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Terrible but Aimless Follows Landing of Marines to Enforce n, Which Is Modified Restore Order. 


Called Off by Tele- er Night Conference. Out Anew-Greeks rmal Protest to Gov- at Washington.

Dec. 2.--King Constan- Hellenes has bowed to d has consented to give lery and equipment of Vice Admiral du Four- oder in Chief of the En- fleet.

's surrender, however, after perhaps two hun- subjects had Benn slain s of his capital in futile o the allies, in a series cted, spontaneous, aim- which raged fitfully ere in Athens yesterday ay long.

Makes Compromise.
t of the fighting, an offi- ncement issued by the nisters in Athens to-day the Entente withdrew demands, and accepted se suggested by Admiral 

roposal of the Ministers powers at the instance of Fournet," the official says, "the Greek Govern- nformed that the Entente six batteries of moun- ry, whose surrender was y Dec. 1, waiving on their questions of the surrender ament.
ek Government accepted, to proceed with the im- very of the six batteries." and when the fighting be- from the dispatches to be ery, and the full story of is also obscure. The offi- atlon, accepted by both al du Fournet and by Gen. mmanding the Greek regu- in and around Athens, is hole affair was due to a understanding. 
east significant feature of ents the fact, apparently tibly   established,   that e fighting was not between lars and Entente forces, n Royalist and Venizelist although these appear only ned the fighting when it y in progress. 
rsday night and early Fri- ing, when it became clear ne limit of his ultimatum re without the Greek Gov- implying with his demands, u Fournet sent several achments of French ma- e to reinforce the troops lding the Zappeion, near of Athens, who had been legation guard. 
oops, Admiral du Fournet were landed solely to pre- r, and were given strict to fire on Greek forces. ris states, on his part, that en equally strict orders to not to fire on Entente

ne less, early yesterday he people of Athens were hear a sudden sputter of eneath their windows. One says the first shots came nt near the engineers' bar- ere a French detachment eding. It was fired on by s, this despatch says, who 

inued on Third Page)


By World Staff Photographer. 

[Photo] President Woodrow WILSON 

[Photo] ©



By World Staff Photographer 


He Says World Harmony Will Come Not by Compact of Nations, but by Sympathies of Men-Nations' Destinies Will Not Be Determined by Small, Selfish Groups--Jusserand Delivers France's Message, Mayor Makes Address and Ralph Pulitzer Speaks for Public That Gave Lighting Fund. 

 An audience more distinguished than any that has gathered in the Grand Ball Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in years, demanded in no uncertain tones last night at a speech from President Wilson, who was merely a "guest of honor" at the celebration of what Mayor Mitchel, Toastmaster, described as the clothing of Miss Liberty "in a beautiful garment of white." 
  The President had been cheered repeatedly. When he entered the ball room at 8.30 the diners has arisen and welcomed him to bow repeatedly. Later, when his name was mentioned in the opening remarks of Mayor Mitchel, every person present joined in the demand for "a speech." After other distinguished guests whose names were recorded on the programme of the evening's events had spoken the diners renewed their demand for a word from the president. 
Because his name had not been among those scheduled for set speeches the President at first demurred. But when the demand was voiced by practically every one of the 1,200 men and women present Mr. Wilson complied. After prolonged

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[Continued] cheering and applause had subsided Mayor Mitchel said: 
  "Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to present to you the President of the United States." 
  Chief Executive's Address. 
President Wilson said:
  "Mr. Toastmaster, Ladies and Gentlemen: Those who conceived and arranged this interesting programme of to-day were generous enough to relieve me of the responsibility of making a speech; but they gave me the privilege of coming here to accept in the name of the Government of the United States the lighting plant from which has proceeded the illumination thrown upon the Statue. I would certainly be lacking in feeling if I did not express some of the things that have come into my thought as I have taken part in these ceremonies. 
  "There are many moving circumstances connected with this day, connected with the things it recalls, connected with the things that it suggests. I was reflecting, as we saw the light stream upon that beautiful statue, that its source was outside the statue; that it did not proceed from Liberty. but proceeded from the light we were throwing up Liberty, and it occurred to me that, after all, it was a proper symbol of our life, because we can take to ourselves the dignity of Liberty only as we illustrate the face and the true spirit of Liberty, and the on' light that we can contribute to the illumination of the world is the light that will shine out of our life as a nation upon that conception and upon that image. 
"Mr Pulitzer's Admirable Speech." 

  There is a great responsibly in having adopted Liberty as our ideal because we must illustrate it in what we do. I was struck by the closing phase of Mr. Pulitzer's admirable little speech. He said that there would come a day when it was perceived that the Goddess of Liberty was also the Goddess of Peace, and throughout the last two years there has come more and more into may heart the conviction that peace is going to come to the world only with Liberty. 
  "With all due and sincere respect for those who represent other forms of government than ours, perhaps I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies of men are determined by small groups who make selfish choices of their own. 
 "It is very true, as more than one of the speakers this evening have 

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   Jules M. Jusserand, French Ambassador, delivered a message from
the President of the French Republic to the people of America when speaking at the banquet commemorating the permanent flood lighting of the Statue of Liberty.  President Poincare's words to Americans follow:
   In offering, thirty years ago, to the Government and people of the United States the statue which welcomes and lights those who land in America, France had wished to honor liberty and heroes fallen in her cause. 
   It is for that sacred cause that the French people battle and suffer to-day; they feel sure that they can always count on those friends and theirs in America from whom they have already received so many tokens of sympathy and who have shown the world that they are still enamored of the same ideal. 

[Continued] either said or intimated, that our long standing and delightful friendship with the people of France has come from a community of ideals and identity of purpose. 

                       One Must Love the Other. 

  "One republic must love another republic, just as one body of human beings must understand and sympathize with another body of human beings. There is a common pulse in us all; there is a common body of hope; there is a common stock of resolutions. All the world over the life of the individual means the same thing to him. It means opportunity not only, but it also means his relationship to others, and he comes to his full dignity only when he stands upon the same level with others, and looking in his neighbor's eye knows that he belongs with him to a common, free community of purpose and thought and action. 
  "The peace of the world is not going to be assured by the compact of nations but by the sympathies of men. 
  "I was present once at a very inter -

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- esting little conference on foreign missions. The conference was the most interesting of the kind I have ever attended because the purpose of it was to wipe out the line between Christian churches in the work in foreign fields, and, forgetting denominational differences, unite in a common enterprise of enlightening the world with the Spirit of Christ: and I could not help saying that while I entirely sympathized with the purpose of the conference, and hoped it might be realized, I hoped that those who were converted by these kindly united influences in foreign fields would not come and look at us, because while we were united for their benefit, we were divided for our disadvantage; and so sometimes when I see the Statue of Liberty and think of the thrill that must come into some hopeful heart as for the first time an immigrant sees that statue and thinks that he knows what it means, I wonder if after he lands he finds the spirit of Liberty truly represented by us. 
  "I wonder if we are worthy of that symbol. I wonder if we are sufficiently stirred by the history of it,

(Continued on Page 21.)

 Transformed From Night-Shrouded Bulk to Glorious Goddess, to Permanently Blaze Freedom's Message, While Guns Roar Salute Amid Most Spectacular Illumination of City and Harbor Ever Witnessed - Deputations of Nations, States and Municipalities Honor Celebration of The World's Achievement 


Lighted Skyscrapers Make Downtown a Fairyland to Those Afloat-President and Wife, Cheered by Thousands on Streets, Head Auto Parade From Battery to Waldorf, With Nearly Half the Route a Lane of Golden Light-1,200 at Dinner Where Head of Nation Is the Principal Guest and Makes Speech of the Evening. 

  Transformed suddenly from a black and shapeless bulk against a rapidly darkening sky into a glorious goddess bathed in golden light, the Statue of Liberty, at 5.55 last night, was illuminated in a manner befitting its prominence, its position and the idea it symbolizes. President Wilson gave the signal that brought about the transformation. 
  The event, marked by ceremonies of various kinds and participated in by innumerable dignitaries of city, State and Nation, was one of the most spectacular this city, accustomed as it is to spectacular events, has witnessed, and there was not one hitch to mar the proceedings, from early afternoon until late evening. 
  By far the most attractive and delightful feature of the ceremonies was the performance of Miss Ruth Law, the aviatrix, who, at the moment that the light was turned on the statue and while the whistles were shrieking and the guns of warships were booming out their welcome to the more glorified Liberty, swept like a comet across the harbor, two streams of white magnesium flame trailing behind her aeroplane, and the glowing word "Liberty" shining down from her wings on the dark waters. 

City Aglow With Illumination.
  As The World, which raised the money by popular subscription for the illumination of the statue, had intended, it was a night of illumination. Before the actual lighting of the statue, the great skyscrapers in the lower city had shone out brightly, every window with its light, presenting a scene that cannot be equalled elsewhere in the world. 
  Following the ceremony down the bay was a parade to the Waldorf, along a lane of golden light, the sides of which were banked deep with people, who cheered again and again. And everywhere the buildings glowed with light and decoration.
  Beginning with the brief ceremony of welcoming the President at the Pennsylvania Station yesterday afternoon, the celebration ended with a banquet last night at the Waldorf, which was attended by more than 1,200 persons, and at which the President, the French Ambassador, the Mayor and others spoke, the public officials being lavish in their praise of The World for its initiative and its public spirit in undertaking the task that had just been brought to completion.
  When, at the President's signal the lights at the base of the statue first illumined Liberty, they shone also on a sixty-foot ribbon of white on which had been sewn by the teachers and pupils of the State Normal School silk flags of every nation. The ribbon was held across the base of the statue by Dr. William O. McDowell, who is known as "Peacemaker of the United Nations of the World" in the League of Peace, and Robert S. Freedman, Secretary of the league's department of ensign. 
  From the start the proceedings moved with a leisureliness and dignity eminently befitting the occasion, but not always characteristic of New York celebrations. From the time the first gun on the battleship Wyoming began the Presidential salute, far up the North River, until diners were seated at the Waldorf, there was no hurry, no confusion, no disorder. Everywhere the police arrangements were excellent, and everywhre [[typo]] the citizens entered into the spirit of the affair.

President Takes Command. 
  Arriving at the Pennsylvania Station at 3.18, the President was driven at once to the landing stage at the foot of the West Eightieth Street, and there his party, Mayor Mitchel and a few other chosen guests were taken aboard the Mayflower, while the Mayor's Committee, Secretary Daniels, Secretary Redfield and other notables in large numbers boarded the San Francisco. 
  It was almost 4 o'clock when the President's flag was broken out at the maintop of the Mayflower, and the guns began roaring. The salute to the President, twenty-one guns, was followed by a salute of nineteen guns as Secretary Daniels boarded the San Francisco. 
  At 4.39 the Mayflower began moving downstream, the San Francisco following. The Wyoming, the Kentucky and the Connecticut outlined in electric lights, stood along the Manhattan shore, and as the President's yacht passed, the buglers on each sounded the regulation salute, while tugs and other smaller river craft greeted the party with the tooting of whistles.
  The twilight came quickly. Before the slowly moving ships were off Fourteenth Street there was a golden band along the horizon back of the Jersey hills, and to the east the great structures began to glow against the sky. Ahead was a heavy haze of light brown smoke, settling down over the harbor and partly hiding the statue.
  Down past the ferry piers glided the Mayflower and the San Francisco, four guard boats keeping traffic away from the Presidential yacht. Every one on board the vessel remarked the beauty of the view over Manhattan, for every great building glowed with light, and the Woolworth Tower shone