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[[newsprint photograph]] [[caption]]

Remarkable photograph of the illumination of the Statue of Liberty, the only one taken from Governor's Island, is shown in upper half of picture.
Photograph by James J. Sullivan, Herald photographer.
In lower half of picture are shown the battle ships Texas and the New York firing salute for the President.
Photograph by W. H. Zerbe, Herald photographer.  [[/caption]]

Twelve Hundred Hear French Ambassador and Mr. Depew. 

Symbolic Beacon Bathed in Radiance

Buildings Aglow on Lower Manhattan Vie with Harbor Illuminations. 

Liberty alone will bring peace to the world. President Wilson solemnly predicted to a distinguished audience of men and women gathered last night in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria at a dinner in celebration of the illumination of the Statue of Liberty. Until freedom replaces the activities of small groups of men, Mr. Wilson added, amid a storm of applause, the peace so desired cannot come. 

"Throughout the last two years there has come more and more into my heart," Mr. Wilson declared earnestly, "the conviction that peace is going to come to the world only with liberty. With all due and sincere respect for those who represent other forms of government than ours, perhaps I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies of men are determined by small groups who make selfish choices of their own."

Mr. Wilson was the final speaker of the evening and his utterance consumed barely seven minutes. He pleaded for a greater understanding of the ideals of liberty, for he said:-

"The spirit of the world rises with the sacrifices of men: the spirit of the the world rises as men forget to be selfish and unite to be great."

Pays Tribute to France.

The dinner, which was the climax of a day of patriotic ceremonies, was held in the great ballroom of the hotel, amid a [[bower?]] of flags that encircled its tie shaded interior in a riot of color. Behind the President an enormous American flag in which a white light played fluttered in the breeze of an unseen fan. To the right of the Chief Executive of the nation sat Jules J. Jusserand, the French Ambassador, who spoke for the French republic and delivered a message from President [[Deincaré?]]. Mayor Mitchel, as chairman of the Mayor's Committee of 200, which arranged the dinner, was toastmaster and introduced the speakers, with a glowing tribute to President Wilson and the French republic, which presented the Statue of Liberty to this nation.

The references to the hereoic sacrifices which France is making in the present world war brought repeated outbursts. Chauncey M. Depew twice brought the diners to their feet with his references to the struggle which the French nation is making to uphold the ideals of liberty. The toast to the President of France, proposed by Mayor Mitchel, received an au acclaim which seemed to exceed the enthusiasm that accorded President Wilson. Mr. Wilson smiled and joined heartily in the applause. 

The other speakers were Ralph Pulitzer, of the World, whose newspaper made possible the lighting of the statue, and Henry L. Doherty. 

The guests of honor, besides President and Mrs. Wilson, were Ambassador Jusserand and Mme. Jusserand; Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, and Mrs. Daniels; William C. Redfield, Secretary of Commerce, and Mrs. Redfield; James W. Gerard, Ambassador to Germany, and Mrs. Gerard, and Mrs. John Purroy Mitchel. Others at the guest table included Miss. Margaret Wilson, daughter of the President; Joseph P. Tumulty, secretary to the President; Gaston Liebert, French Consul General; Colonel John Mills, George B. Cortelyou, Vance C. McCormick, George McAneny, Henry Morgenthau, Rear Admiral H. O. Dunn, U. S. N., and Gutzon Borglum.

Recalls Earlier Ceremony.

Mayor Mitchel introduced as the first speaker Chauncey M. Depew, one-time Senator, who made the principal speech thirty years ago, when the Liberty statue was dedicated. After giving the New York World credit for the enterprise that collected the fund for the permanent lighting of the statue Mr. Depew said in part:–

"Of all the famous company who participated in the ceremonies thirty years ago, I am the sole survivor. Among the French were Count De Lesseps, then at the zenith of his fame as the builder of the Suez Canal, and the sculptor Bartholdi. They have joined the majority, and so have most of the statesmen, generals, admirals and men of letters who accompanied them. President Cleveland received the statue and was surrounded by Bayard, Secretary of State; Whitney, Secretary of the Navy; Lamont, Secretary of War, and Vilas, Postmaster General. All are gone. The chairman of the committee was William M. Evarts, and the opening prayer was made by the Rev. Dr. Richard M. Storrs, while the benediction was pronounced by Bishop Potter. They have left blessed memories. I delivered the oration."

In closing, Mr. Depew paid tribute to the splendid bravery of the present day France. He spoke of the sacrifices France had made and said:––

"France, our friend in our time of trial, the French Republic, the child of our revolution, is a living embodiment of 'Liberty Enlightening the World."

Mr. Jusserand's Speech.

Ambassador Jusserand was the next speaker.

"Not to a man, but to a nation, this statue was raised," said the Ambassador. "Not to a man, famous and useful as he may have been; not to a nation, great as she may be. It was raised to an idea––an idea greater than any man or any nation, greater than France or the United States––the idea of liberty." The Ambassador sketched the history of the French Republic's gift of the statue to America and spoke of the ambition of the sculptor, Bartholdi, to embody something worthy of his conception of liberty in the effort. In closing, he said:–

"On the other side of the ocean our republic is fighting and shedding her best heart's blood. I was asked some time ago why she persisted in doing so. My answer was the same as the inscription under one of the drawings presented to Americans by French artists as a token of gratitude for their American brethren's sympathy, and now preserved in the National Museum in Washington:–'That Liberty may continue to light the world.'"

Before the President was called upon addresses also were made by Henry L. Doherty, president of the Society for Electrical Development, and Ralph Pulitzer, president of the company publishing the World.

Mr. Wilson's Address.

President Wilson said:––
"Mr. Toastmaster, Ladies and Gentlemen:––Those who conceived and arranged this interesting programme of to-day, were generous enough to relieve me of the responsibility of making a speech, but they gave me the privilege of coming here to accept in the name of the government of the United States the lighting plant from which has proceeded the illumination thrown upon the statue. I would certainly be lacking in feeling if I did not express some of the things that have come into my thought as I have taken part in these ceremonies. There are many moving circumstances connected with this day, connected with the things that it suggests.

"I was reflecting, as we saw the light stream upon that beautiful statue, that its source was outside the statue; that its source was outside the statue; that it did not proceed from Liberty, but proceeded from the light we were throwing upon Liberty, and it occurred to me that after all it was a proper symbol of our life, because we can take to ourselves the dignity of Liberty only as we illustrate the fact and the true spirit of Liberty [Applause], and the only light that we can contribute to the illumination of the world is the light that will shine our of our life as a nation upon that conception and upon that image. [Applause.]

Sees Peace Through Liberty.

"There is a great responsibility in having adopted Liberty as our ideal, because we must illustrate it in what we do. I was struck by the closing phrase of Mr. Pulitzer's admirable little speech. He said that there would come a day where it was perceived that the Goddess of Liberty was also the Goddess of Peace, and throughout the last tow years there has come more and more into my heart the conviction that peace is going to come to the world only with Liberty. [Prolonged applause].

"With all due and sincere respect for hose who represent other forms of government that ours, perhaps I may be permitted to say that peace cannot come so long as the destinies of men are determined by small groups who make selfish choices of their own. [Applause.]

"It is very true, as more than one of the speakers this evening have either said or intimated, that our long standing and delightful friendship with the people of France has come from a community of ideals and identity of purpose. One republic must love another republic just as one body of human beings must understand and sympathize with another body of human beings. There is a common pulse in us all; there is a common contact with life; there is a common body of hope; there is a common stock or resolutions. All the world over the life of the individual means the same thing to him. It means opportunity not only, but it also means his relationship to others, and he comes to his full dignity only when he stands upon the same level with others and, looking in his neighbor's eye, knows that he belongs with him to a common, free community of purpose and thought and action. [Applause].

"The peace of the world is not going to be assured by the compact of nations, but by the sympathies of men.  [Applause].

Deplores All Divisions.

"I was present once at a very interesting little conference on foreign mission.  The conference was the most interesting of the kind I have ever attended, because the purpose of it was to wipe out the line between Christian churches in the work in foreign fields and, forgetting denominational differences, unite in a common enterprise of enlightening the world with the Spirit of Christ, and I could not help saying that, while I entirely sympathized with the purpose of the conference and hoped it might b e realized, I hoped that hose who were converted by these kindly  united influences in foreigh fields would not come and look at us [laughter], because while we were united, for their benefit, we were divided for our disadvantage.
"And so sometimes when I see the Statue of Liberty and think of the thrill that must come into some hopeful heart as for the first time an immigrant sees that Statue and thinks that he knows what it means, I wonder if after he lands he finds the spirit of Liberty truly represented by us.  I wonder if we are worthy of that symbol: I wonder if we are sufficiently stirred by the history of it, by the history of what it means: I wonder if we remember the sacrifices, the mutual concessions, the righteous yielding of selfish right that is signified by the word and conception of Liberty.

" I wonder if we all wish to accord equal rights to all men, and so it is profitable that occasions like this should be frequently repeated and that we should remind ourselves of what sort or image we have promised to be; for the world is enlightened, my fellow citizens, by ideals, by ideas.  The spirit of the world rises with the sacrifices of men, the spirit of the world rises as men forget to be selfish and unite to be great [applause]. This, to repeat that beautiful phase of Lincoln's in his Gettysburg address, is not a time of self-adulation, but a time of rededication. Let us determine that the life that shines out of our lives upon the uplifted image of Liberty shall be a light pure and without reproach." [Great applause.]

A feature of the dinner was the appearance there of Miss Ruth Law, who was tastefully gowned in a light blue evening dress.  Mayor Mitchel, who presided at the dinner, introduced her to the assembled guests, who had just reached the salad course.  The slight little woman, wearing eyeglasses, was cheered to the echo by the throng, most of whom had witnessed her marvellous performance less than three hours before.  There were twelve hundred persons present and all joined in the shout of welcome accorded the aviatrice.

President Wilson rose and shook Miss Law's hand.  "I am very glad to meet you: you are a brave girl," he said, and Mrs. Wilson added the tribute, "It was a beautiful flight you made, my dear." The Cabinet officers and Ambassador Jusserand and Mme. Jursserand flocked about her and to their inquires if she were not afraid to do such hazardous manoeuvres the girl laughingly replied that there was nothing to fear.  Miss Law left without partaking of the dinner.

With Clippings Referring to the Assassination of Monarchs in His Pocket, Man Who Gives His Name as Jacob Acks Insists That He Must Give a Letter to Mr. Wilson and Is Arrested, but Found To Be Unarmed.

With clippings referring to the assassination of European monarchs in his pocket and a letter in his hand which he insisted he must deliver to President Wilson, a long haired, strange looking man gained unbidden entrance to the Liberty Alight dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria last night, given by the Mayor's Committee of Two Hundred, and was arrested. 

He was taken to the Night Court, where he was accused of disorderly conduct. A further accusation by the police was that he was "arrested at the Waldorf-Astoria at nine-twenty o'clock, where he tried to force his way into the banquet hall and give a letter to the President of the United States, and where he used loud and boisterous language."

The prisoner gave his name as Jacob Acks, twenty-nine years old, of No.610 East 140th street. He said he was a contractor. No weapons were found on him, but his pockets were stuffed with newspaper accounts of President Wilson's whereabouts and other clippings that referred to the murder of various named and unnamed monarchs of Europe. There was also a letter addressed to President Wilson. It was incoherent, but a few passages here and there indicated that the man had a brother in prison somewhere and sought the President's interest in gaining his liberty. 

Just ow the main gained admission to the hall is a mystery. The hotel was alive with policemen, detectives and secret service men. All the doors of the place were guarded by a special men.

E.J. Smith and John Dillon, house detectives, were standing by the main door leading to the banquet hall when they noticed Acks walking toward the entrance. He was long haired and in evening dress, but his whole get-up was entirely out of keeping with the persons with the persons who were in the ballroom. Mr. Smith asked him what he wanted and received an unsatisfactory reply that he ordered Acks away. In some way he returned without being seen by the detectives and was discovered suddenly by M. Smith making his way through the tables and among the diners on the east side of the banquet hall.

Before Mr. Smith could reach him Acks had gained a position about a hundred feet away from where the President was seated on the raised dias with the other guests.

"Where are you going?" asked Smith.

"I want to see the President. I have a letter here for him," replied Acks.

"Come with me down stairs," said Smith.

"But I must deliver this letter," returned the intruder.

Most of the diners were moving about rearranging their seats for the speaking that was about to begin, so few persons noticed that anything unusual was happening. Smith turned the man and led him back into the corridor and told Captain William Henry, of the Secret Service. The group then went to the offices, where the man was questioned fruitlessly. Acks then was turned over to the police and taken to the Night Court.

So smoothly and so well did the detectives do their work that President Wilson did not observe the incident, not did he know of it until after the dinner was over.

Aboard the Presidential yacht, the Mayflower, as she lay a few cable lengths eastward of Liberty Island, President Wilson last evening touched a button connected with the yacht's wireless at exactly five minutes before six o'clock. 

Responding instantly to the signal, Bartholdi's towering Statue of Liberty sprang into almost noonday brilliance.  The liens of the inspiring figure stood silhouetted against the dark background of sky and water in radiant beauty.

The goddess whom France and America alike worship had never before been so luminously draped, while the torch she upholds to the world, hitherto at best little more than a tallow dip, flamed for the first time since it was lifted, a generation ago, with the concentrated power of fifteen 500 candle power electric lamps- the brightest star in the firmament of a city and a harbor all aglow with festival illumination.

Timed to the second came the whirring of aerial motors overhead.  The light of a single lamp, spiralling about the mustered naval vessels and the upper harbor, swept through space with the speed of the eagle.  It was Miss Ruth Law gracing the occasion by an exhibition flight in the overworked little aeroplane in which she recently established American records for cross country aviation.

From the decks of the Mayflower and the old mine layer San Francisco, which in the absence of the Dolphin, now undergoing repairs, served Secretary Daniels, Secretary Redfield, members of the Mayor's Committee of Two Hundred and scores of other guests as their vantage point for the spectacle, thousands of eager eyes followed that darting, swinging, diving light as it sped through space.

Thousands in Battery Park.
Other thousands densely packed in Battery Park and in the lofty buildings of downtown Manhattan, each with its windows alight from basement to roof; blue-jackets thronging the decks of the great dreadnoughts New York and Texas, which lay at anchor of Liberty Island - all watched Miss Law's shooting star.  Aloft there in her spider web vehicle, she had eyes only for the Statue of Liberty.  As she swung in from the eastward, where the Brooklyn Bridge spanned the river like a diadem of jewels she darted toward Liberty Island just as she caught the flash of the splendid illumination. 

Then Miss Law touched some mysterious button on her swirling areoplane.  The one dim pilot light she had been carrying was eclipsed in a shower of sparks.  From the height of nearly a thousand feet at which she was flying came a dazzling shower of golden rain, sweeping onward toward the island almost with the speed of light itself.

The trail of fire, like the twin tails of a comet, was now passing across the island, its sparks falling at the feet of the colossal statue just as they burned out, and int their place, stretching from tip to tip across the planes of the flying machine, glowed in letters of light the word "Liberty," A few minutes later, amid the din of screeching stream whistles and the criss-crossing of shafts from a dozen powerful searchlights directed upon the scene from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island and the New Jersey shore.  Miss Law volpaned directly between two bonfires lighted on the avaition field of Governor's Island to guide her descent.

Upon the decks of the Mayflower, where Mayor Mitchel and Mrs. Mitchel, Ambassador Jusserand, of France, and other dignitaries stood beside the President and his party, superlatives failed.  So they did in the overcrowded forecastle and on the quarterdeck of the San Francisco.  But all agreed that never had a more beautiful marine spectacle been witnessed in New York waters.

Through all the great skyscrapers of lower Manhattan were vying with one another in splendor and the Woolworth tower was a dream of fairylike beauty, a sight that inspired favorable comment from all was the illuminated flag flying from the top of the Bowling Green Building.  As the strong northwest breeze made it strain at its halliards, its rippling folds were illuminated by concealed searchlights, so that it crowned the scintillating tip of Manhattan like a patriotic beacon.

President Wilson arrived from Washington at eighteen minutes past three o'clock in the afternoon.  Accompanying him were Mrs. Wilson, Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Helen Bones Woodrow and Dr. Cary T. Grayson, White House physician.  At the Pennsylvania station the President was welcomed by Mayor Mitchel and members of the Mayor's Committee, while so large a crowd had gathered that the police detail had to establish lines to keep them in-check.  It was the first time Mr. Wilson since his re-election had come to New York on an official mission. Amid the hearty cheers of the crowd and with a police escort clearing the way, the President was driven in an automobile rapidly to the West Seventy-ninth street naval landing.

President is Cheered.
There and all they [[the]] way along the route through the upper west side enormous crowds had lined the sidewalks to cheer Mr. Wilson as he sped past.  At the landing stage the Presidential party was escorted to a naval barge commonly used by the ranking officer of the Connecticut.  With the Presidential flag- the spread eagle on a field of blue with four stars at the corners- flying from the taffrail, Mr. Wilson was soon alongside the Mayflower's starboard gangway.  As he set foot upon the deck of the yacht every naval ship in the river simultaneously fired the national salute of twenty-one guns.  From the six and eight pounders on the bridges of the battle ships, the Connecticut, the Wyoming and the Kentucky, the smoke flashed alternately with clocklike precision, while the crews of each were drawn up at attention, manning the rail, from the time the barge started toward the Jersey shore until the Presidential flag came down from  the taffrail and was broken out at the Mayflower's main.

The Mayflower herself was not a whit behind the battle ships, her buglers blowing a ruffle and her guns barking the salute in unison with those of the mine layer San Francisco and of the little Yankton, which came into the service as a converted yacht during the emergency days of the Spanish War. 

Ten minutes after the President and his party had gone aboard the Mayflower another admiral's barge came dancing across the water flying the flag of the Secretary of the Treasury - a catted anchor in the center of a blue field with four starred corners.  Mr. Daniels was received with the honors due his rank on the quarter deck of the San Francisco, and then the heavily laden naval tug bearing the committeemen and their guests, among them a host of appreciative and rosy cheeked women, who wore becoming furs to protect them against the nipping wind, was permitted to run alongside the mine layer and discharge her cargo of sightseers.  Secretary Daniels was accompanied by Mrs. Daniels, their son, Josephus, Jr., and by Lieutenant Commander McCandless, his naval aid, William C. Redfield, Secretary of Commerce and Labor, was accompanied by Mrs. Redfield.

Abeam of the island the Texas and the New York, levithans of the dreadnought fleet, were radiant in evening dress, their lines alow and aloft, their basket masts turrets, 14-inch guns, smokestacks, jack-staff and taffrail all traced in electric brilliance.  At her forepeak the Texas showed in red electric lights a replica of her red pennant won by battle efficiency and between her stacks swung in red fly the big "E" to which she is entitled because of engineering efficiency in the competitive trials.

When the President and the other guest disembarked at Pier A, at the Battery, at ten minutes past seven o'clock, he was cheered by fifteen thousand waiting persons who had lingered after seeing the illumination from a distance to see Mr. Wilson enter his automobile.  Seventy-five vehicles were filled by the entire party.  These, preceded by an escort of mounted policemen, then followed the brightly lighted route from the pier to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

The present method of illuminating the Statue of Liberty is regarded as the climax of three years of effort and development in the art of what is called flood lighting, which consists in bathing the object to be illuminated with light from powerful concealed projectors.

[[image]] FINE ARTS.
Charles of London
718 Fifth Avenue
Special Exhibition of Old English MARBLE MANTEL PIECES

Fire on the East Side; Police Seek for Dead
Forty Families Are Trapped in Tenement House at Chrystie and East Houston Streets as Flames Shoot Upward Swiftly.

Their escape from the rooms on the upper floors cut off by smoke and flame, several persons are believed to have perished, many were seriously injured and a dozen rescues were made by policemen and firemen early this morning when fire destroyed the double tenement house at the southeast corner of Chrystle and East Houston street. It was reported that panic stricken tenants were leaping to safety from flame scorched rooms and that ambulance surgeons from six hospitals were removing the injured persons for treatment at the hospitals.

The fire started in the hallway on the first floor of the tenement house.  A passerby who saw the flames ran shouting through the house.

While terror stricken members of the forty families in the house fled into the smoke filled hallways a policeman turned in an alarm.

Fire Spreads Fast.
The flames spread rapidly, passing up through air shafts and hallways.  By the time the first engines arrived flames were pouring from windows of the three lower floors and the roof and upper floor windows were filled with frightened men, women and children.

A second and third alarm were turned in by the first battalion chief to arrive on the scene.  Reserves were called from the three nearby precincts to handle the crowds that filled the streets.  

While firemen were preparing to raise a ladder to the windows on the fourth floor, Mary Scheinauchiu, twenty-three years old, leaped to the street from a window ledge.  She was unconscious when picked up by policemen and was removed to Gouverneur Hospital in a dying condition.

Policemen Save Twenty-Five.
The lives of at least twenty-five persons were saved by Policemen Frank O'Hara and Nathaniel Whitman, who were on duty a block away when the fire was discovered.  The policemen made their way to the roof of the house at No. 230 Chrystie srteet [[street]] and with boards broken from a skylight constructed a bridge over the fifteen foot space between the two houses. Over this bridge they carried many women and children.  They were aided in the rescue by Charles Sippola, and his brother, Salvador.

While the fire was at its height, Fireman Charles Roth, in charge of a crew of pipemen at the top of a forty foot ladder, heard screams for help coming from a room on the fifth floor.  Breaking the glass of a window, he entered the room and dragged Mrs. Caroline Arsella, eighty years old, to the fire escape landing.  The woman, suffering from shock and burns, was carried to an ambulance.

Every effort was made by firemen to keep the flames from spreading to adjoining tenement houses.  Early in the progress of the fire, dozens of families were ordered to the street by Deputy Chief "Smokey Joe" Martin.

A short distance from the burning building is the "Three Deuces," the tenement house at No. 222 Chrystie street, where twenty-seven persons have met death as a result of fires, murders and accidents.

Novelist's First Wife Refuses to Give Over Daughters to Second Wife.
OAKLAND, Cal., Saturday - Mrs. Bessie M. London, first wife of Jack London, declared to-day that she would not turn over the custody of her two daughters, Joan and Bess London, to Mrs. Charmion K. London, widow, as requested in the writer's will.  Mrs. London said that she had been amply provided for in a property settlement made with her one-time husband years ago.

"I have means to support my two daughters and myself, and we will continue to live quietly here.  Under no circumstances will I ever give up the custody of my two daughters," said Mrs. London.