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of a Cabinet
War Council?
That Number Will
to Five to Ex-
its Business.
British Weekly Says
sense Would Vivify

oyd George
Purposes to Resign
Sunday, Dec, 3. - Rey-
paper this morning says
Lloyd George has inti-
intention of resigning.
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terize the action of the
Council endanger the 
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The New York Times.
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nued on Page 3. 


Major Gen. William I. Furse, a member of the General Staff. 
Major Gen. von Donop was the subject of an acute controversy last year when the lack of guns and munitions was such a serious problem. Viscount Haldane, former Secretary for War, defended him against a charge that his department had absolutely broken down and described him as indispensable. David Lloyd George, then Minister of Munitions, later said that Viscount Haldane's speech was "incomplete and inaccurate."

French Public Demands Full Mobilization of the Nation's Industries. 
Pinchon Urges That Individuals Be Disregarded for the Republic's Welfare.
Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES.
PARIS, Dec. 2.-While the long series of secret sittings of the Chamber of Deputies are now well under way, the public is anxiously waiting for new decisions which it is felt the Government and Parliament are considering, and which it is hoped will be thorough and far-reaching in their effect.
In view of Germany's great effort and the precipitation of events on the Rumanian front, the country seems more than ever determined that the time for half measures and compromises is past, and that a new impetus is needed in the direction of affairs, and that men able to furnish this driving power will be upheld by the nation.
Under the questioning title, "And We?" Stephen Pichon, after referring to Germany's effort in the Petit Journal, catechizes the authorities thus:
"And we. What have we done and what are we doing to assure our victory? What have we done and what are we doing to diminish the duration of the war from which we are suffering more than any of our allies? What have we done and what are we doing for our civil, commercial, and industrial mobilization? What have we done and what are we doing to remedy the crisis the sudden exposure of which has caused anxiety and misgivings in our midst, so as to make sure of obtaining the coal, light, milk, and provisions we need? What have we done and what are we doing to guarantee not only equality with Germany, which it is not enough to conquer, but to obtain superiority over, in the death struggle to which she provoked us?

What Germany Has Done.
"Germany has overcome complications which seemed insurmountable, thanks to her spirit of foresight and method, her faculties for organization, and the sacrifices of every kind which she imposed on herself to avoid greater ones, which, if delayed, might prove useless. She has understood that she could not overcome the number and power of effectives except by an industrial preparation superior to our own; by a quantity of artillery and ammunition which could dominate our artillery; by supreme command which would leave nothing to the chance of improvisations; which would follow strictly laid down strategic lines; which would make a point of striking blows at the weakest points; which would not persist obstinately in local offensives without real strategic value and possible decisiveness. She has not hesitated to replace those leaders-some of them among the highest in rank-whose plans did not succeed. 
She did not consider that she was laying herself open to the accusation of feebleness, incoherence, or ingratitude when she found successors for von Kluck, Moltke, and Falkenhayn himself and many others, and placed her military fate in the hands of Hindenburg and Ludendorf. Not that she did not commit errors-on the contrary. What without them would have become of us in the state of unpreparedness in which she surprised us. But with a resolution and energy which we should do very wrong to undervalue, especially at a moment when he armies arrive at the gates of Bucharest and seem on the point of commanding and uninterrupted line of communications between Bagdad and the North Sea she has done, and every day is doing, all in her power to repair her errors. If her military undertakings in the Orient should succeed she would tomorrow be untouched by the blockade and certain of finding in the regions she will occupy all necessary supplied and of extracting new elements of force for continuing the war.

Blame for France's Errors.
"And we. Have we not committed errors? Have we not faults to repair? Is there no one to be blamed for them?
Continued on Page 2.

Battle Along the Moldavian Frontier Rages with Undiminished Fury.
Make Further Retirement West of Bucharest, but Stand in the South.
LONDON, Dec. 2.-The Russians, said to be under the direct command of General Brusiloff, the hero of the Summer campaign in Galicia, are still attacking with great ferocity all along the western frontier of Moldavia, in an attempt to push through the passes to the Hungarian plain. According to the latest advices from Petrograd, the Russians have fought their way into the town of Kirlibaba, commanding the pass of that name, and desperate fighting is going on in the streets.
German troops occupying the houses are defending them to the last extremity, the dispatch says, and reserves on being concentrated in the western part of the town for a counterattack. 
Kirlibaba is said to be the principal pass in this region of the Carpathian Mountains.
It is believed here, however, that Russian pressure on von Falkenhayn's army through Transylvania has come too late to offset the rapid gains of the Germans, or affect materially the German plans of encircling Bucharest. The Russians' success in capturing a series of heights south of Kirlibaba gives them an entering  wedge into Transylvania and proves a most encouraging countermove on the part of the Allies. Petrograd further reports a successful counterattack against General von Mackensen's forces advancing on Bucharest from the south, driving them back and reoccupying the villages of Tzomana and Costinari. 
Although the Rumanians apparently are offering desperate resistance west and south of Bucharest, the Teutons are rapidly closing in on their capital, and even the most optimistic military critics here now admit that the situation is extremely critical. Advices from Berlin today report that the Danube army is already menacing the girdle of fortresses around Bucharest. 
The Germans and Bulgarians also have gained ground northwest of the capital by working through the mountains southeast of Campulung. Still further force is reported to have broken through and defeated the first Rumanian army southwest of the Piteshti, enabling it to capture General Staff officers. The Rumanian and Russian communiqués are silent regarding this last assertion, although both admit that the Rumanians under presure were compelled to retire slightly in this sector. Further west, in Wallachia, he Rumanians asser that adverse weather conditions are hampering their operations.
In Dobrudja the Russians have seized the western end of the Tcheinavoda bridge and forced the Bulgarians to give up several heights. Bucharest, in describing this action, says "we passed at some points" the Bulgarian wire entanglements.
The test of the Russian official statement follows:
In the region of Bubnova the enemy bombarded us with shells charged with asphyxiating gas and fired on our supports with flaming bombs.
In the wooded Carpathians the battles for the domination of the heights ten versts southwest of the village of Khryniov and east of Kirlibaba are continuing. 
Rumanian front, Transylvania: In the valleys of the rivers Trotus, Tcheboniach, (Csobanyos?) and Uzul fighting continues. The enemy, displaying stubborn resistance, launched counterattacks against our detachments which have occupied an entire range of heights in this region. The combats are excessively bitter and prisoners are being taken only in small numbers.
In the Buzeu Valley the Rumanians made further progress northward. 
Danube front: On the roads from Piteshti to Bucharest in the valley of the River Argechu the enemy conducted a series of fierce attacks and compelled a portion of the Rumanian troops north of the Argechu to retire slightly. All attacks south of this river were repulsed.
To the west of Bucharest, after persistent attacks, the enemy succeeded in pressing back the Rumanians toward the River Argechu. 
South of Bucharest all enemy attacks were repelled and by a counterattack the Germano-Bulgarian troops have been driven from the villages of Tzomana and Gostinari, which were captured yesterday.
Dobrudja: Our troops have gained possession of the western part of Tchernavoda Bridge, and in the region of Klakioisatiskioi we have compelled the enemy to retire to the south from several heights.
The Rumanian War Office report says:
Northern and Northwestern Fronts: On the western frontier of Northern
Continued on Page 3.

the demands submitted by the Socialists. The Vice Chancellor added that the adoption of the proposal would endanger the bill.
The Socialists took advantage of the debate, the reports continue, to condemn the action of the Government in deporting Belgian workers. Deputy Hugo Haase, a Socialist member, declared that the service bill was detrimental to the interests of labor.
"Thousands of workers in occupied regions already have been subjected to complsory labor," he is reported to have said. "We summon the Government to restore freedom, especially to Beligan workmen."
Deputy Haase said that neutral Gov-


Government would have to meet in taking such measures, and how greatly the promotion of peace is prejudiced thereby."
Dr. Helfferich, in replying, declared that he deplored deeply that the discussion should have arisen, "thereby promoting the business of our enemies." Turning to Deputy Haase, the dispatches say, the Vice Chancellor said:
"The setting of the unemployed Belgians to work is thoroughly consistent with international law. They are not given work, which, according to international law, they should not perform. We are only making use of our undoubted rights."
King Agrees to Give Up Six of Ten Batteries Demanded and the Allies Withdraw.
Casualties in Clashes Between Greeks and Allies and Between Greek Factions May Reach 200.

ATHENS, Dec. 2. - After a day of terror in this city, with many clashes between the Entente landing forces and Greek troops, and between Venizelists and supporters of the Government, King Constantine late last night yielded to the ultimatum presented by Vice Admiral du Fournet, commanding the allied fleet, and agreed to give up six of the ten batteries of mountain guns demanded by the Allies. This decision was announced by the diplomats of the Allied Powers early this morning, following the adjournment of the Greek Crown Council at 2:30.

The announcement said:
"On the proposal of the Ministers of the four powers, at the instance of the Admiral [du Fournet] the Greek Government was informed that the Entente will accept six batteries of mountain artillery, instead of ten, whose surrender was demanded by Dec. 1, waiving on their delivery all questions of the surrender of other armament.
"The Greek Government accepted and agreed to proceed with the immediate delivery of the six batteries."

The allied troops at once withdrew from the city, leaving only a guard of 300 men at the Zappeion, the industrial exhibition building, which lies south of the royal palace gardens.

Before quitting Athens, Vice Admiral du Fourney called on General Callaris of the Greek forces and explained that the Entente forces had no orders to fire on the Greeks. General Callaris explained that the Greeks, likewise, were not ordered to fire on the Allies, and it was agreed on both sides that the affair was due to a misunderstanding.

The number of casualties in the day's encounter is not known, but many civilians have been killed. It is thought that the losses on both sides will be somewhat heavy.

Admiral du Fournet landed about 400 marines at an early hour in the morning and marched toward Athens, seizing Philopappos Hill, southwest of the Acropolis, and overlooking the city. The Greek guards on all roads leading to the capital refused to permit a second marine detachment to advance further at the time. All tramcars between Athens and Piraeus were stopped, and no carriages were permitted to enter the city.

Later, more marines were forwarded, and Admiral du Fournet, in person, led them to the Zappelon, south of the royal palace gardens. Here he was joined by 400 British marines, giving him a total of 2,000 men.

The allied forces appeared to be acting under a preconceived plan, which was intended to spare the city as much as possible.

Greeks Begin a Fusillade.

Greeks poured bullets from the surrounding hills into the Zappelion. Two marines were killed from the windows of the palace.

Meanwhile, there was intense excitement throughout the city. Women, carrying loads of provisions, hastily bought in expectation of a siege, thronged the streets above which bullets were flying. Old men with hunting guns on their backs mounted guard at street corners, so as to release soldiers for the fighting outside. The Crown Prince and the other Princes were with their regiments.

Following an exchange of shots between soldiers in the annex of the British Legation and a force of Greeks in the square in front of the legation building, King Constantine sent a regiment of sailors to guard the British Minister's house. One of the British police agents in the legation annex was arrested by a Greek. Secretary Bridgeman of the British Legation was arrested in the streets by a Greek patrol and taken to a police station, but he was instantly released.

The French Legation, which was guarded by French marines, was fired upon. According to the Greek military authorities, the firing was done by rowdies.

In several parts of the city Greeks were fired upon from houses. Chief of Police Zymbrakakis, a Venizelos adherent, was removed and the police force was ordered cleared of all sympathizers with the Venizelos movement.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Admiral du Fournet telephone to Premier Lambros, suggesting an armistice. Before word of this could reach all the Greek detachments posted on the hills, fighting broke out again. A French effort to storm the wireless station on Obser-

Continued on Page 3.

Shortest, most attractive route. Steel trains.
Quick schedules.  lnq. 1184 B'dway.-Advt.

Band of 2,500 Defeated South of Chihuahua City and Many Prisoners Executed.
Juarez Believes Trevino Has Joined Murguia in Advance on Capital -Villa May Retreat West.
QUERETARO, Mexico, Dec. 2.-General Francisco Murgia reported to General Carranza today that he had routed a band of Villa followers, numbering 2,500 men, and had pursued them about twelve miles towards Chihuahua Cit. The General reported that he was continuing his advance toward Chihuahua City today.
The engagement with the bandits General Murguia reported, lasted six hours and took place south of Chihuahua City. Three machine guns were captured from the bandits and many prisoners were taken. General Murguia stated that the prisoners had been executed.
EL PASO, Tex., Sec. 2.-A message received from General Obregon at Mexico City late today gave details of the battle between General Murguia's forces and the Villa troops about thirty miles south of Chihuahua City yesterday.
General Obregon's message, which was received by way of Eagle Pass, Texas, contained this account of the fight from General Murguia, sent from the latter's camp today:

Murguia's Story of the Battle.
"My advance guards came into contact with those of the bandit Villa at 10 o'clock today, and, after a fight of six hours' duration, the enemy was completely disorganized and fled in disorder, a part heading for Santa Ysabel and others for Chihuahua. Our pursuit was followed for twelve miles over the mountains. We captured three machine guns and a large quantity of armament and many saddled cavalry horses, besides a large number of prisoners, who were executed on the spot. 
"The losses to the enemy were heavy, but no count could be made of them, as we have left the field. I regret to state that Colonel Candelario Garza was killed in action, and other officers were wounded. The names and details I shall send  later, together with the losses in the ranks.
"The action was entirely over by 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The enemy numbered, according to prisoners, 2,500 men, who left Chihuahua yesterday with the purpose of intercepting our advance. After reorganizing my forces, I am continuing my advance to Chihuahua, expecting to arrive at an early hour tomorrow. "MURGUIA"
There was no confirmation in El Paso tonight of a rumor that three Americans, Charles Elmendorf, Henry Harries, and George Brittingham, have been killed in Chihuahua by Villa troops. The rumor was discredited in official circles.
Three Americans were seen at the Mexican Central Station in Chihuahua City when the last refugee train left that city for Sauz. Monday, United States military authorities announced today after interviewing refugees who were declared to be reliable. One of these Americans was said to have been George Brittingham.
The refugees reported they saw the three Americans standing beside the railroad track when the Villa bandits fired into the train as it was leaving for Sauz. When the bandits opened fire, the refugees said, the engineer "opened up" his throttle and did not wait for the Americans to board the train.
The military authorities also announced that fully eighty Chinese were killed by the Villa bandits, according to these refugees. Many were struck over the head with the butts of rifles.

Attacking Chihuahua City.
JUAREZ, Mexico., Dec. 2.-The official dispatch from Mexico City that General Murguia had defeated Villa troops that tried yesterday to block his advance and was moving on Chihuahua City today received confirmation here in a report by direct line from Sauz to the effect that Murguia and Trevino had joined forces and were attacking the city on the south today.
The position of General Murguia and his division had puzzled the Carranza authorities here for some days, and even started a rumor that Murguia had withdrawn to Torreon. It is now officially said that his slow progress north from his base at Escalon, about 185 miles south of Chihuahua City, was due to the effective wrecking of the Mexican Central Railroad track by Villa. 
General Ozuna is reported to be stationed to the north of the Chihuahua City with a strong Government force. Official reports were given out last
Continued on Page 5.

There is a great responsibility in having adopted Liberty as our ideal, because we must illustrate it in what we do. I was struck by the closing phrase of Mr. Pulitzer's admirable little speech. He said that there would come a day when it was perceived that the Goddess of Liberty was also the Goddess of Peace, and throughout the last two years there has come more and more into my heart the conviction that peace is going to come to the world only with Liberty.
With all due and sincere respect for those who represent other forms of government than ours, perhaps I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies of men are determined by small groups who make selfish choices of their own.

Signal by the President Bathes Liberty Statue in Flood of Light
Throngs See Dedication of Illuminating Plant - Warships Boom Salute, While Ruth Law Soars in Fiery Aeroplane About Liberty's Torch.
A fleet of Greadnoughts at her back, the Statue of Liberty sprang last evening from the darkness that has hid her every night these thirty years she has stood to big welcome at America's greatest gateway, and for all time she will send out her message of freedom for twenty-four hours a day. Hundred of thousands of persons lined the shores of New York Harbor and strained their eyes, as, at five minutes to 6 o'clock, President Wilson, on board the Mayflower, gave a wireless signal that bathed Bedlow's Island and the statue in a soft glow of white light. As the giant statue leaped out of the darkness, the cheers of the crowds on shore and the many notables in craft about the island were drowned by the noise of whistles seemingly without number.
The most spectacular feature of the ceremonies of illuminating the statue was an unusual flight by Ruth Law. As the flood of white light sprang up about Liberty, the aviatrice swept around the top of the statue, her aeroplane a flaming thing of fire; a minute later there was a muddled explosion, and from the bottom of her misses' size airship was spelled the word "Liberty" in great, illuminated letters. As the white glow bathed Liberty, all the searchlights turned upon the machine of the aviatrice as she circled back and forth across the harbor in a path that was light as day.
The flood-lighting plant for the statue was build on Bedlow's Island from a fund collected by The New York World. It will be maintained by the United States Government.

Great Throng Welcomes President.
President Wilson and his party reached the Pennsylvania Station at 3:18 o'clock in the afternoon. With the President and Mrs. Wilson were Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Mrs. Daniels. Secretary of Commerce Redfield and Mrs. Redfield, Jules J. Jusserand, the French Ambassador, and Mrs. Jusserand; Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, Dr. Cary T. Grayson, the President's physician, and J. P. Tumulty, his secretary.
The President's path from the Presidential car Ideal to the concourse of the station was a continual ovation. It took the best efforts of a hundred policemen and a squad of secret service men to keep an open path for the party. The President was greeted by a reception committee headed by Mayor Mitchel, including the Mayor's secretary, Theodore Rousseasu; Senator-elect W. M. Calder, Colonel E. M. House, Cleveland H. Dodge, Dock Commissioner R. A. C. Smith, Lamar Hardy, Ralph Pulitzer, and former Street Cleaning Commissioner William Edwards.
With Mayor Mitchel and Miss Bones, the President and Mrs. Wilson left the station in an automobile that led a long procession to the pier at Eightieth Street and the Hudson River. A square of motorcycle policemen about the President's car cleared a way into Fifth Avenue and north to Central Park. A hundred automobiles streamed along behind. A path had been cleared along Fifth Avenue, and all speed limits were broken, as an almost clear path was held open from Thirty-fourth to Fifty-ninth of Fifth Avenue.

Warships Fire Salute.
The President and Mrs. Wilson left the pier in the Mayflower's tender at 3:50 o'clock and as the President was making the trip from the shore the official salute of twenty-one guns was given by the Wyoming, Connecticut and Kentucky, anchored in the Hudson.
Secretary Daniels was to have attended the exercises in the Dolphin, but because of an accident to the steering gear the official yacht of the Secretary of the Navy refused to work. Mr. Daniels designated the mine layer San Francisco as his official ship. Secretary Daniels was host on the San Francisco to the Mayor's Committee or Two Hundred and to about seventy-five newspaper men. As the Secretary boarded the San Francisco he received the official salute of nineteen guns.
Ambassador and Mrs. Jusserand were delayed in reaching the pier because their chauffeur had gone up Broadway instead of Fifth Avenue and got caught in a traffic jam. An anxious search was being made for him by the police and officers fro mthe battleships when he appeared, followed by Ambassador and Mrs. Gerard, and were hurried aboard the Mayflower.
At 4:40 o'clock the Mayflower broke anchor and headed down the Hudson,
Quickest and best way via SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Thru sleeping and dining car service, & trains daily. N. Y. Office-264 Fifth Ave.-Advt.
followed by the San Francisco. As the two ships started, the three battleships showed electric lights outlining the hulls, masts and funnels.

Lower New York Aglow.
As the ships moved towards Bedlow's Island, building after building on Manhattan stood out in brilliant illumination, a light in every window. It was Saturday afternoon and business was over, but owing to the plan put into effect by The World, New York was just one mass of lights. The dome of the World building showed in red, while long streamers of light hung from the stop of the structure to the street. The brilliance of the Woolworth Tower was undimmed by the rivalry of other landmarks of lower Manhattan. The Singer building, the Adams Express Building, No. 2 Rectory Street, and the Battery Park buildings were in the glowing attire, with the Whitehall building at the Battery sending illumination from every window.
As the Mayflower passed the illuminated Battery, the cheers of the thousands who crowded along the seawalls could be heard aboard the yacht and the San Francisco. As the Mayflower neared Bedlow's Island, the battleships Texas and New York, their hulls outlined in electric lights, could be seen. The Teas bore on her forward mast the battle-efficiency pennant done in electric lights, a red banner with a black ball in the middle. Between her funnels was suspended a great red E, the mark of her engineering efficiency. 

Signal From the Mayflower.
The Mayflower went on down the bay past the island, turned and came back abreast the statue, followed by the San Francisco. Two rockets went up from the yacht, and at this the New York and Texas dimmed their lights, the lights went out on the Mayflower and San Francisco, and almost the only light in the harbor came from ferry-boats, the moon, and the scores of searchlights that darted back and forth across the heavens, with the 1,250,000,000 candlepower searchlight atop the Sperry building in Brooklyn sending out red, white, and blue rays. As the Mayflower came opposite the Texas and New York, the ships fired the Presidential salute of twenty-one guns.
Then there was a soft purring up above. Despite the chill wind that swept the harbor the hundred on the San Francisco crowded to the rails, each trying to be the first to get a glimpse of Ruth Law. But she could not be seen.
While all eyes were being strained to catch the first sight of the woman flyer, a rocket went up from the Mayflower, a rocket answered from Bedlow's Island and a moment later, as if touched by a magic hand, the great statue sprang into view, the pedestal a beautiful brown and Liberty a great green figure. Instead of the wee light which mariners had always seen from her torch, there was a great glimmering radiance.
And then the whistles broke loose. No one could count them, but it seemed as if every one in New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Staten Island was doing honor to Liberty. Then through the cheers and rapt expressions of delight and admiration at the beautiful sight, some one shouted, "There she is; there's Ruth Law."

Aeroplane Spells "Liberty."
Across the harbor and down around the statue a big ball of flame shot through the air sending off great long streamers of yellow fire. It seemed that fire was spurting from every corner of the little aeroplane. She passed over the Mayflower, about Bedlow's Island, and then around it again. The streamers of fire grew shorter and shorter; she swept down from a height of 3,000 feet until her aeroplane seemed to almost touch Liberty's torch, and then she was lost in darkness for just a moment, where there was a great blur of light just over the statue, and she swept down over the Mayflower, her aeroplane spelling the message of "Liberty." Then, her aeroplane showing two lights, Miss Law swept about the harbor for ten or fifteen minutes, and went back to Governor's Island.
When the President gave the signal for the lighting of Liberty, among the first objects the spectators saw after their eyes had swept over the statue was a sixty-foot ribbon of white held across the base and showing upon it the flags of every nation. Each flag was in silk and had been sewed upon the ribbon by the teachers and pupils of the New York State Normal School. It had been placed by Dr. W. O. McDowell, known as
Continued on Page 2.
Augusta Special
Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leave New York daily 1:08 P. M. Dining and sleeping car service. N. Y. Office-264 Fifth Ave.-Advt. 
Special Favor.
Diners in Honor of Liberty Light Give Ovation to Message from Poincare.
Crank Twice Seeks to Reach President-Waldorf Ballroom a Mass of American Flags.
President Woodrow Wilson, speaking at the close of a dinner given in his honor by the Mayor's Committee of Two Hundred to Celebrate the Illumination of the Statue of Liberty, at the Waldorf-Astoria last night, took occasion to make reference to the public discussion of world peace. Amid whirlwind enthusiasm, which indicated how fully his audience realized the significance of his utterance, the President solemnly declared that, in his opinion, the peace so much desired could "come to the world only with liberty."
Then, even more significantly, the President added that "with all due respect to those who represent other forms of government than ours, I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies of men are so determined by small groups who make selfish choices of their own."
The President did not intimate what Governments he might have in mind when he referred to those that are different in form from that of the United States, although those present noted that in his very next utterance he referred to the traditional friendship of France and the United States, which, he added, "has come from a community of ideals and identity of purpose."

Here is the President's speech: 
Mr. Toastmaster, Ladies, and Gentlemen: Those who conceived and arranged this interesting program of today were generous enough to relieve me of the responsibility of making a speech, but they gave me the privilege of coming here to accept in the name of the Government of the United States the lighting plant from which has proceeded the illumination thrown upon the statue. I would certainly be lacking in feeling if I did not express some of the things that have come into my thoughts as I have taken part in these ceremonies. There are many moving circumstances connected with this day, connected with the things it recalls, connected with the things that it suggests. I was reflecting as we saw the light stream upon that beautiful statue, that its source was outside the statue; that it did not proceed from Liberty, but proceeded from the light we were throwing upon Liberty, and it occurred to be that after all it was a proper symbol of our life, because we can take to ourselves the dignity of Liberty only as we illustrate that fact and the true spirit of Liberty, and the only light that we can contribute to the illumination of the world is the light that will shine out of our life as a nation upon that conception and upon that image.

Peace and Liberty.
There is a great responsibility in having adopted Liberty as our ideal, because we must illustrate it in what we do. I was struck by the closing phrase of Mr. Pulitzer's admirable little speech. He said that there would come a day when it was perceived that the Goddess of Liberty was also the Goddess of Peace, and throughout the last two years there has come more and more into my heart the conviction that peach is going to come to the world only with Liberty.
With all due and sincere respect for those who represent other forms of government than ours, perhaps I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies of men are determined by small groups who make selfish choices of their own.
It is very true, as more than one of the speakers this evening has either said or intimated, that our long-standing and delightful friendship with the people of France has come from a community of ideals and identity of purpose. One republic must love another republic just as one body of human being must understand and sympathize with another body of human beings. There is a common pulse in us all; there is a common contact with life; there is a common body of hope; there is a common stock of resolutions. All the world over the life of the individual means the same thing to him. It means opportunity not only, but it also means his relationship to others, and he comes to his full dignity only when he stands upon the same level with others, and looking in his neighbor's eye knows that he belongs with him to a common, free community of purpose and thought and action. The peach of the world is not going to be assured by the compact 

Transcription Notes:
Unsure how to translate the very first column that is cut off, it is excluded for the time being. Everything else on the page is transcribed. 3/27/21 - inserted the cut off article. Not sure if I formatted it correctly, thought that was the easier way to read the context. Did some reformatting beyond that, hope it's good to read.