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The Tribune Graphic 
Section Two 
Sunday December 10, 1916

[[ 6 images, all on the same document]]

The U.S. Battleships
Texas and New York, anchored off the Battery, were outlined in electric lights as part of the Statue of liberty illumination ceremonies.
Bain News Service.

Miss Ruth Law, the Chicago-to-New York record breaker, swept across the black sky in a whirl of  magnesium flame. Beneath her aeroplane blazed the word "L—I—B—E—R—T—Y" in silver fire.
Photo by Curtis

[[Flower Stamp [[?]]]

France's Great Gift to America, in darkness at night for thirty years, leaped into a glow of splendid golden light at President Wilson's touch. The lights will burn every night for all time to come.
Copyright [[?]] Pach Photo News.

[[Flower stamp [[?]]]]

Angier Buchanan Duke, the year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Angier B. Duke, entertained family and friends at his first birthday dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Some of those about the table are Amos Wylie, Letta Clews, Mary Gladys Willetts, David Burton, Doris Duke, Cynthia Pratt, Dallas Pratt, Gladys Bradley, Virginia Thaw, Lucella Wylie, Belle Wylie, Julia Willetts and William Watriss.
Copyright [[?]] International Film Service 

Transcription Notes:
Two flower stamps [[?]]