensive in Macedonia. The Italians, who already have given their assistance to the Salonica forces, now will have much greater freedom of movement, and may be expected to resume the operations against the Austrians, which have been held in abeyance while the greater operations in the Cerna region were being prepared and executed.