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The Paper Consists of Two Sections-Section one.Circulation  

Over 600,000 Sunday.
Over 350,000 Daily.

The Chicago Daily Tribune The World's greatest newspaper 

Volume Lxxv-No.278. C

(Copyright: 1916: by the tribune company.)

Girl Flies 783 miles in day 

Rail Inquiry today opens big problems

Brothershoods Form Alliance for an Extension of Eight Hour Day.

By Arthur Sears Henning. Washington,D.C,Nov.19.-(special.)-With the opening of the investigation of railroad conditions by the Newlands congressional joint Commitee tomorrow and the confrerence between President Wilson and Representive Adamson on the enactment of the pending legislation, complementing the Adamson act, the greatest economic problems of recent yeasrs will be brought to the fore.Depite the assertion of the president yesterday that he is trying to eradicate class division, class consciousness and feeling,evidence is not wanting that the class conflict stirred by the surrender of the administation and congress to the brotherhoods is destined to burn furiously when Mr.Wilson presses his correlative measures.

Unions Ready To Fight.
The railway brotherhoods are preparing to employ every ounce of their political influence in congress to defeat particularly the bill providing for compulsory investigation of wage disputes rodeled on the Canadian

Mexican Parleys Must Be Finished,Wilson Decrees 

Lane Sent Back to Atlantic City to Close Up Conference.

Washington,D.C.,Nov.19.-Armed with President Wilson's complete aproval of his course,Secretary Lane will return to Atlantic City tomorrow determined to bring the sessions of the American-Mexican joint commission to an early conclusion.He is still hopeful that an agreement as to the border situation can be reached, but it was clearly indicated today in official circles that the joint conference is entering on its final phase,agreement or no agreement.If the commissioners find it impossible to formulate a plan,the view taken here will be that the prospect of settling border disputes through diplomacy will be remote.

Has White House Backing.
Secretary Lane is understood to have found President Wilson,Secretary Lansing,and Sercretary Baker in full accord with him on every point when he laid before them last night in a three hour conference at three hour conference at the White House a review of the efforts the American commissioners had made to reach a settlement.Every step proposed by Mr.Lane in behalf of his task backed by the unwavering support of the administration in whatever course is planned.

Cabrera Stumbling Block.
It is an open secret that Luis Cabrerar.minister of finance and president of the Mexican commissior,has proved the stumbling block in the way of reaching an agreement.Commissoners Bonrillas and

Allies Seize Serbian City of Monastir

Austro-German Forces Win Way to plains if Roumania.

European War Summary

Allied armies recapture Monastir, in Serbia. Germans and Austrians force way through mountains to Wallachian plains of Roumania.German official report says British "big push" on Saturday failed with terrific losses.

(By Cable to the Chicago Tribune.) 
Paris,Nov.19.-Monostir, chief city in southern Serbia and one of the strongholds of the Balkans, today was occupied by allied troops, the Bulgarian and German troops having been driven out by the steady advance of the alien armies.
  The recapture of the city came on the anniversary of its seizure by Serbians in the Balkan war of 1912. It has been in the hands of the forces of the central empires ever since the overrunning of Serbia.
 The temporary capital of Serbia will be established at 
Bruam Exjorts 10,000 Overflow in Michigan Ave.
Boice of New Sp 
man for Prohib   Husky from Campaign
  Ten thousamd persons clogged Michigan boulevard for two blocks last evening in a vain endeavor to get into Orchestra hall to hear William Jennings Bryan lecture on "The First Commandent."
  Orchestra hall happened to be filled two hours before the time set for Mr.Bryan to appear as the speaker for the Sunday Evening club. Squads of policemen were sent to response to callers for help by the officials of the club. It resembled more a great political outpouring to hear a president or a candidate for president than a mere semi-religious service, at which the new "dry" spokesman of the United States was to deliver one of his best sermons on selfishness.
  Bryan Goes to People.
 Mr. Bryan was tired. The effects of the recent campaigning for President Wilson were still apparent. His voice was still a bit rough. But he did not resist the importunities of a volunteer committee representing the outsiders.  They went to the University  where he was resting, and pleaded with him to show himself to the great  outside.
 So he got up and was escorted through the immense concourse to the steps of the Art institute, where he took a tion just behind the marble effigy o  "Outcast" and beside the bronze r of "The Sower."
 Mr. Bryan  his heed and 

(Copyright: 1916 By John T. McCutcheon.)
 Of the 2898 counties in the U.S., 2543 are now in the DRY column  THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL
[[image]] Saloon Keeper  Distiller  Brewer  Liquor Dealer
 [[image]] WAR  SOBRIETY EFFICIENCY DISCIPLINE SELF-DENIAL NATIONAL SERVICE Self-suboridination  The Great Temperance Leader
Some Great Industrial Strong Hold Now Dry.
European Industrial Competition After The
Breaks Nonstop Record with Old Plane in Flight East.
 Ruth Bancroft Law, a Chicago girl, yesterday took all laurels for American aviation. In a 5 year old soutplane she set a nonstop record of 666 miles in five hours and thirty-eight minutes.
 Her record for the day's flight was 783 miles, a new mark. She did this in a flying time of six hours and thirty-two minutes, and an elapsed time of seven hours and fifty-three minutes.
 Miss Law took all records away from Victor Carlstrom, who, in his Chicago to New York trip, made a nonstop record of 480 miles and a day's flight of 652 miles.
 Miss Law made her first stop in Hornell, N.Y. and was compiled to descent to replenish the gasoline tank of her craft. She left Chicago with fifty-three gallons, and with a slightly larger supply she declared she would have landed on Governor's island, which by arrangement, was lighted up for her arrival last night  short stop in Hornell Miss